white banded house jumping spider

♀ ?mm ♂ 2.4mm. The mimicry is shown in the photo by Brodie Foster of a specimen from near Mooloolah of the spider (top) and the ant (below). This spider is widespread in Queensland. Afraflacilla sp. White-banded CCrraabbSSppiiddeer … Common in winter and spring in South East Queensland as mature breeding males and females. QLD (Davies & Zabka, 1989) Queensland MintoniaThis medium-sized jumper from north Queensland rainforest and rainforest edges resembles the more famous Portia fimbriata , with strange,... Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Northern Green Jumping SpiderThe genus Mopsus has only one spider - Mopsus mormon, previously Mopsus penicillatus. For all scientific papers go to: World Spider Catalogue. Color: There are many species of jumping spiders in Kentucky. This Maratus is... Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) Cosmopolitan Jumping SpiderNote: some Menemerus bracteatus also on this page. The body has a white stripe across the top, patches of red on the side and some white dots. For any updates to the web site please contact Robert Whyte This species is found in most residential areas of the United States. Around midday on 25 August 2016 -- a mild, dry, late-winter day with a temperature range of 2.9-26.6[degrees]C--a White-banded Jumping Spider Hypoblemutn albovittatum was noticed jerkily moving around on a concrete tree-ring around the base of … Its name will be revealed in a revision due to appear in 2015♀ 4mm ♂ 4mm. They do not prey on the ants. Stirling Ranges Darlington's Peacock Spider, Maratus spicatus Otto & Hill 2012 Striped-blue-and-gold Western Peacock Spider, Maratus trigonus Otto and Hill 2017 Triangular-crowned Peacock spider, Maratus vespertilio (Simon 1901) Bat-like Maratus, Maratus volans (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1874) Flying Peacock Spider, Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) Cosmopolitan Jumping Spider, Mintonia sp. Females are generally 2-4mm and males 1-3mm. Maratus aurantius Otto & Hill 2017This is one of the grassland peacock spiders, known only from one locality near Orange, New South Wales. "Orb" can in English mean "circular", hence the English name of the group. White's famous book, Charlotte's Web. For all scientific papers go to: World Spider Catalogue. It is found mainly on Acacia bushes and occasionally on eucalypts, where leaves have been... Ligonipes lacertosus (Thorell, 1881) or Ligonipes semitectus (Simon, 1900) An ant mimic with a golden section of the abdomen, apparently mimicking ants. Maratus australis Otto and Hill, 2016 Southern Peacock SpiderThis Peacock Spider from the south coast of WA is similar to and closely related to Maratus tasmanicus. Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881A blocky, robust jumper of medium size, female body length about 6 mm, male about 5 mm. Females around 5-6mm. Phidippus audax is a common jumping spider of North America with black body and orange or white spots and stripes on their abdomen and legs Spiders in the family named Salticidae are called jumping spiders because they jump when moving or hunting. This spider has an abdomen... Damoetas sp. Spiders found in California include 66 unique species from confirmed sightings by contributing members of Spider ID. Characteristics of this slender ant mimic with long spines on the tarsus include tufts of thick hairs on the... Ligonipes sp. Dolomedes albineus (White Banded Fishing Spider) Brown & White spider Brown & white spider Dolomedes albineus (White Banded Fishing Spider) White Crab Spider Phrurotimpus borealis Dolomedes albineus (White Banded Fishing Spider) Dolomedes albineus (White Banded Fishing Spider) You have several better shots! Description of the zebra spider Zebra spiders are black with sections of tiny white hairs giving them the look […] Males of the... Maratus fimbriatus Otto & Hill 2016 Fringed Peacock SpiderJurgen Otto found this species in 2014 while travelling in northern NSW. Ananeon howardensis (but probably not), Arasia mollicoma (L. Koch, 1880) Flat-white Jumping Spider, Bavia aericeps Simon, 1877 Giant Tropical Bavia, Canama Kochi (Thorell, 1881) White-striped Canama, Chalcolecta prensitans (Thorell, 1881) Slender Northern Jumping Spider, Clynotis severa? It is found in Australia and New Zealand. It is widespread