i am an indigo child now what

Some void is the bit i remember. Our core mission is to empower lost seekers to find the path back to their Souls by guiding them toward clarity, self-acceptance, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose on the spiritual awakening journey. Indigos integrate their intelligence with a higher understanding, awareness, and consciousness. Although you may not readily admit this, you tend to feel a deep resentment towards people who make it difficult for you to reach your dreams. They seem to just "know" things, even when there is no logical explanation for how they could have acquired that knowledge. Lovingly Butterfly Effect will change things better, sooner or later. Did you like music and art even if your potential in those areas was never fully reached? Thank you in advance. They are warriors in spirit. Unfortunately, this may give you the appearance of a loner or rebel. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Whadjuk people of Noongar Boodjar. Some were even born before that to test the grounds. This was already thought on and we have left many lights please light the way for the rest, they are young and are so like children. May have rebelled in school. Dont limit this to any one or more generations, they can be from any generation that chose explore life beyond earth. Peace be with you all. Felt spiritually apart. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone (this is called the Forer effect). I had a sort of awakening at a young age when i realized one day that maybe I wasnt suppose to fit into this world and its rules,that maybe i was born and designed for something better and greater than me or anyone elses understanding or that something will happen and i will be included when that thing would happen and the world will slowly shape back to what it use to be or something like that. Indigo is the color of the third-eye chakra, which deals with all other abilities beyond the ordinary - psychic intuition, clairvoyance and out-of-body experiences. Although they might come in conflict with others because of their nature, they must learn to take it on the chin. Indigo children are concerned with making life meaningful. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. There are only a couple of characteristics which arent direct 100% hits. Are you a spiritual traveler? Its called the Barnum effect, after Phineas Taylor Barnum, the showman and Wolverine lookalike who is said to have coined the phrase a sucker is born every minute which might tip you off to where were going with this. Do you think you are one of the same? To my fellow indigo brothers and sisters I say this, WE ARE THE CHANGE!!! Now, now its all back baby and I feel a roar coming. You feel as though youve lived many lifetimes, and possess a wisdom that others your age dont yet have. Love, Simon. why is that? What is an Indigo Child? My art and attitude will suffer because of it. What exactly do you want to know? They seem to age at a different pace than everyone else and they sometimes have a bit of an ethereal of "frail" look. This is why its common to see indigo children who are voracious readers (curious and intelligent) but who have trouble reading what is assigned for their classes. I was terrified and always thought I was crazy, it wasnt till recently l have learned I am anything but crazy. You are what you attract and you become what you manifest and you rip what you sow By the power of 3 3 As it is above, so below Bless it be peeps . At work, you like to be in roles that grant you control over your time and allow you to workfrom home. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? 4. I first read about indigos probably a decade ago and it helped me realize why I always felt the way I did and is helping me grow into who I really am which is an ongoing process Im still learning. Now I am understanding I need to embrace who and what I am, instead of continuing to wonder if there is something wrong with me. After all, the indigos are said to possess unique qualities, so maybe its just a metaphor for being a gifted, sensitive, and highly creative individual. According to Tappe, this generation will experience the " Dark Night of the Soul " from 2026 until 2036. Do you have any suggestions on what an Omega might need to assist with the future? Don't buy this crap. This pattern has common yet unique factors that demand that parents and teachers change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. The Indigo Children are the ones who have come to raise the vibration of our planet! I became very ill when he was about 10 or 11, I was bed ridden for the better part of two years and never bounced back to my old self. I can certainly do that for you no problem at all. Without any religious traditions. However, the both of us are Indigo Crystals, a rare select few who were born between 1990-2000, and this is the even higher psychic conciousness inbred unto us. Finally, indigo children are a blessing to the world. This is the first generation with the minimum protective shield. Rainbow children came to the Earth in 2000. Now the really amazing thing is I have six sons and I am pretty sure they too are indigos. And Im An Indigo Too, I Dont Feel Like This Is The Right Body For Me Because My Spirit And Soul Is So Ancient. