if i were a scientist, i would invent

c.v. raman the pride of india class-7 1 Answer +1 vote answered Apr 2, 2022 by JiyaRajput (43.9k points) selected Apr 4, 2022 by ShobhitShekhar If I were a scientist, I would like to invent a car that could run with the energy of sunlight but not with diesel or petrol. WRITE AWESOME ESSAY FOR ME. Then I need lots of time off. Prospects of fame, material gains, or otherworldly considerations may lead him away from his right path. Obviously, you (Continue reading) All related (42) Sort Recommended It is believed that we suffer because of the misuse of scientific inventions. 1. With a career in science, you can explore the world, make fascinating discoveries and help improve the lives of others.if I am a scientist essay in Englishif I am a scientist essay in Hindiwhat should I do if I am a scientistparagraph on if I am a scientistif I am a glp scientist I am required toif I have a bachelor of science am I a scientistcan I call myself a scientistcan anyone call themselves a scientistwhen can you consider a person a scientisthow do say, scientisthow to be like a scientistwhen can you consider someone a scientistwhen can you call yourself a scientistwhat if everyone was a scientistJoin this channel to get access to the perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrtqAh9CNStpwpAR1DD098A/join_____________________________________****Visit us on Bodopress***https://www.bodonews.info/_______________________________________+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_https://bodopress.com/_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_Website: https://www.bodopress.com and https://www.bodonews.infoBusiness Inquiries: for Sponsor collaboration: ratikanta280@gmail.com Without pure science, applied science is not possible, but without applied science, pure science is useless. A scientist is also a man subject to these weaknesses. ESA / NASA / CSA. March 4, 2023, 8:30 AM ET. How. . C R. $1.06. MadMadRoger 3 yr. ago. Do you think that humans are required to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, with science? Also, I would curtly refuse to let my discoveries be exploited for immoral or unjust purposes. The process by which learning and teaching take place is called education. Science in the abstract is a non-human force and it is only the scientist-the human embodiment of this mighty force-who can determine whether it will be the benefactor the destroyer of mankind. I would jealously assert and guard my birthright to explore the hidden avenues of knowledge without any let or hindrance from society, State, or the government. If businesses and industries can be selfish, governments and states can be far more treacherous. Science as we know it began with Aristotle in ancient Greece. Who do you think you are? Lack of reading and too much dependency on TV, computers , internet and films, can lead to, India has given to the world a great . For example, I would like to invent a device that gives a ball to play when the bit presses a key and the reader presses another key and the candy presses another key. If you put oil in it, it would blow sky high. The power of science is almost boundless. Write the Summary of 'C.V. My vision for India is peace, prosperity and truth. How are you with really abstract thinking? Maybe, if this education is free, then the country will be a developed country which will take the country in the right direction. Scientists can think differently and creatively, they are highly emotional people. It is a time for privacy but on the other hand there is a lot of peer pressure. It's common knowledge that first. Coming to the governmental power play, during the Second World War, the Germans, Russians, English, Americans and the Japanese used science to reach their own ulterior objectives. Take this quiz, and know. How can I be useful for the protection and preservation of the earth? [PDF] IF I WERE A SCIENTIST: Essay Topics 2023. That is, to teach. I would invent medicines that would make and old The examples of Edison, Galileo and Newton would serve as an unerring source of strength and inspiration to me. age worth living. If I wasn't already a psychologist and neuroscientist, interested in the biophysics of behaviour, I think I'd like to have been an earth scientist, possibly in paleogeology. Posted by michael on Thursday January 15, 2004 @09:19AM from the working-yourself-out-of-a-job dept. I don't have to explain every detail of my work! Pure science has uncovered important facts about the human race and its surroundings. Pure science is the tireless search for truth in search of the mysteries of nature. Inventors and Their Invention Worksheets. But, that would make me look lazy. Probably the private sector, because they might actually make moves on the science that matters if I work for them. an end to human suffering . Jealousy and the desire to climb to the upper social strata often get the better of mans nobler emotions. Modern man lives in an environment that is mainly the creation of modern science. But you need to make sure they're impactful in the right way. As a scientist, I would request all Are you willing to work outside the US in order to get funding? If I had a chance, I would invent a time machine. Your email address will not be published. Thus Hitler and Mussolini were able to harness the best scientific mind to their advantage