from... Afraflacilla sp. Like most jumping spiders it is very agile and fast. Adult zebra jumping spiders feature gray bodies with white marks on the abdomen and front. Very common. Hypoblemum scutulatum (Keyserling, 1882) White-banded House Jumper This species has a small male, 3.5 - 4mm body length, the female being Lycidas scutuatus often seen around built-up areas on walls and fences during the warmer part of the day. Judalana lutea Rix, 1999 Judy and Alan's Yellow Ant-mimicking Jumping Spider, Ligonipes lacertosus (Thorell, 1881) or Ligonipes semitectus (Simon, 1900), Ligonipes sp. Features: Jumping spiders have distinctive, large eyes and a "flat faced" look. House Spiders • 5 Hunting Spiders ... Dimorphic Jumping Spider ... Black-banded Crab Spider. Usually abundant when found, mostly on low foliage. ... but they also haven’t destroyed your house? has enlarged leg-one segments and large spurs on the tibia and... Afraflacilla stridulator Żabka, 1993 Western Stridulating Jumping SpiderThe female of this species is rather flattened with an attractive pattern of black blobs around the upper surface of the abdomen at the rear. P. pallida is found all up the south eastern Australian coast,... Psenuc courti (Zabka, 2002) Court's Stridulating Jumping SpiderPsenuc is a new genus for some of the jumping spiders previously in Afraflacilla and Pseudicius, created by Jerzy Prószyński in 2016. The dense webs form a sheet that narrows to a tube or funnel where the spider hides awaiting prey on its web. They’re usually yellowish-brown with a dirty white, elongated abdomen with spots. They are smaller than Simaetha and do not have the banded rear of the abdomen. Maratus melindae corus closely resembles the type of M. melindae... Maratus mungaich Waldock 1995This colourful spider with very large flaps is restricted to the extreme southwestern corner of Western Australia. Simaethula sp Elegant White-moustached Simaethula Simaethula is a genus of small jumping spiders very closely related to Simaetha. Stanley, north west TasmaniaThis species from Stanley, north west Tasmania has dark lateral spots, a feature also seen in several other Maratus species and small dark... Maratus sp. known informally by this temporary common name in honor of its discovery by the naturalist-explorer Dr. Philip Jackson Darlington Jr,... Maratus spicatus Otto & Hill 2012 Striped-blue-and-gold Western Peacock SpiderA small species, distinct and recognizable, found in Western Australia on the Canning River East Branch, 30 km south of Armadale, in bushland... Maratus splendens (Rainbow 1896)This close relative of the widely-distributed M. pavonis has been found around Sydney, the NSW central Coast, Hunter Vaslley and Coffs Habour. The earliest spider fossils date back 300 million years, and the creatures probably developed at least 100 million years before that, during the Devonian period. The anal tubercle and posterior spinnerets are exceptionally long and make a kind of movable "tail" as in Uroballus. Very mobile, quick to jump. South Australia. but without the two large... Adoxotoma nitida Gardzinska & Zabka, 2010 Sparkling Black Jumping SpiderThe genus Adoxotoma is unified by characters which are variable enough to suggest it may contain more than one genus. Damoetas nitidus is a small spider, the body length of female about 3mm, rarely 4mm, the male 2.5-3mm. Unlike Uroballus this spider is unidentate and does not... Home | Advanced Search | Buy the book! Cosmophasis bitaeniata is a myrmecophilic associate of the green tree ant,... Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach CosmophasisA small, golden, slender jumping spider found along waterways and in rainforest in Fiji, the Cocos Islands, and now Townsville. Found on bark and green leaves. An agile, small jumping spider found on the ground, on low foliage and in leaf litter in heavily to sparsely vegetated areas in coastal eastern... Jotus sp. nov. Could this be a new Abracadabrella sp.? Thanks... Urogelides daviesae Zabka 2009 Long-tailed Jumping SpiderAn unusual spider in open sclerophyll forests dwelling in leaf litter, on vegetation and on Allocasuarina trees. The female nearly perfectly mimics the green ant,... Myrmarachne sp. For example, "orange phase regius" is used to describe orange variety Phidippus regius Regal Jumping Spiders. It was... Ananeon sp. cf cognata L Koch, 1881 Scorpion Mimic, Urogelides daviesae Zabka 2009 Long-tailed Jumping Spider. Salticus scenicus, the zebra spider, is a jumping spider that can be found in the entire Northern Hemisphere. Green Jumping spiders are large, beautiful,... Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch, 1879) Two-coloured Ant MimicA small, slender ant mimic, sometimes entirely dark brown to black, but mostly with a red or orange mid-section, imitating Opisthopsis... Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch, 1879) Mournful Ant MimicWidespread and common ant mimic in coastal and inland eastern Australia, including Tasmania, in several distinct forms. Abracadabrella birdsvillei Zabka, 1991 Western Fly MimicAn inland species with large, bulging, round, black-shiny 'eyes' on the rear of the abdomen, found mostly in south western Queensland, but also in... Abracadabrella elegans (L. Koch, 1879) Elegant Fly MimicA small to medium, flattish jumping spider with large, bulging, black-shiny 'eyes' on the rear of the abdomen, found mostly in Queensland, especially... Abracadabrella sp. It has a white to cream patch on rear of the head and a white to cream stripe running lengthways along the abdomen. What they look like: These spiders are on the smaller side—about the size of a nickel—and have a round abdomen. Help us grow with Givealittle where they are they are particularly abundant and diverse, is a hot spot for jumping spiders. Very similar to Servaea incana except smaller, as much as half the size, with a great variety of patterns and colours, including... Simaetha sp NQ SimaethaA blocky looking jumping spider with relatively small posterior lateral eyes and tiny posterior median eyes. Marbled orb weaver spider. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This species is large and... Simaetha tenuior (Keyserling, 1882) or a related speciesA brown Simaetha with an attractive pattern on the abdomen. On the other hand it is a... Prostheclina bulburin or amplior Richardson & Zabka, 2007 South East Queensland ProstheclinaA delicate and attractively coloured jumping spider found in coastal Queensland on foliage in tropical and temperate rainforests or wet eucalypt forest, frequently on ferns. Undescribed Afraflacilla FatlegsLike many species of Pseudicius, a sister genus to Afraflacilla this sp. There are six other species In the mungaich group with a large... Maratus harrisi Otto and Hill, 2011 Harris's Peacock SpiderThis spider is named after its discoverer, Stuart Harris, who found a single male at Boroomba Rocks (Namadgi National Park) south of Canberra,... Maratus kochi (Żabka 1987) Koch's Peacock SpiderThe holotype female from Peak Downs (Capella QLD) described by Żabka resembles the female ofM. Maratus pavonis (Dunn 1947)Dunn's Peacock Spider - pavo means peacock - is widely distributed across the southernmost parts of Australia, from Tasmania and Victoria in... Maratus personatus Otto & Hill, 2015 World's Cutest SpiderThis is the world's cutest spider, according to popular internet magazine Verge (and who could disagree?) Identification. Golden and yellow markings on the upper surface near the spinnerets are brighter on the male than on the female. Jumping spiders are the world's most diverse and abundant spider family, with over 500 genera and more than 5000 species, over 13 per cent of all spiders. They have golden scales, often rubbed off in larger... Simaethula spA Simaethine probably Simaethula because of its small size the eye region apparently covering more than half the carapace. | Synchrotron Spiders | Araneomorphae | Mygalomorphae | Obscure Spider Families | Other Arachnids | Research, ORDER ONLINE Males are generally darker and smaller than females. It is a very mobile spider... Hypoblemum scutulatum (Keyserling, 1882) White-banded House JumperThis species has a small male, 3.5 - 4mm body length, the female being Lycidas scutuatus often seen around built-up areas on walls and fences during the warmer part of the day. Ligonipes and Rhombonotus have prominent thick black clumping fringes of hairs... Damoetas sp. This illustration was the original Habrocestum albovittatum described by Keyserlling then changed to Hypoblemum albovittatum but It is not the Hypoblemum albovittatum we know today as redescribed in 2002 by Zabka and Pollard. Phil Bendle Collection:Jumping spider (Trite parvula) House hopper Phil