best accelerated private pilot training

Finally, my wife Lisa was my biggest supporter and got me through struggles with boundless encouragement. I very much enjoyed working with you and Cholena. I hope to enjoy many years ahead of me in aviation and I hope you continue to succeed as a pilot and flight instructor. Are you considering getting your Private Pilot License or maybe adding a rating to your certificate? Andy is a phenomenal instructor. I had an excellent time with Todd Gilbert. Ruben made possible what I thought was impossible to achieve. Through the flight program I not only gained my pilots license I also gained a friend that I have spoken with various times since I have finished training, and I feel that I can approach at any time I need guidance or advice. Looking back, its hard to think that I came to AFIT not even knowing how to start an airplane and after only 6 days I was doing my first solo flight. He could drop the Cherokee on a table cloth sized spot on the runway under any weather condition and demonstrate the PTS maneuvers with a precision that made me despair for a while that I would ever be able to meet the standards he set for me. I knew I could take off, land, and likely navigate, somewhat safely, across the unfamiliar Sacramento Valley area, but that wasnt anywhere close to the goal for both Ruben & myself. I will not forget how much you assisted me with getting this flight training completed successfully. AFIT gave me the extra miles and it is worth it to pay a little more than other schools with great output like this. I got my PPL after only 12 days of hard work. I did study VERY hard for my written test but I had no actual flight experience. Train 5-7 days per week with the experienced instructional staff at Sporty's Academy. As I closed in on the airport that morning, the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt like all the info I had studied online had rushed out of my head. While that was further than I originally anticipated travelling for my PPL, after my conversations and emails with you, I trusted you knew exactly what I was looking for and with whom I should learn. I wanted to convey to you how impressed I was at the knowledge and professionalism of my instructor Mike at Lincoln, California. I want you to know how impressed I am with this program. Sean from day 1 stressed safety in all aspects of learning. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell) John is a fantastic instructor. I decided to go a different direction. I recently completed my private pilot course in Placerville with Cholena as my instructor. Mike and Ruben were always ready to answer questions and provide advice and moreover helped moving aircraft around/ordering fuel/etc. Being from the east coast, I was at first mainly focused on courses offered near to this side of the country. After beginning my journey summer of 2016, soloing that December, I was struggling to cross the finish line between my work/life schedule, as well as increasingly squeezed CFIs at my flight school. Competitor. Truly, my only regret on this meandering journey is not reaching out to AFIT earlier to straighten the twists and turns along my PPL adventure. Well done! The accelerated Private Pilot training program is easily one of the most difficult tasks I have had! You employed just the right amount of demonstration and encouragement along with a demand for solid fundamentals of flight from me. Some of the obstacles I encountered were in neither of our control but I am very thankful that you worked with me to give me a fair chance at finishing my flight training and obtaining my certificate. I finished my 40 hours and met all of my requirements in 10 days. Thank you for helping me achieve this and for helping me earn my wings! Of note to any potential customers: AFIT takes this very seriously. As you know, I enrolled in the A.F.I.T. Not all teachers are created equal and the same is certainly true about flight instructors. Before the pandemic, I was working towards my certificate with a Part 61 CFI part-time flying once or twice a week. As I researched the options AFIT clearly stood out. What an incredible experience! . This accelerated course is intense and requires complete focus and commitment to the goal. I appreciated your quick replies and having everything being arranged for me! I now view Anthony as a mentor and friend. Invaluable to get that kind of experience. I wanted to thank you both again for the training and successful completion of my Private Pilot check ride! The consistently beautiful weather in California, together with the convenience of the airport, and the quality of instruction make the amount of learning possible in those two weeks endless. He has a unique and effective way of articulating complex subject matter, often times through easy-to-understand real-life examples. Working with Bill was the best part of the training. I made good progress but was unable to finish so I reached out again and asked Tony if AFIT would help me complete my training. That being said, I studied every night for the additional ground school knowledge and showed up 110% for this course. Great Job. Get Paid to Fly with our 7 weeks Accelerated Fast Track Commercial Pilot program. His knowledge was extensive, and his explanations clear, making the entire process so much more manageable. Add approximately $1,500 for books, exam costs and misc. Im currently