is sandalwood safe for cats

It also increases blood circulation and improves the skin's general condition. And perhaps I am more concerned about scents than some because my mother was an asthmatic who was extremely sensitive to all odors, and as a veterinarian, I know the negative impact some scents have on pets. Essential oils that are toxic to felines include: Owning a cat doesnt mean you can never use these oils. NOTE: If you notice any of your pets experiencing breathing issues (panting, abdominal breathing, or abnormal gum color), contact a veterinarian immediately. -- then consider the following potential reasons. Sandalwood incense is a common way for many people to freshen up their homes and keep their living areas smelling nice. Some of the dangers associated with essential oils for cats include the following: A large majority of essential oils contain compounds that cats have no way of digesting. Sadly, inappropriate litter box use is one of the most common reasons cats are surrendered to animal shelters each year. It has a variety of benefits, including being able to help soothe and calm the mind, as well as relieve stress. Pennyroyal oil. The oil is extracted from the heartwood and used in perfumes, cosmetics, and incense. Sandalwood is a popular essential oil that is used in many different ways. This type of diffuser uses airflow to spread the scent of the oil into the atmosphere. I then remembered the sample candle, and within an hour, the "smell of death" (the dog survived!) Individually, sandalwood oil and incense sticks are dangerous to use around cats. An estimated 10% of all cats will experience elimination issues at some point in their lives. Yes, some oils are safe to use around cats. However, some are riskier than others, meaning they are more likely to cause issues even if diluted. Sandalwood essential oil is extracted from the bark of true varieties of the sandalwood tree. Peppermint oil. Your go-to resource for all things pets, right to your inbox, every week. With an uptick in online retailers and a renewed interest in natural health care, essential oils are more accessible than ever. If you can identify a cause, you may be able to take some steps to reduce the shedding and minimize the amount of cat hair that ends up scattered around your house. Please share your experiences and stories, your opinions and feedback about this blog, or what you've learned that you'd like to share with others. This may be my all-time favorite. Like many issues concerning health and well-being, the answer differs from cat to cat. However, they do recommend following label instructions for use, never spraying directly on pets, and noting that there could be some mild skin irritation if your pets come into contact with Febreze while it's still wet, as well as minor stomach upset if it's ingested. To apply something topically means to apply something onto the skin. Plus, it may kill adult fleas, which will help you A quick and easy method of deodorizing your home that many pet owners swear by is using baking soda. And with new content being added every day, there's always something new to discover. Even better, you can use flameless candles, which will also eliminate the candle smoke that can irritate a cat or dog's respiratory system, leading to worsening of any existing asthma, bronchitis, tracheal (windpipe) problems, or other conditions of their respiratory system. It can also support wound healing and protect against cancer. However, as with any essential oil, it is important to do your research and use caution when using it around your pets. See our advertising disclosure. If you live with cats, there's a good chance that there are unpleasant smells in your home you'd like to mask. Featured Image Credit: Use at your Ease, Pixabay. Using incense dates back as far as ancient China, where it was used for worship and prayer. For dogs, popular oils can include lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, sandalwood, geranium, chamomile and bergamot. If you cannot live without a particular oil, you can use it with certain precautions. Katelyn Son is a holistic pet wellness expert and the Content Manager for, a publishing organization that lives by the guiding principle of "pets are family. WebSandalwood Sassafras Tarragon Thyme Wormwood Ylang Ylang In addition to this list, the ASPCAhas a complete list of plants and other substances toxic to cats. I started using it because I had a sample candle sent to me that I'd forgotten about. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. It can also cause seizures and death. Turkey Sandalwood & Vanilla Fragrance Oil From 1.99 Quick Shop Fresh Featured Products. Geranium promotes a healthy coat and skin If you have dogs in your home, speak with your veterinarian before treating them with tea tree oil, as your kitty may ingest the tea tree oil when grooming the dog. When in doubt, always err on the side of diluting more than less. For dogs, popular oils can include lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, sandalwood, geranium, chamomile and bergamot. The concentration (i.e., amount of dilution) and type of oil are extremely important, but so too is the quality of the oil, the ventilation in the room, and a host of other factors. The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Animals Happy & Healthy.PawTracks brings inspiration, tips, the best products on earth to ensure our readers and their pets are happy and healthy. Check out these "7 Ways to