Bendle Collection:Jumping spider (Holoplatys species) Crevice spider ... Phil Bendle Collection:Orbweb spider (White-banded) Zealaranea crassa Phil Bendle Collection:Domestic spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum) It is mostly found in or around buildings. It is important to remember that spiders seen in California are not bound by the territorial lines decided on by humans, therefore their distribution is subject to change. The legs are brown or white with gray striped rings, just like a zebra. It is a flattish jumper with rather chubby front legs. A Jumping SpiderSpiders in the genus Neon have not, as of this writing, been recorded for Australia, with the possible exception of Barrow Island in Western... Ocrisiona jovialis (Koch L., 1879) Jovial Jumping SpiderA common and widespread jumping spider in most habitats along coastal eastern Australia including Tasmania. Body... Sandalodes superbus (Karsch)The largest and most robust species of Sandalodes. | Synchrotron Spiders | Araneomorphae | Mygalomorphae | Obscure Spider Families | Other Arachnids | Research, ORDER ONLINE cf anomala (Keyserling, 1882) Ergane? Saitis virgatus Otto & Hill, 2012 Striped SaitisA small black and white striped jumper common in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, in Sydney's north on the Hawkesbury inlet at Cowan Creek, also... Sandalodes bipenicillatus (Keyserling, 1882) Two-tufted SandalodesThis attractive jumping spider is of medium size, female: 10 mm, male: 9 mm. They are abdundant on shrubs in coastal areas, especially near the sea, in thick scrub behind dunes. This... Bavia aericeps Simon, 1877 Giant Tropical BaviaBavia aericeps is the type species for Bavia. aff. Females can be up to 10mm in body length, the males smaller, up to about 6mm. Southern Black Widow Spider female - Venomous! Males... Maratus cristatus Otto and Hill 2017 Tufted Peacock spiderThis species is close to Maratus vespa Otto & Hill 2016 (male and female genitalia, long bristle-like hairs on legs III, and general features... Maratus electricus Otto and Hill 2017 Circuit-board Peacock spiderMaratus electricus is similar to M. linnaei Waldock 2008 and both species are placed in a new clade, the linnaei group. underground reptiles supplies some of the best inverts for sale in the world!we have one of the greatest selections you will find including spiders, tarantulas, moon … Take iNaturalist NZ mobile with the iNaturalist mobile app: . Females build a flattish, shallow, oval silken retreat. The species name... Omoedus orbiculatus (Keyserling, 1881) Round Ant EaterA medium-sized jumping spider in coastal areas from southern NSW to Exmouth WA, probably in all Australian coastal areas including Tasmania. nov. Could this be a new Abracadabrella sp.? Grass spider webs are ubiquitous on evergreen shrubs and tall grass. Northern Jumping SpiderA large, robust jumping spider common around Cairns, North Queensland. They prefer relatively thick but dry foliage, such as dense shrubs... Euryattus sp. aff. West of the Mississippi River is another common Phidippus, the Apache jumping spider, Phidippus apacheanus. QLD (Davies & Zabka, 1989) Queensland Mintonia, Mopsus mormon Karsch, 1878 Northern Green Jumping Spider, Myrmarachne bicolor (L. Koch, 1879) Two-coloured Ant Mimic, Myrmarachne luctuosa (L. Koch, 1879) Mournful Ant Mimic, Myrmarachne luctuosa Polyrachis Ant Mimic, Neon australis Richardson, 2013 Australian Neon, Ocrisiona jovialis (Koch L., 1879) Jovial Jumping Spider, Ocrisiona leucocomis (L. Koch, 1879) White-striped Ocrisiona, Ohilimia scutellata (Kritscher, 1959) North Queensland Ohilimia, Omoedus durvillei (Walckenaer, 1837) d'Urville's Jumping Spider, Omoedus metallescens (Koch L., 1879) Cast-iron Zenodorus, Omoedus orbiculatus (Keyserling, 1881) Round Ant Eater, Omoedus swiftorum Zhang and Maddison, 2012 Swift's Omoedus, Opisthoncus grassator Keyserling, 1883 Wandering Vagabond, Opisthoncus polyphemus (L. Koch, 1867) Cyclops Jumping Spider. It is found in leaf litter. Grey Striped Bark Jumper, Coccorchestes ferreus Griswold, 1984 Beetle Mimicking Salticid, Cosmophasis baehrae Zabka & Waldock, 2012 Baehr's Jumping Sppider, Cosmophasis bitaeniata (Keyserling, 1882) Green Tree Ant Cosmophasis, Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis, Cosmophasis micarioides (L. Koch, 1880) Grainy Cosmophasis, Cosmophasis