epsrc new investigator award example

CVs are not required for the principal or co-investigators. the ideas, concepts and approaches proposed and any particularly strong or weak examples within the programme, whether the applicant has provided clear aims and objectives for the technical programme, and how they will monitor their achievements. For further information please see preparing new proposals in light of EPSRCs policy on resubmissions. Especially compelling examples come from Harmonic Analysis, which is the branch of . EPSRC Reference: EP/W028905/1: Title: Aviation-to-Grid: Grid flexibility through multiscale modelling and integration of power systems with electrified air transport . You should indicate those aspects that you accorded higher or lower priority and why. Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture: feasibility study. It is expected that most proposals will have the potential to deliver some form of non-academic impact. The NIA scheme aims to support individuals who hold an academic lectureship position (or equivalent) and have not previously led an academic research group or been the recipient of a significant grant. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. This letter will only be seen by EPSRC and will not be sent to peer review. This includes but is not limited to funding available to cover: Support may be requested for international partners (both investigators and researchers). The introducers will assess the proposals and can request additional information from you under all or some of the funding opportunity criteria. To help us with data analysis, do not include the words COV-19, COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the lay summary, technical summary or title sections unless your application relates to proposed research in this area. Information on the portfolio is available through EPSRCs Grants on the Web (GoW). The Operations Manager will work closely with Investigators aligned to the NIHR BRC Theme in Infection and AMR (led by Professors Graham Cooke and Wendy Barclay) and will include developing clinical. You and your international partners may have a previous relationship, but we do not expect you to have worked together extensively. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/epsrc-new-investigator-award, Artificial intelligence and robotics theme, Information and communication technologies theme, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), new investigator award statement of expectations, new investigator awards: applicant eligibility guidelines, are employed at the submitting research organisation at lecturer level and have not previously received a significant award or led an academic research group. contributes to, or helps maintain, the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges or contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry(s), complements other UK research already funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio, meets national needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading activity. Not all questions carry equal weighting. Universities should pay particular attention to ensure that the new investigator is properly supported and mentored through their supervision of the student, and that adequate attention is paid to the training of both the student and the investigator. whether the research programme and associated impact activities have been co-designed with external stakeholders or users: Does the proposal include objectives for impact related activities and are they appropriate to the research? The applicant could present a programme where they are moving into a new discipline, or the programme could bring together expertise and approaches from different disciplines, and in partnership with external organisations. A full justification for your assessment of the application should be included in each section. The scheme only supports UK research organisations, with grants ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 full Economic Cost (fEC) can be awarded. the applicant and wider teams ability to deliver the project through to the creation of impact. We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. If the applicant is applying for a grant which has an interview assessment stage, they should inform EPSRC of any personal circumstances for EPSRC to consider. The case for support should describe the proposed research and its intended outcomes. There is no simple definition of excellence. This is a very strong application that fully meets all assessment criteria. (for example, shipping ports) or where clusters are connected across several sites (for example, as a result of their supply chain or other activity . This occurs when an organisation cannot be listed as a project partner, for example when the host institution wants to detail a proposed contribution to the cost of the equipment. EPSRC must receive your application by 18 January 2023 4:00pm UK time. Finally the presentation will ask how organisations such as FIG and ISPRS can play a part in these developments. In exceptional circumstances, EPSRC accepts letters of support that do not meet the requirements for project partner letters of support. The experiments ar This must be attached, as a single document, using the Case for Support attachment type in Je-S, justification of resources up to two A4 sides, CVs, up to two A4 sides each, for named research staff (including researcher co-investigators), or visiting researchers. You should assign a score using the six-point scale provided. Research grants are open to: . It will be sent electronically to at least three reviewers, including at least one nominated by you. Case for support, totalling up to eight A4 sides, comprising up to two A4 sides for a track record, and six A4 sides describing proposed research and its context. A risk with part assessment is that it will miss the added value of the overall project (the whole ideally being greater than the sum of the parts) so even where you can only comment with authority on one aspect, it will be helpful to the panel to have your views on how compelling the arguments for the overall application are. A full justification for your assessment of the application should be provided. We encourage you to contact us first to discuss your proposal if you believe your research may cross research council boundaries. Nursing Management Business and Economics History +104. There are 2 parallel funding routes to this funding opportunity: The full economic cost of your