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let me know if youd like me to go over any of the asteroid gods/goddesses i have already covered, in terms of their retrograde, so i know that youre interested in a part 2! please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! * Vertex conjunct the DC Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. they are less likely to pay it forward to others - it may be due to past experiences, no good deed goes unpunished. their judgment may be either too realistic or too impractical. funnily enough, you are likely not a crowd person - it likely makes you rather uncomfortable to have so much attention. Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. You can essentially read the composite chart like any other astrological chart or like a natal chart for the relationship. However there are certain parts of the composite chart that are seen as very indicative for the relationship. the 5h with a venus ruled degree is well deserved for this authors placement in my chart (i tend to look at the placement of creatives as though it is telling me that i would or do like the creatives work - you could look at any writers asteroid like that including byron who we talked about in this post). you may be viewed as incredibly charming and graceful. she ran, she kicked, she screamed, etc. 1h chiron or chiron-asc; to me this could make you appear as someone who dotes on others (aka the husband). if we all have equality then we can all just worry about ourselves - like do you ever notice how life gets more difficult when others are trying to control how other people are living? for those of you wondering, yes, every partner i have had only ever wants to touch and look at me lol. His work influenced the Western art movements at the time - more particularly humanism (emphasizes the potential of humans) and naturalism (emphasizes reality of the subject matter). The word nostalgia originated from the Greek words nostos and algos - which become returning home to pain. A Mercury Trine Sun synastry suggests mutual understanding, which fosters respect in marriage. thats enough from me. The balance of day and night is what keeps the earth fertile. For men, it also signifies his wife. i feel like thats a common trend for JUPITER retrograde people. they are likely always early or always late. i do think i set a standard for the type of partner i want very strictly though (no shit 7h, 25, libra - thats all). And one can find the perfect match with the help of marriage horoscope by name. House for Marriage: As per Vedic astrology, the 7th house is the main house of marriage. she was anything but stoic then - she created stoic statues, yes, but she had so much repressed emotional energy plus hatred and fear over what was happening to her she just popped - you too may have those moments when the world just goes dark and you rampage, sulk, or whatever you need to do to let it ALL out. after your death, you may be revived in other peoples memory in a more positive light. medusa lived in the temple of athena with fellow worshippers - they all had mutual respect but not much is written about friendship or sisterhood so one could assume it was mostly respect and common ideals that bonded them and not much else. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time that if you dont mediate the situation, youll grapple to keep what already is there until it vanishes. i feel like my placement relays a similar story of over-analysis (cucula trine moon and mercury) which causes inaction and isolation (cucula square pluto and chiron) which ultimately leads to demise :). or everyone else? choose your joy first. you may have a bit of nervous energy that makes you fear like others are out to get you and you might just be spot on - it may be a medusa and poseidon type of deal: hes following me, he wants to hurt me, where do i go? But this was before I knew indicators that astrology isnt set in stone. fertility is a problem for more people than you think but we are blessed to live in a world where there are options: adoption, fostering, surrogacy, IVF, etc. Davison Relationship Chart. For example, my sun is 3 in Virgo, and my boyfriends sun is 8 in Aries. moments like athena disapproving of her and her getting angry then finding her way back to athena, may be familiar to you. So, the composite charts sun will be at the midpoint between Person As sun and Person Bs sun. evaluate how you go about your life - improve where you can. these people may have a hated or fear of swimming due to past experiences where they nearly drowned or did drown. a feminine figure in your life may betray you in the worse way possible. This term is most commonly used in impermanent relationships. * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus you may attract a lot of obsessive people - definitely not in a good way. i just wanted to step in here and clarify some things. where dostoevsky is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in cancer at 14 - bruh i vibe with fyodor. i, like tolstoy, believe in toppling governments and the deconstruction of institutions - i belief that there will alway be a chain of command but that we should move towards transcendentalism. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. thank you in advance. you decide what happens next. you may be rather introverted and find yourself doing very little socializing. wandering around may help you to work through your strained thoughts to gain perspective. posts i love to reference that arent mine! It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. MARS: retrograde occurs roughly every two years for around two to three months. On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin and Armstrong made the first moonwalk and became the first humans to set foot on another world. negative aspects: you may be seen as the person who betrayed someone in a higher position of power. another fun one is an asteroid named endo - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. please read the MERCURY section as well because MERCURY is the roman aspect of hermes. you may not notice the beauty you have because you are fully invested in your role. WRONG. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. my aqua persona chart, jupiter leo 11 in 5th house do aspects effect as well ? RETROGRADEMAKES ALL OF THESE THINGS LISTED BELOW SUPER STRESSFUL OR SLOW TO APPEAR IN YOUR LIFE !!! not to be pitiful but i tend to be given the grunt work or jobs no one else wants to do. rest and care for yourself - have a lot of downtime, eat well, and do low-intensity exercise. make to-do lists. show up somewhere late for the early bird and show up somewhere early for the late comer. MARS retrograde may not be the best of times for asserting yourself with doctors (unless you are a MARS retrograde native) BUT perhaps its a great time to look into symptoms yourself! they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. where educatio is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 14 - lol this poor asteroid is conjunct venus, pluto, and chiron. positive aspects: you may receive a fresh start or opportunity in the environment that youve always dreamed about (could be aboard or for schooling). If you would like to see your natal chart with any of the following minor aspects added, go to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to Additional Objects and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. you may cause people in a public setting to step back or flee from your presence. turned people to stone without a single bat of an eye. Lova is an asteroid with no known origin but is most similar to the word lover. you are likely very religiously devoted. More cell death leads to your ultimate dying. this is enforced by the cheshirecat sextile mercury - i tend to confuse a lot of people when giving advice that ends up being just what they needed (also confirmed in the persona chart with a 3h stellium (moon, venus, uranus, and neptune). you may find yourself in a poverty-stricken area reviving old things to be new once more. Under such aspects, not only are political systems ready for overhaul. my DNA asteroid semi-squares uranus and uranus has a decent control over circulatory systems. creating your own shorthand when writing notes. there is a high probability that you may be accused of false passion and loyalty due to this. One can know about bodily features of spouse from 7th house, 8th house in a birth chart indicates background of the spouse. someones gotta acknowledge it, right? depending on placement if may be someone you already know. Certain minor asteroids can help you learn more about different aspects of your life and can serve as indicators in your chart. FOR ALL THE GODS SAKES PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF WHAT WE ARE LOOKING AT. my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. but similar to this mythical character when something negative occurs you may find that people who know your family compare you to a member (most often it will be your mother); you are just like your father, youre your mothers daughter alright, etc. medusa-mc: positive aspects: you may be seen as someone to look up to in terms of your values. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. she got a lot of hate for the change that was forced on her, but no one stopped to wonder if she was okay - no one questioned, is she scared? yea, im convinced that im going to meet my romantic partner in business-like setting - its all too earthy to be anything else (PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG). word may travel quickly about your presence alerting everyone where you are. you may have trouble sticking up for yourself - she didnt try to make her case known to athena, she simply accepted the punishment that she didnt deserve. feel free to use the following to analyze your natal chart, solar returns, or as a survival guide during retrograde periods! These couples are attracted to each other instantly. make sure you are being safe. out for a walk? positive aspects: you may have a lot of sex appeal without even trying. if you have a question regarding the sign, house, and/or aspects of an asteroid, please just ask the question in the comments. party ? make a list of ideas as they arise. if you are a writer, you may write what you never say, if you are an artist, you may show emotion you never would otherwise, etc. The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other.

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