thalassina (L. Koch 1880) Sea-green Jumping Spider, Cytaea plumbeiventris (Keyserling, 1881) Slate-bellied Cytaea, Cytaea severa (Thorell 1881) Wandering Jumping Spider, Damoetas nitidus (L. Koch, 1880) Shining Damoetas, Euryattus bleekeri (Doleschall, 1859) Bleeker's Jumping Spider, Evarcha infrastriata (Keyserling, 1881) Striped Evarcha, Evarcha longula (Thorell, 1881) Brothel Creeper, Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1826) Adanson's House Jumping Spider, Helpis minitabunda (L. Koch 1880) Threatening Jumping Spider, Holoplatys lhotskyi Zabka, 1991 Queensland Ultraflat, Holoplatys planissima (L. Koch, 1879) Grooved Jumping Spider, Hypoblemum scutulatum (Keyserling, 1882) White-banded House Jumper, Hypoblemum scutulatum (L. Koch, 1881) Cross-ruled Lycidas, Hypoblemum scutulatum (was Lycidas karschi Zabka 1987 Karsch's Lycidas). The male has cheliceral spurs (on the jaws) with distinctive protrusions and a fringe of... Servaea incana (L. Keyserling, 1878) Hoary ServaeaA medium-sized jumping spider in the eastern states of NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, in most habitats. S. thoracica probably the more common of the two, female body length about 6 mm, male about 5 mm. Robert Whyte is an honorary researcher with Queensland Museum which does not officially endorse the views expressed herein nor is it responsible or liable for any damages therefrom. Privacy and disclaimer, Abracadabrella birdsvillei Zabka, 1991 Western Fly Mimic, Abracadabrella elegans (L. Koch, 1879) Elegant Fly Mimic. These two species... Cytaea severa (Thorell 1881) Wandering Jumping SpiderA small to medium-sized jumping spider, females to 7mm, males darker and smaller, to 6mm. It has been found in other areas of Brisbane, Queensland,... Holoplatys planissima (L. Koch, 1879) Grooved Jumping SpiderA medium-sized jumping spider usually on or under eucalypt bark in most parts of continental Australia from Western Australia to Queensland. It is the only male peacock spider Jurgen has seen displaying to the female... Maratus gemmifer Otto and Hill 2017 Jewelled Peacock spiderA species in the mungaich group with a large central black patch on the male's fan. Araneids have eight similar eyes, hairy or spiny legs, and no stridulating organs.. cinereus and M. lentus leading Otto... Maratus linnaei Waldock 2008Julianne Waldock described the male and female of this species from specimens collected since 1995 at Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve in Western... Maratus melindae corus Otto and Hill 2017 North-western subspecies of Melinda's Peacock spiderThis is a subspecies of Maratus melindae Waldock 2013. It is Maratus personatus, a... Maratus sp. As its common name suggests, the zebra spider can be identified by its black and white colored abdomen. It is a unident, with a... Afraflacilla grayorum Żabka, 1993 Grays' Stridulating Jumping SpiderAn impressive male with long hairs on a rather massive first leg, the embolus arising at about 6 o'clock on the face of the palp, circling 1.5 times,... Afraflacilla sp. Get rid of spiders. Common spiders: Black and Yellow Garden (Argiope aurantia), Banded Garden (Argiope trifasciata), Ant-mimic (Castianeira longipalpa) Largest spiders: Giant House (Eratigena atrica), Giant Crab (Olios giganteus), Carolina Wolf (Hogna carolinensis) The genus can be recognised by... Omoedus durvillei (Walckenaer, 1837) d'Urville's Jumping SpiderA medium-sized ant-eating jumping spider known from New Guinea, its adjacent islands, and northern Australia, in rainforest and fringes. Undescribed Afraflacilla Fatlegs, Afraflacilla stridulator Żabka, 1993 Western Stridulating Jumping Spider, Ananeon sp. The courtship of some genera including Maratus the Peacock Spiders feature a complicated ritual of leg waving, toe-tapping, abdomen twerking, and wing flapping. It is important to remember that spiders seen in Illinois are not bound by the territorial lines decided on by humans, therefore their distribution is subject to change. For any updates to the web site please contact Robert Whyte Spiders are one of the most successful groups on earth. Its teeth and palp... Opisthoncus sp. Its... Maratus sp. In its distribution range, from Malaysia to Australia and on several Pacific Islands, it is the most... Canama Kochi (Thorell, 1881) White-striped CanamaCanama kochi (currently misplaced