and to the miseries of mankind. Science is an abstract and is a non-human force and it is only the scientist - the human embodiment of this mighty force - who can determine whether it will be the benefactor or the destroyer of mankind.ch_client="Thangavel1";ch_width=550;ch_height=250;ch_type="mpu";ch_sid="Chitika Default";ch_backfill=1;ch_color_site_link="0000cc";ch_color_title="0000cc";ch_color_border="ffffff";ch_color_text="000000";ch_color_bg="ffffff"; My Ambition : Essays : School Essays : College Essays : English Essays, Essays : School Essays : College Essays : Essays : Articles. My only mission will be to discover every possible secret of nature. It would be faster than a normal car. Answer: I think the most important event is definitely the invention of electricity. F) Happiness Hotspots. Einstein, J.C. Bose and Bhaba will be my models to follow. Students (upto class 10+2) preparing for All Government Exams, CBSE Board Exam, ICSE Board Exam, State Board Exam, JEE (Mains+Advance) and NEET can ask questions from any subject and get quick answers by subject teachers/ experts/mentors/students. It is true that modem scientific research is very expensive and requires huge sums of money. Would be a worshipper of truth for the good of mankind. What is Amanda's speed and velocity?, 2) The force exerted by a dog overcomes the opposing force of a reluctant boy. I would endeavour to be an ideal scientist, a dispassionate explorer of the truth. If you were offered a spot on a one-way trip to Mars, would you take it? Selfishness, ambition, a sense of aggression, jealousy, and the desire to ascend to the upper social strata are often superior to man's noble feelings. They will be really affordable and helpful for the poor people. We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. It would also be fun going back to the past seeing all your favorite moments as a kid. I hope my work only gets better as I age! Digital_Jedi_8468 3 yr. ago. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Welcome to Sarthaks eConnect: A unique platform where students can interact with teachers/experts/students to get solutions to their queries. The examples of Edison, Galileo and Newton would serve as an unerring source of strength . There should be no gap between the rich and the poor. look like? anne boleyn ghost photo With all that power, it still is neutral and calm, but it is only human that can determine whether it stays so. Generally, every human being wishes for peace, progress, abundance, and prosperity. I have one but I only wear it as a joke sometimes. I would invent this because it would be very cool seeing the future events. Your email address will not be published. For this reason, they see what is different and can produce what is needed technically. What happens if Virgin Sulphate is heated. ,In every minor detail of our life science plays a valuable role. Not much, but I'll go places when I have to. Could you hack it as a scientist? Ready 4 the first sad person that's interested. Comes with an assortment of blue flowers & all blue cute set items (+ surprises), cause let's face it.. u cute, even if no one gave you a candy heart that said so. But actual experience shows that mans conduct is not always governed by these noble the spirit of aggression, jealousy and the desire to climb to the upper social strata often get the better of mans nobblers emotions. Now trade and industry together are governed by science. Seeing the world of today and the developments in the scientific fields, I would also love to be a scientist. It is a bold title that wants your direct opinion and for you to express your innermost feelings. Pasteur, Jenner, Davy Madame Curie, Fleming, Einstein, J.C. Bose and Bhaba will be my models to follow. Not if it causes people to read the actual science and learn the facts. what would you invent if you are an inventor? Do you believe science's best use is in saving the world in the here and now? if i am an inventor, i want to invent a medicine that will cure any kinds of cancer cause as of now, no one has cure for it and so i can save many lives by doing this. can I be useful to humanity? 3 Emma Stewart answered on 26 Aug 2013: On the other hand, there are those who look upon science as the chief can of the sufferings of humanity today. Image: Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment/Getty Images. [essay] Role of teacher in moulding a student's life. While applied science and pure science are different, neither is more important. Do you believe you'll do your best work before you are 30? Micha Podsiado. Average salary for Capgemini Invent Data Scientist in Kettering: 52,447. Grade 6 capricorn Scien I aspire that our country should become the largest economy in the world by 2047. If I were a scientist I would create some type of time portal to travel to the past or future. On this proud occasion, I would like to express my vision for India in 2047. Would you be breaking boundaries or just writing accessible best sellers for the average man? Thus Hitler and Mussolini were able to exploit the best scientific brains to their own advantage and to the misery of mankind. What does it taste like? It therefore follows that more than anybody else the scientist exercises the greatest controlling influence over human life today. Hence we need not offer any apologies for wishing to be a scientist. Mine would skilfully miss mist of its targets. Therefore, it follows that more than any other scientist exerts the greatest controlling influence on human life today. Inventors are the people who make Science Fiction a reality. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This usually means being able to design your study, find the most appropriate metrics for assessing data and correctly interpret results. [1] Consider going to science camp during high school. I would vow for science before what my government would describe as a patriotic duty. A child must receive an education so as to develop social awareness, increase in knowledge, better decision-making skills, proficiency order here in work thus becoming a better citizen. How about you? However, if you are familiar with science and have goals that are headed towards a scientific career, it wont be that hard. I couldn't work in the private sector. ; If i were a scientist i would invent essay, apa citation of essays. Answer: If I were a scientist, I would invent a tool especially for children. This might sound unconventional, but I'd go with blue-chip art. Conseils et Informations pour les travaux chez soi. I will firmly defend my birthright to explore the hidden paths of knowledge without any hindrance or hindrance on the part of society, state or government. if i were a scientist, i would inventporter plainte contre son frre pour harclement moral. Now business and industry are by and large governed by science. It's all about lifestyle. Why did you want to invent a new vegetable? Most importantly: is it edible. A Basquiat painting soared 2,209,900% when it was bought for $5,000 and sold for $110,500,000 in 2017. "'Why can't girls be strong and smart?" asked Hannah, innocently. Stephen Lester, science director at the Center . For those that have been already dispersed and continue wreaking havoc, I would work towards solutions on making them less dangerous or not at all. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'englishsummary_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',654,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-medrectangle-3-0'); What the scientist discovers in the set of his laboratory after years of research leads to far-reaching results in our practical life. My sole mission would be to discover every possible mystery of nature. You can do the same thing a scientist does.Having research skills is also fundamental for your career success as a scientist. Through harnessing the powers of nature and using it to the benefit of humans and other living organisms, a lot more can be accomplished. When Edison was twelve, he established a school. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. I will strive to be an ideal scientist, a sincere seeker of truth. Easy Solution Verified by Toppr If I was a scientist, I would like invent a door that would take people anywhere in the world. Also read: My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard 10 lines Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 ( 200 Words) Developing to develop Is the journey of a nation "I" to "me" and "My" to "our" Is the key to mission 2047. Not sure how that could be done, but so much misery has been bought to the world through the invention of these evil things. Now just under 150 years later you are reading information thousands of miles from your location in seconds. As good as anyone interested in science, I suppose. These cases have been the cause of prolonged arguments and debates about the justification of the goodness of science and the negativity of its badness. It, therefore, follows that more than anybody else the scientist exercises the greatest controlling influence over human life today. Scientists conduct research in all fields of science, including physical, mathematical and social fields. So, while dissecting a mouse for the study, Mllgrd noticed something peculiar: a new body part. if i were a scientist, i would inventmills park hotel restaurant. I only travel when it's a big trip! They should understand that they are in a noble profession and the growth and, The period of teenage is a short but a beautiful one. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'englishsummary_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',658,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); I would be a worshipper of truth for the good of mankind. It is true that modern scientific research is very expensive and requires huge sums of money, therefore State encouragement and patronage must be channelised through autonomous academic bodies which may withstand the powerful pressures of the power hungry politicians. welfare of mankind only. daniel thomas peeweetoms 0 sn phm / 0 . What is it called? Nowadays, fabric manufacturers have produced much sturdier fabrics, pen clips are gentler, and pockets are made with a fold and strong stitches, so protectors are no longer needed. The measures outlined above to restore the dignity of science will also serve as proof that there are good scientists that are loyal to chaste science practices. The debate has been on for a long time. Pure science is a relentless search for truth for the discoveries of the mysteries of nature. I would find out where the world ends, where the sky begins, where galaxies meet, and what. Tm kim cc cng vic lin quan n If i were a scientist i would invent hoc thu ngi trn th trng