Reduce Litter Box Smell (and Messes).". The air filled with the scent is expelled at intervals making it ideal for use around pets. It can, for example, cause allergic reactions, such as contact dermatitis. Top 8 Oils for Cats and Dogs and Their Benefits Fish Oil. Geranium is a sweeter-smelling option that heals wounds and has an overall calming action. If you can't do without a regular flame candle, opt for "cleaner-burning" candles that are made from soy, beeswax, or vegetable wax. Some people believe that sandalwood can cause skin reactions and severe eye irritation, while others believe that it is perfectly safe. Although these results are based on human beings, cats can heavily benefit from them too. You probably know that cats have some of the most sensitive noses in the pet world. They are used in According to Pet Poison Helpline, some of the components that cats find hard to metabolize include phenols, phenolic compounds, and d-limonenes. Always check the phenol content of an oil. The best way to determine if an essential oil is safe for your cat is to consult with your veterinarian. Sandalwood isnt the only oil that is toxic to cats. They have car fresheners too. Some people believe that sandalwood can cause allergic reactions, while others believe that it is perfectly safe. These are simple diffusers where a small reed is dipped in a bottle with the oil. Using Sandalwood Essential Oil Safely. Fortunately, there are plenty of safe ways to keep your house smelling pleasant that dont involve sandalwood incense or other dangerous fragrances. Does a sniff of peppermint invigorate you? Just like with people, cats and dogs can all have their scent preferences and aversions. Our analysis found 133 different VOCs emitted from the 25 products, with an average of 17 VOCs per product. Not all cats have respiratory illnesses but some do. If you do decide to use sandalwood essential oil around your pet, make sure to diluted properly and only use a small amount. Essential oils in potpourri pose the same risks to pets mentioned above. Yes, you can diffuse peppermint around cats. 249.76 million Americans used air freshener sprays and room deodorizers in 2020, cause health problems in 20% of the human population and 35% of those with asthma, less than 10% of their ingredients are disclosed, study that tested top-selling air fresheners and laundry detergents, 7 Ways to Reduce Litter Box Smell (and Messes). A thorough physical exam, patient history, and an established veterinary-patient-client relationship is required to provide specific medical advice. Experts at Preventative Vet say incense can be harmful, and here are the reasons why: Before you reach for the nearest air freshener or light up a candle instead, you should know these methods can be as unhealthy for your cat as burning incense. Diffusing oils around your house should be safe for cats, since the oil is extremely diluted, and not directly applied or used as dietary supplements. But does the benefit of having a pleasant-smelling home outweigh the potential health risk that burning incense poses for your cat? These are likely the reasons that 249.76 million Americans used air freshener sprays and room deodorizers in 2020, with a projected increase in 2024 to 255.88 million. They are fragrant, natural, and quite effective in treating joint pain, repelling bugs, making the home smell good, flavoring food, and easing stress. Cats are great at getting onto high surfaces and into small spaces, so you can never be too careful when storing essential oils. Be sure to choose only 100% pure essential oils and those that are safe for your pet. While cleaning up is never pleasant, it can save you hassle later when you have to battle invisible odors. Doing research on the subject will leave you equally or even more confused as you will encounter both sides of the argument. WebThese Essential Oils Are Dangerous for Cats: ( Source ), ( Source ), ( Source ), ( Source) Dilution for Cats The recommended dose is to use 1 Tablespoon of a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil) to one drop of essential oil. For dogs, popular oils can include lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, sandalwood, geranium, chamomile and bergamot. At 100% concentration, any essential oil can potentially harm your cat. What Is The Difference Between Bonding And HardWall. Bring a pot of water to a boil, and add apples or vanilla. The scents themselves can also cause stress or airway irritation for your cats and dogs, depending on how strongly scented the candles are and with which scents. The short answer is, peppermint oil is sadly not safe for cats. These oils are known to contain phenols and be toxic to cats: 1 Wintergreen oilPeppermint oilCitrus oil (including lemon oil)Tea tree oil (melaleuca oil)Pine oilEucalyptus oilCinnamon oilPennyroyal oilSweet birch oilClove oilMore items When you share your life with cats, you expect to deal with some shedding. It is, therefore, safe to assume that cats can tolerate sandalwood oil. 2. the cationic detergents that allow the oils and water to come together. Dogs with sensitive airways like those with a collapsing trachea, kennel cough, allergic bronchitis, and others can experience the same problems. It can be used topically (diluted) or diffused into the air. Another hazard to keep in mind is if pets decide to chew on a plug-in air freshener. -Do your research! It has a woody, sweet smell that many people find relaxing. Of these 133 VOCs, 24 are