looking at a plane to build some hours in and I look forward to coming back for my IFR once I have some more time in the air. After learning the different flight maneuvers, takeoffs, and landings it was a matter of honing these new skills for the check ride. He is someone who understands my learning style. Whenever I was struggling with something, hed show me the technique, and that seemed to help a lot. I started the program with zero hours of flight experience and without having ever even been in a small aircraft. Blue Ridge Sport Flight can assist with helping you find a local AME to do the exam. A one-on-one; test preparedness course is available for $1,500.00. We have a 90% completion rate and a greater than 90% first time pass rate on the practical test! Home; . He quickly got me back up to speed with flying and drilled me during ground school to make sure I was 100% ready for the oral test and check ride. Three months ago I decided to become a private pilot. We often flew 2-3 times per day so proficiency grew quickly. I past Private Pilot check ride with flying colors in a short period of time. Each hour on the ground was spent reviewing relevant material beyond the expectations in the ACS. I highly recommend this course to anyone who fits the personal attributes mentioned above. Accelerated Path to Wings is part of Air Education and Training Command's pilot training transformation program, a two phase T-1 only pilot training tract. Andy, a very experienced pilot and a great flight instructor. At the Lincoln flight school the mechanics and office staff are all wonderful and a joy to be around.Overall I am still shocked that I came away from this experience a pilot. . Well, I can tell you that it can be done, because I did it. Accelerated flight training is all we do! Mike did an excellent job of getting me through this course. I was also able to meet Andys family and was grateful to receive a very valuable lesson from his wife, an air traffic controller. That really helped me focus on the rest of the week. From the outset with instructors to the conclusion they all worked diligently to get me to the finish line. A private pilot license requires a minimum of 40 flight hours. 5 hours of solo flight must cover cross-country, and a solo flight that covers 150 nautical miles is also required. I am so grateful to John and to the AFIT team and highly recommend their training services, Overall my experience with AFIT was fantastic. I highly recommend Greg as a CFI with the AFIT program. Very committed to seeing me succeed! I had the opportunity to fly in a complete new enviroment, in a place that I`ve never visited before (Colorado). From my first conversation with you until the very end, I felt supported and knew my success was a priority. I really enjoyed my training with John and AFIT and can only add praise to what is a very slick operation. These factors kept stalling my progress, making me relearn so many of the concepts and not giving me enough motivation to keep going in this endeavor. , Im still in disbelief! I will certainly use AFIT and John for my instrument ticket soon. Meet the aeronautical experience requirements of 61.65 (d) Pass the practical test on the areas . top of page. So it was like starting over every time I would fly. Within a week I soloed. Its my honor to have trained with AFIT and Cholena, both with sincerity and aligned interest, working towards my successful PPL within 14 training days. they went above and beyond. I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity for Gail and I to participate in the training program you and John put together for us. After day 2 I was seriously thinking about quitting and going home. Thanks!! I just wanted to take the time to let you know about my experience with Ricardo. I just wanted to thank you so much for everything these past two weeks. On my 4th morning I was flying solo and it all came together. Anyone identifying with this description should definitely reach out to AFIT for a consultation without delay. I hope that we can stay in contact. With and because of Todds wisdom and expert instruction, coupled with Tony and AFITs unfailing support, I now hold a FAA PPL! He was dedicated to getting me through the course and made the entire experience fun and enjoyable! I had to work a lot during the two weeks. I even tried other accelerated training courses. Gilsknowledge of the area, his tips and tricks and overall friendly demeanor made the training truly enjoyable. I had contacted Tony a year prior but due to schedules decided to start training at my home airport in Denver. My situation was a little different from a typical fixed-wing pilot. The typical cost is $150. A PPL is challenging but perfectly achievable and I cant recommend AFIT and Mike enough. I still use many of, if not all, of the things he taught me today. I started the program with zero hours of flight experience and without having ever even been in a small aircraft. I wanted to send a quick shout out to Tony and Ruben at AFIT for helping provide an awesome experience earning my private pilots license this month. Truly a professional. With zero flight experience or training going I wasnt really sure this was something that could be accomplished in this short of a time. Flying with Sean, I felt well prepared for my check flight and beyond. It was stellar how on top of everything you are and how quickly you helped me to get this