vic lm freelance ln nht th gii vi hn 22 triu cng vic. Do you mind having to deal with people constantly mischaracterizing your work? If yes, why? To what extent will I be in the service of Mother Earth? To what extent I would be at service to mother earth? England and the U.S.A. to invent new machines of death and destruction. You look out for a role model a wrong model can put your life in jeopardy. It is common knowledge that before would war-II, almost an army of scientists were employed in Germany, Russian, Japan, England and the U.S.A. to invent new machines of death and destructions.Thus Hitler, Muslin and Marshal Tito were able to exploit the best scientific brains to their own advantage and to the misery of mankind. "It's a little like cooking: (I)f you mix salt and water, you kind of know what you're gonna get, but mixing two complex recipes together might give more unpredictable results," said study . The one that will leave your mouth open and make life easier 20 Interesting Inventions. Not immediately, but it should eventually. See answer (1) Copy. 7) A tent is easy to carry and set up. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'englishsummary_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',655,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-medrectangle-4-0'); A scientist is also a man subject to these weaknesses. generalkiddo 3 yr. ago. My sole purpose would be focusing on science despite my financial situation, prejudice, or other social injustice. All the people of that country must be educated in many circumstances, they are not able to get it. Bose and Bhaba would be role models for me to follow. Being able to do that can help you conduct experiments with relevant conclusions.A scientist is responsible for researching and analyzing the nature and complexities of the physical world to identify discoveries that would improve people's lives and ignite scientific knowledge for society.A scientist is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence, to make hypotheses and test them, to gain and share understanding and knowledge.Science affects almost every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the technology we use and the natural world that surrounds us. They observe, measure, and communicate. That's the most important part of science. What living thing do you keep in your house? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I don't know how I feel about that. In every minor detail of our life science plays a very valuable role. If I were a scientist, I would discover all the secrets of nature. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Science is the whole of studies based on the systematic research and examination of information that is beneficial to humanity, consisting of problems, hypotheses and laws. The right role model can uplift your life. if i were a scientist, i would invent. Scientists Invent Scientist 290. Science has great power and it is innocent in its nature and unadulterated by any third force, but it is a pure, unique and non-human force. On the other hand, there are those who consider science as the main cause of the suffering of humanity today. So if I was a scientist I would invent a teleport ray. If you could invent anything, what would it be? No, I should only have to publish to peer review! Education is an important tool that is very useful in everyone's life. Pure science is intended to explore the boundaries of human knowledge for its own sake, often producing the tools we use in our technology. Around 20 different early versions of lightbulbs were developed before Edison patented his invention in 1879. 6) It is made of fabric such as canvas or nylon. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Normally, every human being is desirous of peace, progress, plenty and prosperity. So many a times I keep wondering what Dr. Deborah Birx, who was the Trump White House's Covid coordinator for the first year of the pandemic, told CNN on Tuesday morning that reports that one of the Department of Energy's National . There are 2 ways you can go on water with as you get onto the water which are : that you the exhaust turns into a jet from the I would try to put an end to human suffering . If I Were The Principal of A School : Essays : School Essays : College Essays : If I Were A Millionaire : Essays : School Essays : College Essays : English. Applied science does not seek to understand the universe and how it works so much as it attempts to harness . The power of science is almost unlimited. Not all of science is the same! The meaning of this is that it has enormous influential power over people, be it negative or positive. It is a systematic knowledge and its discovery has revealed the mysteries of nature and harnessed its amazing power. r/NoFeeAC V-day got u blue! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If you were a scientist, which field would you most like to work in? Essay On If I Were A Scientist In Hindi: ESSAYON HINDI . 