classified as toxic or hazardous under U.S. federal laws, and each product emitted at least one of these compounds. This means that it is unlikely to cause any serious side effects if your cat ingests it. You can also follow Dr. Janet Roark "The Essential Oil Vet." Many artificial air fresheners, even some that are green or organic, actually dont freshen or clean the air. You can also freshen the air by making your own air freshener. It is particularly helpful for cats that may suffer from inflammation of the skin. All of these "smelly goods" that we love to use have been found to cause health problems in 20% of the human population and 35% of those with asthma. Is chocolate toxic for cats like it is for dogs? Left unchecked, dust can make a home smell musty and, understandably, affect the air quality in your home. Essential Oils That Arent Safe For Cats The majority of essential oils, including many of the most popular types, are considered toxic and unsafe for cats. When diluted, it can be applied to the skin or diffused into the air. Here are some things to keep in mind when using essential oils around your cat: Essential oils should never be applied directly to your cats skin. For example, lavender oil can help to soothe and calm your kitty, while lemon oil can help to freshen up their coat. The expiration date on food is there for a reason. The smoke can act as an irritant, which may cause your cat to cough or have an allergic reaction. When you are preparing your recipes, be sure to keep your pets from sampling the ingredients. Geranium. For this reason, this diffuser would not be suitable for use around cats. For some, it can irritate or even stress them out. Learn more about moving, transporting, and helping your cat settle into a new home with these tips on relocating with your pet. She graduated from North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine and following graduation, she began her career as an associate veterinarian and worked closely with the local shelter. All rights reserved. Alternative Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Nice, Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? However, just because these oils are derived from plants doesnt make them healthy, or even safe, for your cat. Burning incense in the home Beyond the dangers of incense, the sandalwood fragrance is also a problem for cats. It can also cause seizures and Our mission is to provide pet parents just like you with the most up-to-date expert information and resources you need to make better, more informed decisions that support the health and happiness of your companion animals. Cedar-wood essential oil - Since it does not contain phenols, this oil is safe for your cat. In 2007 she accomplished her dream of practice ownership, designing and building her own clinic. Not all plant oils are essential oils. A pet lover, Oluwatosin is a biotechnologist and a professional writer and editor who has written about animals for many years. A Sampler Pack Of 6 Popular Essential Oils: Lagunamoon Essential Oil Set. Even though incense can be relaxing for us, it is not safe for cats. This type of application is mostly used for those looking to get rid of fleas and other insects or parasites on the cats skin. About our Ads. Examples are cedarwood oil, lemongrass oil, and jasmine oil. If you are diffusing essential oils around your house, make sure that your cat has a place to go that is free from the fragrance. WebEven having essential oils being diffused around cats can be toxic to them due to the fact that they are breathing it in via the air. All we can do is trust the research that has been conducted so far and hope for the best. Did you know that less than 10% of their ingredients are disclosed to the public?? Product Reviews for the MAUI JIM SANDALWOOD 217 Sunglasses in color 17 : Please fill in the following to begin: Email Is Sandalwood safe for dogs smell? However, like all essential oils, it can pose a threat if used wrongly. Santalols actually have cancer-preventive properties as have been shown in this study. If the potpourri mix includes harder items like miniature pine cones or bark chips, these could potentially lodge in your dogs throat and cause breathing difficulties. Is sandalwood incense safe for cats? Essential oils, in general, arent considered to be friendly around cats. For green products, emissions of these compounds were not significantly different from the other products.. We often feel they are safer since they burn without an active flame, like a candle. 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? So it's a bit of trial-and-error, I'm afraid. Is it safe to smudge around dogs? I added some Coconut to give it an even warmer side and now it reminds me of the ocean on a warm summer night. "When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain," explained Harpreet Gujral, a program director of integrative medicine, in Health at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Before you go looking for something to light or spray to cover up the smell, take a few simple "housekeeping" steps to eradicate and prevent those nasty smells in the first place. Place a bandage over the spot, and check for any reactions such as redness, itching, or inflammation. However, the area of the brain that analyzes odor is 40 times larger in dogs than in people. Rose. If you're wondering, "Why is my cat shedding so much?" But I feel it is important that everyone, for the sake of their pets and