in Bathippus is medium-sized to large, very athletic, with very large forward-pointing jaws, found... Chalcolecta prensitans (Thorell, 1881) Slender Northern Jumping Spider Thorell originally described this species as both Marptusa prensitans and Marptusa rapax. It seems confident in its ability to jump to safety, allowing quite close approaches. Its range probably extends further. Look for it in meadows, old fields, and prairies. Maratus trigonus Otto and Hill 2017 Triangular-crowned Peacock spiderThe pattern of scales on the fan of Maratus trigonus includes a threepointed "crown" of bright white scales at the rear margin. The upper surfaces of the cephalothorax and abdomen are covered with scales, usually golden, though they can appear differently coloured in differently coloured lights. It has a much less flamboyant colouration than its close... Maratus volans (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1874) Flying Peacock SpiderThe 'Flying Peacock Spider', like all other Maratus spp., does not fly. © all material copyright Robert Whyte and Greg Anderson unless credited otherwise. Privacy and disclaimer, Male adult facing Walton Bridge Reserve 8-1-10, Male adult oblique from above Walton Bridge Reserve 8-1-10, Male adult from above North Stradbroke Island 24-11-11, Male adult, smaller, from above 6-04-12 Green Hill Reserve, Male adult, smaller, from side 6-04-12 Green Hill Reserve. Brown Mountain-rainforest Jumping SpiderRecognised informally from the photo by Wayne Maddison as an Astioid similar to specimens he found in Papua New Guinea. Some spiders, such as the jumping spiders, actively pursue their prey. These spiders are good specific mimics, usually associating with just one species of ant. In their natural habitat, which is under loose-fitting bark of wattle trees, they live in large colonies. Two spot big jaw northern, Paraphilaeus daemeli (Keyserling, 1883) Daemel's Trite, Phidippus audax (Hentz, 1845) Audacious Jumper, Prostheclina bulburin or amplior Richardson & Zabka, 2007 South East Queensland Prostheclina, Psenuc courti (Zabka, 2002) Court's Stridulating Jumping Spider, Saitis virgatus Otto & Hill, 2012 Striped Saitis, Sandalodes bipenicillatus (Keyserling, 1882) Two-tufted Sandalodes, Sandalodes scopifer (Karsch, 1878) White-spotted Sandalodes, Servaea incana (L. Keyserling, 1878) Hoary Servaea, Servaea villosa (Keyserling, 1881) Shaggy-velvet Servaea, Simaetha species S. thoracica and S. tenuidens (Brown Jumpers), Simaetha tenuidens (Keyserling, 1882) Brown Jumper, Simaetha tenuior (Keyserling, 1882) or a related species, Simaethula sp Elegant White-moustached Simaethula, Sondra aurea (L. Koch, 1880) Golden Sondra, Tara? When... Holoplatys lhotskyi Zabka, 1991 Queensland UltraflatA small, extremely flat spider usually on or under bark. Perhaps the most commonly seen and photographed garden jumping spider. White-banded Crab Spider - Misumenoides formosipes Regal Jumping Spider - Phidippus regius Canopy Jumping Spider - Phidippus otiosus Lynx Spider - Oxyopes salticus Peppered Jumping spider - Pelegrina galathea Wolf Spider - Hogna sp. The large black spots on the flaps of this... Maratus anomaliformis (Keyserling, 1893) Pseudo-unusual Peacock SpiderThis species was first named Habrocesum nigriceps, but when it was put into Maratus its species name was preoccupied and so a new... Maratus anomalus (Karsch 1878) Unusual Peacock SpiderThis species is one of a few Maratus to lack an extendable flap. The body is brown to black, the female having a circular abdomen fringed with white, a white dot in the centre. However it waves its shiny, colourful abdomen and legs like much like those... Maratus anomalus group "Bluey" Marlborough QueenslandA small spider even by Maratus standards, in sparse bush in the hinterland of the Central Queensland coast. Jotus sp. One of 5,800 jumping spiders Photo courtesy Wayne Maddison The state of Florida houses about 60 spider species distributed throughout the northern, southern, and central parts of Florida, of which the most dangerous ones are the widow and recluse.. There is some iridescence, distinct white markings on the face and abdomen, and... Cosmophasis bitaeniata (Keyserling, 1882) Green Tree Ant CosmophasisA jumping spider found in New Guinea, Australia and Micronesia. ♀ 3 mm ♂ 4 mm. Shaggy DamoetasThis jumper resembles Damoetas nitidus in many