project can be up to 200,000 with a duration of up to 2 years. Reviewers are not required to consider this additional information when providing comments on an application. Proposed collaborations for this open funding route may involve international research partners from any country, this can include researchers in 1 or more lower middle income, low income, or least developed countries on the Development Assistance Committee list, where the focus of the research is outside the official development assistance compliance criteria. support for postdoctoral research assistant time, a grant for equipment worth more than 20,000. Pre-proposal writing steps - thinking about the proposal. MCOS (RPS) Postgraduate Scholarship, MCOS (RPS) Sep 2006. There is no one format to an excellent research programme: the research could directly build on previous work, or it could take a leap forward. Creating a Full Proposal and Electronic Submission. Position type Full time, fixed term. Professor Chris Freeman is a Professor at the University of Southampton how the proposed research contributes to or helps maintain the health of other research disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to current or future UK economic success or enables future development of key emerging industries, the extent to which the research proposed has the potential to meet national strategic needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading research activity (including areas of niche capability). EPSRC acknowledges that it is a challenge for applicants to determine the future impacts of COVID-19 while the pandemic continues to evolve. EPSRC does not accept uninvited resubmissions of applications to help reduce the pressure on everyone involved in our peer review process. You will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments if your application gains enough support. stream 2 (for established or mature clusters): estimate 3 to 5 awards with maximum 5 million per award, over 4 years; Standard EPSRC eligibility rules apply. Complex, multi-faceted research projects with many objectives are not appropriate for this scheme. If applications to the open funding route and international development funding route are assessed at the same panel they will be ranked on separate rank order lists. For more information see host organisation statement for New Investigator Award. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. The reviewer form asks reviewers to score their confidence as low, medium or high. Index Alphabetical listing by name. Work in collaboration with . F.D.G. Can be applied for without holding an academic position. Location White City Campus - Hybrid. This funding opportunity is also subject to our policy on repeatedly unsuccessful submissions. Applicants are encouraged to have early discussions with their institutions to identify what training and development opportunities are available to meet their aspirations over the duration of the proposal. If you have a concern that the application raises ethical issues that have not been clearly identified or addressed, you should raise this directly with EPSRC, which will need to make a policy decision on how the application should be treated. This helps reviewers make informed judgements about whether the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed. Text in embedded diagrams or pictures, numerical formulae or references can be smaller, as long as it is legible. You can also request support for research activity related costs, including consumables, for UK researchers during any time spent overseas. Smaller items of equipment (individually under 10,000) should be in the Directly Incurred Other Costs heading. epsrc new investigator award example. For example: applicant is on maternity leave until a certain . The applicant is not expected to predict the impact of their research in terms of value, reach or significance, and therefore assessors should not: Drawing upon what the applicant has said, reviewers should comment on: The extent to which each bullet point is addressed will depend on the nature of the research proposed. The prompts are given as a reminder of those issues that are likely to be most significant in determining the overall merit of an application. For equipment in the range 25,000 to 138,000, quotations obtained verbally are acceptable and should be detailed in the proposal. Our trusted research and innovation principles set out UKRIs expectations of organisations funded by UKRI in relation to due diligence for international collaboration. Reviewers are requested to comment on the effectiveness of the proposed planning and management making reference to equipment and resources as follows: You should draw attention to any request that in your view has not been justified or, conversely, if something is required but has not been identified. New Investigator Award. We expect the level of funding to vary but be appropriate to the proposed research programme. You can request funds for anything eligible under standard EPSRC rules. The reviewer form asks reviewers to summarise their view of the application. whether the applicant has demonstrated that the research is timely what would happen if they didnt undertake this research now? Information provided as part of the intention to submit will not be formally assessed. https://www.ukri.org/councils/epsrc/guidance-for-applicants/what-to-include-in-your-proposal/overview-of-information-needed-for-your-proposal, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system, preparing new proposals in light of EPSRCs policy on resubmissions, what makes a good project partner letter of support, how your experience and career history fit with the person eligibility guidance, Overview of information needed for your proposal, case for support totalling up to eight A4 sides, comprising up to two A4 sides for a track record, and six A4 sides describing proposed research and its context. The best experts are ready to do your dissertation from scratch and guarantee the best result. Advice on writing proposals for EPSRC funding. For example, we often have . Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic Case for support. When undertaking your assessment of the research project, you should consider the unequal impacts of the impact that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the track record and career development of those individuals included in the proposal, and you should focus on the capability of the applicant and their wider team to deliver the research they are proposing. The scheme supports individuals who hold an academic lectureship position, have not previously led an academic research group or been the recipient of a significant grant (usually defined as those which included PDRA time, capital equipment or were in excess of 100,000 (FEC)). Where two or more applications have been formally linked to form a single research project, you are requested to submit a single review covering the project as a whole. NIA1: Acceptance to the Scheme. You must submit an expression of interest to MRC using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system and case for support template.. To manage demand, individuals may only submit one expression of interest as a principal investigator. Reviewers are requested to comment on the degree of research excellence of the proposal, making reference to three key aspects: Applicants are asked to set their proposal in context, in terms of the current state of knowledge and other work under way in the field. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. comment on the effectiveness of the proposed planning and management, and on whether the requested resources are appropriate and have been fully justified. Dr Meghan Halse has been awarded 210,439 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to support research on "Lighting up Magnetic Resonance: SABRE optimisation powered by in situ detection". Submissions to this funding opportunity will count towards the EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy. The aim of the scheme is to support them in establishing a research group and developing their own research vision. Elegance of presentation is not, of itself, an assessment criterion for an EPSRC grant. Your host organisations statement of support is important. You will be given 2 weeks to provide a response to the questions raised by the introducers. Epsrc New Investigator Award Cover Letter: Robert. This question requires an answer. EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account - Funding Opportunity. This will enhance UKRIs ability to report on overseas funding to: It includes any costs incurred by organisations outside the UK, including: The Other-DI Costs document is to contain the following data in the description box in this exact format: Organisation; Country; Cost Category; Cost Description. You are encouraged to read these principles and should familiarise yourself with the resources referenced in our trust research and innovation guidance, including for example the guidance on trusted research from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI), in order to get the most out of international collaboration while protecting intellectual property, sensitive research and personal information. The NIA scheme can only be applied to once, whether previous applications were successful or not, except when permission to resubmit an application is invited after peer review. A significant grant is usually defined as including more than 6 months of postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) time, capital equipment in excess of 20,000, or in excess of 100,000 full economic costing on 1 individual grant. All relevant parts of the ethical information section must be completed. CVs are not required for principal or co-investigators on standard proposals, project partner letters of support where applicable, for all named project partners and no page limit, letters of support in exceptional circumstances a maximum of three letters with no page limit, equipment quotes where applicable with no page limit, equipment business case is required for any items or combined assets with a value above 138,000 maximum of two A4 sides, technical assessment for the use of a major facility where applicable and no page limit, host organisation statement for New Investigator Award applications and no page limit. There is no page limit, but the statement should be on headed paper, and be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. NIA provide foundational funds to initiate a research group. Search A certified document that proves 100% content originality. Investigate high-priority use cases for exascale software - deadline 28th September 2021 (restrictions apply) Establish an international network in quantum technologies - deadline 30th September 2021. Reviewers should assess the application based on the criteria listed in the review form on the understanding that EPSRC has accepted the application to the scheme. Beyond the immediate use-case of CNNs for automation, there is an opportunity to leverage the internal representations learned by CNNs to perform large-scale data mining and support biological discovery. EPSRC have this week re-launched their grant funding scheme targeted specifically at Early Career Researchers. 2021. There is no page limit, but letters should be on headed paper, and be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. You can request funding to support any eligible international collaborative activities, including (but not limited to): As per standard New Investigator Award guidance, you can include co-investigators if the grant crosses disciplinary boundaries and it is demonstrated that they are from a different discipline to the principal investigator. Specific guidance is available for each section of the report to be completed. The response must be a maximum of 2 pages. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 October 2019: Ends: 30 September 2023: Value (): 280,530: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Catalysis & Applied Catalysis: Materials Characterisation: Materials Synthesis & Growth: . Summary. Where known impacts have occurred, these should have been highlighted in the application, including the assumptions and information at the point of submission. The content of a paper is more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published, especially for early-stage investigators. If you need a transcript of the video on writing strong funding applications, email the web team: web@ukri.org. These will be viewed against published applicant eligibility and project suitability guidance. Although the majority of the application should lie within EPSRC remit, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborations with international partners are welcomed. no. Overseas partners at universities, public sector research organisations or publicly funded research If you plan to use a major facility in your research, such as those funded centrally by EPSRC or a European facility, contact the facility