themselves, is aware of the potential harms of scents. -Frankincense: This oil comes from the resin of the frankincense tree and has a wide range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, boosting immunity and promoting relaxation. Dont get me wrong; I like things to smell as wonderful as the next person. However, this study was not conclusive and more research needs to be done in order to say for sure whether or not sandalwood can cause eye irritation. If you plan to use any of the items listed below, please be aware of the potential problems of doing so and take the necessary precautions so that they don't wind up sickening or injuring your pets. While there are plenty of foods you won't be able to share with your feline friend, finding Thanksgiving food safe for cats is easier than you think. If it is too strong for you, it is overwhelming and irritating to your cat. Good ventilation is essential. Essential oils that are toxic to dogs Although dogs do not have the enzyme deficiency seen in cats, they can still be at risk when encountering essential oils. Keeping the house clean is a surefire way to tackle bad smells before they have a chance to set in. Find out from the following posts: Hi! Make sure you know what oil you are using and that it is safe for your particular pet. WebArrives by Fri, Mar 10 Buy Herb & Root Talc Free Perfumed Body Dusting Powder Pack of 3 with Rose, Lavender, and Sandalwood at Sandalwood & Vanilla Fragrance Oil From 1.99 Quick Shop Fresh Featured Products. If you suspect your cat has consumed incense, contact your veterinarian immediately. Sandalwood is one popular essential oil in most homes. The issue concerning the safety of essential oils for cats is a very controversial one, to say the least. Sometimes, the bad smell is a result of your cat vomiting or another pet-related accident that left an odor clinging to the carpet or couch. Some essential oils can be toxic if ingested, and even if they are safe for ingestion, giving your cat essential oils orally can be very harmful to their digestive system. Just be sure to never use it directly on your cats skin, and always keep an eye on them while theyre around the oil to make sure they dont start showing any adverse effects. The reason I mention them is that if these products can impact people (which we know to be true since they can speak! However, there are precautions you can take if you wish to use essential oils in the home. WebMAUI JIM MAUI CAT III 209 MAUI JIM MAUNA LOA 311 MAUI JIM MAVERICKS 264 MAUI JIM MCGREGOR POINT 291 Our secure checkout is guaranteed to make sure your information is safe and is never shared with third parties. Here's how you can make a DIY air freshener. Cookie Consent Tool. WebIs Sandalwood safe for dogs smell? When incense is burned, it releases polyaromatic hydrocarbons, carbonyls, and benzene, which are suspected carcinogens. While you don't want to serve your cat the crispy skin from a Cajun-fried turkey that's been heavily seasoned with spices, a few bites of turkey meat provide your fur baby with a protein-packed snack. This email address is currently on file. Since pets have a more The answer is "yes." I started this website after my cat, Louie, almost died from a case of botulism (a type of food poisoning often caused by bacteria that grow on food items). Is Rosemary toxic to cats? Yes, eucalyptus oil is toxic for cats. Essential oils like eucalyptus oil, whether taken internally, applied to the skin, or simply inhaled, have been shown to be toxic to cats in studies. Severe liver damage, liver failure, respiratory failure, seizures, and even death can occur as a result of exposure. Proper use involves using the oil in diluted concentrations and storing it safely afterward.The effects of essential oils on cats differ from cat to cat so it is very important to seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian. Since pets have a more acute and powerful sense of smell, they are more susceptible to the effects of smoke. The reeds are placed in the bottle with the oil, and the idea is they soak up the oil like a wick and then diffuse the scent into the air. Pet Safe Incense Sticks . Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. | Hill's Pet, common houseplants that are toxic for cats, Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association (CVMA), Cats are great at getting onto high surfaces, What to Expect at Your Kitten's 6-Month Health Check, Moving & Relocation with Your Cat: Tips & Suggestions, The Importance of Wellness Visits for Your Senior Cat, Wintergreen, peppermint, spearmint and mint. Your experience with essential oils will vary depending on your cats breed, age, size, and health condition. There are many different types of essential oils that can be used around cats, each with its own unique benefits. At Excited Cats, we regularly consult with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts. The candles use a natural enzyme to remove odor, and they're made in the USA. With thousands of articles covering everything from do-it-yourself repairs to tips on parenting, Arew has something for everyone. So, if a diffused essential oil is harmful to them, they may stay in the room and not leave. Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien. The diffuser uses very little oil and only releases a little at a go. A diffuser is a device that converts the oil into a mist and disperses the mist into its surroundings.

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