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Please dont be sidetracked on what sort of Indigo you are as in the end we all come here with different talents that we have developed along the way. The concept of indigo children was first proposed in the 70s. Really, Anna, this information is extremely beneficial. They tend to be androgynous and have psychic powers, such as clairvoyancy. Is your child easily, emotionally triggered? Key indigo child traits include a strong will, a very intuitive mind, and an urge to improve the preexisting condition in any area within their influence. Uniqueness is a singular quality. Hello. In this article, you will find a deeper understanding of what it means to be an indigo child. If you feel a certain way honor it as you would for your best friend. Have any thoughts to share? For the last ten years, the term indigo child has been used to refer to children who represent a superior state of human evolution in the context of the New Age school of thought. However, child psychologists point out that no evidence of any of these specialties has been revealed and many of these attributes could apply in varying degrees to all children, they continue. The Indigo Child is a child who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes that reveal a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. Only they will create and maintain the new order of change . They are usually born to Crystal children from the late 1980s. Welcome! Indigos are "vigilant about cleaning the earth of social ills and corruption, and increasing integrity, Virtue said. Youre more mature than most people your age. Some Indigo's might tone their messages down as a result (I know I have, unless you know me well, even so, I find myself continually thinking 'why am I always the bad person' even though I know I haven't been 'bad' I've been honest and shared some profound wisdom with somebody who doesn't appreciate it yet). They are our mirrors. I have a delta son (92) and an omega son (01). Feel free to interview me if you like. You easily get scared by horror movies. Now too many children are Crystals, so there needed to be a new one, hence Rainbow. You want to offer better, wiser, and healthier ways to live life, making you destined to be a spiritual elder. 17. 16. The Indigo Children arrived mostly in the 1970s, and they did so in an emphatic way. According to Virtue, an indigo child exhibits most or all of a long list of characteristics, including being strong willed; born in 1978 or later; headstrong and independent - " even if they're. You find it difficult to be around too many people at once, and often prefer to spend time in your own company. Previously, auric fields were expected shades of the rainbow, but the Indigos' field was dominated by a royal blue color. Growing up, you might have been told you were naughty, disobedient, headstrong, unyielding, etc. For each of the indigo generations, the process of awakening begins aroundthe age of 28-29 yearsand lasts about 7.5 years. It is my belief that if we ban together, we possess the ability to overcome the dark forces that occasionally, surround us. Katie has a PhD in maths, specializing in the intersection of dynamical systems and number theory. Throughout their lives they will always find a way to be creative in their job and home life, even if their explicitly creative pursuits never make them rich or famous. There is a lot more to my story, but I am working on reconstructing my life right now, as the tower has fallen for me. Supposedly this is the last "pure" indigo generation. A typical feature of both generations, Alpha and Beta, is that theylook much younger than they actually are, Tappe says. Well, yes. These are humanist, artist, conceptualist, and catalyst. You are always seeking to distinguish truth and reality from lies and deception. An indigo person is intelligent but may be unqualified, creative and artistic, inquisitive, have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), discontent with status quo, can be depressive, independent, strongly empathetic beings, can be emotional . Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! They can also be highly empathic and easily pick up on what others are thinking and feeling. It might be a random patch of woods near your home, school, or work calling yougo to it. The real life " Indigo Children" were a sort of New Age pseudoscience conspiracy that offered paranormal explanations for about strange children who . All Rights Reserved. This wave will soon be split in order that all can be afforded the right space suitable for there evolution. Indigo adults live with purpose. So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. Because of your sharp and inquisitive mind, you tend to struggle with routine and conventional structures. According to Tober and Carroll [two of the most famous indigo proponents], indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to the child's rejection of authority, their being smarter or more spiritually mature than their teachers, and their lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline, notes a 2019 Edinburgh Skeptics article. 9. And direct experience will replace dogma. There's no science behind it. With so many signature traits, it seems like it would be no trouble at all to figure out if you or your little one were one of these extra-evolved humans. I am 17. So if I was to gage my life, gifts, talents to the guide lines of an indigo child I fall under the intellectual generation being born on the 30th of June 1981 qt 9:46pm Southern hemisphere. You can learn more about how to better utilize these gifts by studying yournumerology. You honor truth above all, and even though it hurts sometimes, youd rather cope with it than believe lies. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. Money means practically nothing to you past a certain point. They're all SO cool! While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. 133 Comments. I am now 61 and look about 3o. A person, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and can not comply with modern society, who is highly evolved spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. This strong sense of purpose forms the axis of your decisions. You also tend to struggle with depression sometimes. Since early childhood, the Alpha hada feeling of being different, as if they did not belong to their home, country, or parents. I am highly selective who I let close to me as I feel others energies and my body takes on their thoughts, emotions ect, and I have always valued my own alone time and get very angry when people dont let me have that time to myself (Im putting myself in a time out, until I can play nicely with everyone again) (I need my own personal bubble right now and unplug from the world for awhile) comments i have frequently said for years now. Big love and hugs! In Human Design Im a 3/6 Generator . I hear my song in all music. Even if other people criticize or dont support you, you still keep going no matter what. Rainbow Children. As with any of this stuff, not having a real primer to go by, time lines may be off and individual journeys may be affected by three-dimensional life. My wake up year was 2018, which is when I met Gaia on a psychedelic trip. Yes, there are. As spiritually gifted old souls, indigo children find it hard to fit into mainstream society and often become misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. 1. I am studying metaphysics now and became an R.M.T. Hence the name "Indigo" which is the color of the Third Eye Chakra or Pineal Gland. So lets keep our mind open, shall we? This is because your goals are bigger than you. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! Text, images, and links may be edited, removed, or added to at a later date to keep information current. 7. You inquire into traditional or religious beliefs, test them against experience, and tend to draw your own conclusions. They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. As a lover of autonomy, you enjoy solitude and the insight it can bring. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a free numerology reading, if youre not already sure what your strengths and weaknesses are. They are more empathetic beings than previous generations and are drawn to expressing themselves through their creativity. Love to you all!!! As a free spirit, you dont like to be held down by anyone or anything. I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. I wish you much love and light in your time here. 4 Things To Do Before Publicly Coming Out as an Indigo Child. On a large scale and in a small things. The Indigo phenomenon has been recognized as one of the most exciting changes in human nature ever documented in society. 12. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. You really have got that one wrong. You have a strong drive to find purpose in life. Viewed through this lens, indigo children can be seen as just another reaction against the idea that your special little guy or gal could be anything less than perfect. Indigo Children are beings that have reached a pivotal point or age within their soul journey, and so they've been sent back to Earth with this mission. From a young age, indigo children can see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehoods rampant in society. In other words, they reflect what is within us, everything that needs to be changed to develop or increase our consciousness. Indigos are easily identified by a distinct indigo color in their aura. Anyways my son is almost 4 & sees auras but has a lot of health issues, right now respiratory w/all the chem trails & allergens. These people areoveractive and quite extroverted. Indigo children are bright, intuitive, strong-willed, and sometimes self-destructive individuals. We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. EYE AM so happy to see i am not alone it has been confirmed as of yesterday that eye indeed am an Indigo child, even more interesting that i was born in 1977.. I hope everyone is adjusting as easily as possible and believing in themselves. They are more empathetic beings than previous generations and are drawn to expressing themselves through their creativity. 2. There are a number of indigo child traits by which indigo children are identified. So, you cannot afford to lose sight of your goals. Like the systems were built to make me fail- and I hate playing games I can't win. Hello, alpha for some reason all the kids in 1976 or so heard the trumpet to join and started the very creative punk movement. ). Ive got to grow in hard conditions and it has made me a diamond-hard Indigo. My whole life to date has been filled with the darkest times that would break in half and probably mentally institutionalised a normal person. Youve always had a strong desire to understand how things work. An Indigo Child/Person is a rare individual that possesses natural spiritual gifts that they inherited as a young child. The Indigos challenged institutions and often confronted authorities. I feel almost free. Born in 1948 and very definitely an Indigo child. If the person has a lot of planets in Aquarius in his or her natal chart, this could also describe an Indigo Child. I am just now beginning to make a conscious effort to try to discover how to live in the world. Many of these traits are unique to indigo children, while some may not apply to specific individuals. Indigo children is a New Age concept assigning special psychological characteristics to certain children. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them intofive categories according to the date of birth of these children. Indigo child traits are certain characteristics that have been observed when studying indigo children. This wave of souls we call humanity has reached a an impasse which is the result of the potential difference between the most advanced of us and the least evolved. It was already received, and all I did was sit by the river staring at a plant. You may find it hard to work in teams or for other people and function better when youre in charge or working for yourself. Hi everybody, I am an Indigo Gamma (I guess) and I had my awakening two years and a half ago at 28 years old. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. As an indigo child, you tend to ask questions such as Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of life? Why is there injustice? Why was I born? Such deep philosophical questions cause you to lose interest in the meaningless pursuits carried out by the majority of humanity. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. We might add: These are not aliens. Also, I am an INFJ, Jung personality type, one of the most common for an Indigo. As an adult, you still cannot stand being boxed in or controlled by others. He was DX high functioning autistic & anti social except w/me. I feel so alone & have no real guidance other than my mom to talk sbout this with but she is fairly new at realizing shes a medium herself & we both would love someone who could get us caught up, as i feel like im way behind all others on here assuming im a true indigo from beta generation. But what exactly is an indigo child? As children, many Indigos were diagnosed with ADD or ADHD because they were very active. By nature, most indigo children areold souls. The nature of indigo children is very unique. - Traits, Personality, Characteristics. The Greatest Light and Power of The Universe is Love. He had two false starts (art school then the military) before finding psychology. I also have 2 beautiful starseed children. You can often intuit the best course of action as well as know things about others that are secret or hidden. Meanwhile rainbow children, the gen z of the trio, are said to have rainbow auras and if their parents are to be believed, theyre all basically Jean Grey levels of psychic. There is some debate as to when these beings first returned to Earth, but the consensus seems to be that the 1970s was the starting point. Very few will get it anyway. If you can recall the lengths we had to go just to find this place then you know why its close to my heart. I am in the realizing phase. Interesting & it explains much. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to inner transformation. Indigo children might also be a bit psychic, Taylor explained. Yes I am highly unique and a freak who defies the norm and will show you that the impossible is actually very possible and dont tell me it cant be done because I will show you a way that it can be done. Now a born-again Christian who denounces all her previous work as heretical, Virtue had previously been a psychotherapist for adolescents, but by the early aughts, she was one of the lead authorities on indigo children in fact, she had literally written the book on the phenomenon, penning The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children in 2001. Inner Child Test: What is S/he Trying to Tell You? Im 26 my awakening started early in 2917 after an incident that life slipped away from me for 6 hours. While indigo children are independent, they also feel for everyone and dont want to upset or disappoint others. I seem to have indigo qualities but was born five years before the Alpha wave. Many Indigo children are also quite psychic. This intuition often manifests itself as a gut feeling about people or situations. Thats another big criticism leveled at those who promote the indigo child concept: the so-called indigo characteristics are so broad, and so generalizable, as to apply to just about anybody. Others flounder . According to Tappe, the period of the awakening of the Alpha generation was from 1986 until 1996. 2. This is not the same as having many lives, as you can be an ancient spirit/old soul without having lived thousands of lives. Michele: Parenting an Indigo child is one of the most fulfilling things a parent can ever have the opportunity of doing with his or her child. Colorology assigns meanings to specific colors and also refers to their use for therapeutic purposes.. Im Alpha Indigo born 1960, Scandinavia, Europe. Yow will also learn how best to use your gifts and what pitfalls to avoid on your journey. Indigo children want to understand everything. As a kid, were you more empathetic and aware of your emotions than others?

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