before applying to EPSRC to check if your proposed research is feasible, and obtain a technical assessment if Je-S marks it as required. It is also a helpful technique to raise issues or concerns with the application in the form of explicit questions for the applicants. . You should hear the result of your application within 26 weeks of submission by your host organisation. If youre applying through the New Investigator Award scheme, you should attach a statement from your host university, typically your head of department describe the universitys commitment to your research career development, and confirm your appointment details and period of probation if relevant. The panel will then use the information provided in the applications and the responses to the questions raised by the introducers to rank the proposals, using the assessment criteria, at a prioritisation panel meeting. Unfunded applications will not have their information published. Co-investigators on NIAs must meet the general eligibility criteria for co-investigators. based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. The additional information will be requested from you in late March 2023. Capitalising on clusters of design excellence, Green Transition Ecosystems (GTEs) are large scale projects that focus on translating the best design-led research into real-world benefits. If, for any reason, you feel that you are not able to assess the application, please advise EPSRC accordingly. However, they are not subject to the same eligibility restrictions as new . Our project is a collaborative one between two Universities and a national laboratory working together across a combined theoretical and experimental programme. National importance should also be a major consideration in making your assessment. The track record should cover the UK and international partners, postdoctoral staff, researcher co-investigators (research assistants who have made a substantial contribution to the proposal and will be employed on the project for a significant amount of time). Where you believe that there are less than three potential suppliers for an item you should explain this in the justification of resources. Some funding opportunities may have specific requirements, which will be described in the funding opportunity. You should provide your overall assessment of the application. As an internationally collaborative grant, particular attention should be paid to standard conditions 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is introducing the new scheme following a recent review of First Grants. Different reviewers will have been asked to cover those aspects you cannot, and the panel will then have the job of integrating these different comments. It may involve progress along an established research direction or a tangential switch into a new or different area, or may bring together expertise and approaches from different discipline areas. We recognise that we have a duty of care to promote approaches to responsible innovation that will initiate ongoing reflection about the potential ethical and societal implications of the research that we sponsor and to encourage our research community to do likewise. In some instances, the case for support may include a link to a web site containing information on the research proposed. the application is an invited resubmission. Before starting an application, you will need to log in or create an account in Je-S. Once you have completed your application, make sure you submit document. In that case you should identify those aspects that you are able to comment on, and then give your review on just those aspects. You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system. This will populate: council: EPSRC; document type: standard proposal; scheme: standard Thoroughly researched, expertly written, and styled accordingly. EP/S036490/1). This should report your own confidence, or otherwise, in being able to make your assessment rather than your confidence in the success of the application if it were funded. This might include, for example: You should also consider the unequal impact that flexible working, alternative career routes and career breaks might have had on the track record and career development of those individuals included in the proposal. This document is based on replies to a questionnaire sent to all teaching and research staff in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences. Complete the intention to submit form on Smart Survey. For sensitive information the applicant should state clearly whether the information is confidential. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface. Find out more about institutional eligibility. Applicants can use the proposal cover letter to express any other information they feel is relevant to their application. The New Investigator Award scheme (which replaces the First Grant scheme) includes a number of changes from the previous scheme of which researchers who are considering applying should be aware.. Guidance on completing ethical information on the Je-S form. University support should not necessarily involve covering part of the cost of the grant but could include: provision of dedicated laboratory space (or equivalent); provision of materials, equipment or facility access; mentoring and professional guidance. The studentship should be provided via funding other than the New Investigator Award grant and may be drawn from the universitys doctoral training partnership or centres for doctoral training. The reviewer form asks reviewers to comment on the national importance of the research. Find out more about eligibility for new investigator awards. Standard letters declaring general support for a project are often criticised by reviewers. We will fund 80% of the full economic costs of your project. Apply for funding to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas. No closing dates apply to the scheme. Fewer quotes are acceptable if justification is provided in the justification of resources. When adding a new proposal you should select: Your application should include the following attachments: You should attach your documents as PDFs to avoid errors. The study, published in PLOS ONE, brought together researchers and clinicians at UCL Engineering, UCLH and Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana to investigate a new non-invasive diagnostic technique using smartphone photographs of the eye and face.

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epsrc new investigator award example