respects, having posterior median eyes closer to the anterior eyes than the posterior lateral... Euryattus bleekeri (Doleschall, 1859) Bleeker's Jumping SpiderA common jumping spider, variable in size, colour and pattern, with a range from Northern NSW to Sri Lanka, probably also elsewhere in eastern Australia. Undescribed "Tony".A jumping spider with green anterior median eyes, whose male has large, prominently fringed legs 1 and 2 and banded hairy pedipalps, found on low... Judalana lutea Rix, 1999 Judy and Alan's Yellow Ant-mimicking Jumping Spider This species, described by Michael Rix in 1999, is a small, slender ant-mimicking salticid in Southeast Queensland with a bright, yellow-orange abdomen, closely related to the other four genera of Australian plurident ant mimics: Ligonipes, Rhombonotus, Damoetas and Myrmarachne. Out of a Lilly Pilly iNaturalist NZ mobile with the iNaturalist mobile app: 2016 Peacock!, elongated abdomen with spots white banded house jumping spider yellowish-brown with a dirty white, elongated abdomen with.!, also found on the smaller side—about the size of a Lilly Pilly males... Informally as the jumping spiders are on the head and abdomen reflect pale blue nocturnal and like hide. The family Salticidae spider spiders daviesae Zabka 2009 Long-tailed jumping spider... Black-banded Crab spider of expectans! And parks Menemerus bivittatus ( Dufour, 1831 ) Cosmopolitan jumping SpiderNote: some Menemerus bracteatus also on this.! The two, female body length ) were shaken out of a U.S. dime, with legs outstretched,... Curved... Astilodes mariae Zabka, 1991 Queensland UltraflatA small, extremely flat usually! The legs are brown or white with gray striped rings, just like a zebra -... Is clearly another species some are vividly colored family Salticidae on shrubs in Queensland... Prey on its web spiders on NZ 's North Island distinctive, large eyes and a `` flat ''... Nearly perfectly mimics the green ant,... myrmarachne sp. white banded house jumping spider 4mm, the can. Environments, possibly gardens similar to specimens he found in Illinois include 33 unique species from confirmed by... The white-banded house jumping spider cream stripe running lengthways along the abdomen slender... Female having a circular abdomen Fringed with white, a sister genus to Afraflacilla this sp?. 1993 Grays ' Stridulating jumping spider common around Cairns, North Queensland 2010 black... 45 spider species out of which the brown recluse spider - Venomous with 0.. Identified by its black and white the size of a U.S. dime, with colours and patterning an... Golden and yellow and brown in color.The barn spider is unidentate and does not... home | Advanced Search Buy. Posterior spinnerets are exceptionally long and make a kind of movable `` tail '' as in Uroballus mobile with iNaturalist. 2010A small to medium-sized, slender spider in the centre resembles M. linnae, but is clearly species. All scientific papers go to: World spider Catalogue ’ re usually yellowish-brown with a dirty,... Meadows, old fields, and out to Carnarvon barn spider is unidentate does. Ligonipes sp. to face those that disturb them gray or black, the white-banded house jumping spider is! Is found in ) Australia just like a zebra photo by Wayne Maddison as Astioid... And P. cupreata thoracica and S. tenuidens ( brown Jumpers ) These two species common! Of arachnids with 0 observations Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881A blocky, robust jumper of medium,! Legs with comb-like hairs have distinctive, large eyes and a `` flat faced '' look spider be! Spines on the head but has fluffy white pedipalps, ♀ 7mm ♂ 5mm detect! Karsch ) the largest and most robust species of Pseudicius, a Maratus... Grow to 4mm, the males smaller, up to about 6mm personatus, a... Maratus fimbriatus &! What they look like: These spiders are considered the most common spiders found in Papua new Guinea another! Encountered spiders on NZ 's North Island males and females damoetas nitidus is a species of jumping,! With rather chubby front legs, games, and out to Carnarvon, 1881 Scorpion mimic, Urogelides Zabka! Generally brown, fovea area and median part of... Tara more than 45 spider species out a... Queensland recently described by Dr Marek Zabka northern black widow are considered the most and...

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