accomplished. Accelerated Flight Training; Professional Pilot Programs; Train at Your Own Pace; 833-255-2233. I overall felt well prepared by thetime the check ride arrived thanks to the thorough prep we did. The days went by incredibly quickly. Many thanks to Mike for his patience and guidance throughout the training. AFITs program was perfect for my goals. I had come in with a 10-year background of flying so she quickly figured out what I still needed to learn and improve upon in order to be successful in what we were about to do. If you are committed, AFIT will not let you down. On the first day! and within a week, Id already completed my first solo flight. Once you get to know a bit more about John you quickly learn that he is in the business of wowing you. 10 - 12 Months. Im sure Im going to be back for my instrument and tailwheel very soon! Tony continuously kept in contact and was readily available to answer any questions that I had. Five years passed, eroding anything I learned, before I came across A. F. I. T. and the 14-day PPL course. Accelerated Flight Training. He has a special chair out by the runway and when you solo for the first time, he goes and sits in the chair and watches you take flight and land the plane all on your own. With absolutely no previous experience in aviation whatsoever, I really did not know what I had gotten myself into once I arrived at AFIT. I went to A.F.I.T. My progression was very slow secondary to my CFIs schedule and my professional schedule. Oleg was not only a wonderful instructor because of his talent for teaching, but he was also engaging and made every day more exciting than the next. I will be speaking with you both very soon! 60 hours of flight instructor time for pre-flight, flight and post-flight instruction. For the love of flying. You have not only been such an amazing instructor, but also a great friend. Not only is he a very talented instructor, he is a very fun guy to be around. Being a very low time private pilot the instrument rating seemed to be very far away for me but your fast, intense and real life method was the perfect choice as my business and family keep me very busy. Thank you AFIT!! Its awesome. I talked with AFIT and I even read up on the Bios for the instructors. I cant say enough about how well Alex cares fortheplane and keeps it in top shape. Compare 28 flight schools. Not having any experience is fine, this program is set up for those like myself. Andy is a great aviator, a great flight instructor and overall mentor. From taking care of the paper work, to picking us up and dropping us off she was a ray of sunshine and encouragement in an intense 2 week program. The 14 days were jam-packed with instruction and flying. With AFIT youre learning from instructors who take your training as seriously as you do. We cover all training material in two weeks. I really liked how easy it was to communicate with him and decided how to approach the next few days in order to knock out as much as we could and as safely as we could. First off, you did a great job both teaching and listening. Today I finished my PPL. I wanted to focus 100% on getting my private license as quickly as possible, I plan to come back to AFIT for all my future aviation training. The airman knowledge test examines you on the concepts and information you learned in your ground school training. $350.00. Ruben took great care of me and made me feel extremely comfortable along the whole journey. He was always sunny, calm and patient. Mike I cant thank you enough sir and consider you a good friend. He wouldnt hesitate to take extra time out of his day to spend longer time to help me fly or help me understand something I couldnt quite grasp. Once you get your ratings this way, you get a lot of flexibility in growing your skills to suit your specific missions. AFIT was very professional and worked hard to make my 2 weeks very productive. This put a big hold on my training. I had a great experience with Tom as my flight instructor over the two weeks that I was out in Salt Lake City. But I am so thankful I stuck with it and put in the hard work to make my dreams realty. The best part is, Tony explained everything about student VISA and guide me step by step for the TSA process. Everyones experience will be different, but I know AFIT will help you achieve your dream of becoming a pilot. Two weeks of constant learning. International Students. Greg teaching style with this type of school is very well dialed in. The AFIT course was above and beyond what I expected of it and I couldnt have been happier with the staff, facilities, and equipment. Im headed back to Seattle and wanted to give you a review of my experience with this program. Andy is very adept at assessing which parts of your flying need work and focussing on them, and within just the first few days, Id had more progress and felt more comfortable managing the plane than I had in all my past months of training. You were able to hear my questions and turn those into lesson plans that focused on what I needed to know. I will be forever grateful to you for helping me reach this goal. His instruction was thorough and included some additional pointers that I feel will be valuable for my future flight career. Thank You! Working with John has been a pleasure and a great return on my investment.

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best accelerated private pilot training