8) It protects people from heat, cold, rain, etc. Scientists in the physical sciences use a great deal of mathematics, particularly algebra, calculus, and analytical geometry, while those in the biological sciences use math less often. What's the most applicable use of science of these examples? Wasn't that when the US nabbed a bunch of Nazi scientists to work at NASA? Which is weird, because I hated geography in school. They destroy the growth of students and cannot be role models. Also read: 10 Lines on Evelyn Glennie in English Also read: 10 Lines on Furniture in English Also read: Essay On Our Aim Zero Harm Also read: Essay writing on reading habit Also read: 10 Lines on start-up India for Students and Children in English Also read: 10 Lines on Gram Panchayat in English Also read: 10 Lines on Thor in English Also read: 10 Lines on Memory Card Also read: 10 Benefits of Green Coconut in English Also read: 10 Benefits of Cardamom in English THANK YOU SO MUCH, My vision for India in 2047 postcard "Our pride for our country should not come after our country is great. Horses began living with humans before the invention of the wheel, and horse-drawn chariots first appeared around 4,000 years ago. Illustrate Amanda's path of travel. answered on 26 Aug 2013: Great question for a Monday morning I would change the invention of weapons of mass destruction-nuclear, chemical and biological. If I were a scientist, service to mankind would be first and foremost duty of life. How would you characterize your type of intelligence? As a student, you are undoubtedly busy with many things. What will you invent as an inventor? If I were a scientist, I would like to continue my work in the field of pure science. It would Roger. If I were a scientist, I would discover all the secrets of nature. Do you mind if a lot of your job is about worrying about major problems? Thus being a scientist I will try my best to be a true servant of mankind. Publicly. If you were a scientist, what would you like to invent / discover? Writing an essay with the title If I were a scientist can be quite an abstract task to do and can be complicated at times. In the past, neuroscientists had established that there were three protective membranes between . Required fields are marked *. If there is such a lighting device, anyone can use it without the need for electricity. It is a systematised knowledge and its pursuit has led to the unravelling of the mysteries of nature and the harnessing of its wonderful power. I would invent this because it would be very cool seeing the future events. Was this answer helpful? Search for jobs related to If you were a scientist what would you invent or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. Integrating non-data scientists into your organization's AI strategy can be impactful. If I Were a Scientist Essay. Do you have any rock star scientist role models? Do you think science needs to make money in order to justify its existence? How can I be useful to humanity? How were you able to invent this new, vegetable? A dream is always something precious to the people who saw them with open eyes and not with closed eyes. The trilogy "Back to the future" was the beginning of this idea. Your projection should be uncensored and have a unique voice and tone to it. Personally I would try to remain clear of these temptations.I am also not in favor of government control. There are many environment issues like Global Warming, unforeseen disasters, pollution and so on. I would say it's beyond my capabilities to do that. 3) They are huts, bungalows, tents, tree houses, etc. Moreover I would pray to God to remove deadly diseases To be a role model a teacher should learn to appreciate studies themselves, then only can they make the students appreciate the importance of education and knowledge in their lives. Spenser2662 3 yr. ago. Of course, no oil. It is systematized knowledge and its pursuit which has led to the unraveling of the mysteries of nature and the harnessing of its wonderful power. Raman, the Pride of India'. In Scotland, 44 years earlier, James Bowman Lindsay made a public demonstration of how . Education is what separates us from other living beings on earth. These entities try to buy the developments of scientists and use for purposes that may not be good for the population at large. by | Jun 3, 2022 | james carone florida energy | when a man criticizes another woman | Jun 3, 2022 | james carone florida energy | when a man criticizes another woman Do you mind having to explain your work to people who don't understand it? What does it. Deriving profit and more power, they desire to pursue more power and they use factors such as money and fame to entice good scientists to take the wrong path. But while people talk and argue, science goes on taking long strides, blissfully ignorant of the praises or the abuses heaped on its head.If I Were A Scientist, I believe that we are suffering from the effect of a little science badly applied and the remedy is a lot of science properly applied. , 1-2. define speed in your own understanding 3-4 what are the 2 quantities needed calculate speed5-7every day Carlos drives his car to workfor 10 minut If I were a scientist I would invent a car that would run on air. If business and industry can be selfish, government and states can be far more treacherous. An anonymous reader writes "From the Boston Globe: 'Researchers said yesterday that they have created the world's first robotic scientist, a system that can form theories, devise experiments, and then carry out . I admire them all. Definitely. If I were a scientist, my foremost goal would be making the footprint of wrongly applied science very limited.

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if i were a scientist, i would invent