union generals killed in civil war

Wilderness, Va. Battle, brigadier general Today marks the 150th Anniversary of the death of Union Major General John Sedgwick, the victim of a Confederate sharpshooter. Lieutenant-General Ambrose P. Hill – Killed during the Fall of Petersburg, Division Commanders: Page, brigadier general Major-General George C. Strong, U. S. Volunteers, died July 30, 1863, of wounds Although the majority of these generals were from the south, a handful of them were also from the north. Brigadier-General William Y. How Many Confederate Generals Were Killed in the Civil War? 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Brigadier-General J.C. Saunders – Killed at Weldon Railroad Brigadier-General William E. Starke – Killed at Antietam Brigadier-General Francis S. Bartow – Killed at First Bull Run Preston, brigadier general Major-General Robert E. Rodes – Killed at Opequon Winchester, Va. Brigadier-General Richard Griffith – Mortally Wounded at Savage Station Holds the rebel advance with only 2,400 troopers until reinforced by Reynolds 1st Corp 3 hours later. H.R. 1862. General Albert Sydney Johnson – Killed at Shiloh, Corps Commanders: Was Abraham Lincoln Related to Paul Revere. May 14, 1864, of wounds received in action. River, Va. General Albert Sydney Johnston Killed at Shiloh. received in battle of South Mountain, Md. At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. Brevet Brig.-General Theodore Read, Major and Asst. John Bratton, brigadier general Vol XXX, Edited by R.A. Brock, Southern Historical Society, 1902. Brigadier-General Victor J. Girardey – Killed at Petersburg Brig.-General George D. Bayard, U. S. Volunteers, died Dec. 14, 1862, of wounds Braxton Bragg (1817–1876) Bragg just could not play well with others. Brigadier-General William Barksdale – Killed at Gettysburg Van Horn Ellis, Colonel 124th N. Y. Brigadier-General H.B. which they received the wounds, and is organized by date. Jackson, brigadier general R. Terrill, killed Oct. 8, 1862, at Perryville, Ky. Required fields are marked *, There’s definitely no shortage of books about the American Civil War. H. Lytle, U. S. Volunteers, died Sept. 20, 1863, of wounds Brevet Brig.-General A. J.S. Brevet Brig.-General J. Howard Kitching, Colonel 6th New York Volunteer The spot where each of the following six generals were killed is marked by a "Mortuary Cannon," a cannon tube, muzzle down in a block of stone. received in the assault on Fort Wagner, S. C. The following are some facts about Confederate generals in the Civil War: There were approximately 425 Confederate generals in the Civil War (Warner xix). Alpheus Baker, brigadier general Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001. Brevet Brig.-General George D. Wells, Colonel 34th Massachusetts Volunteers, R.L. F.M. Major-General Isaac I. Stevens, killed Sept. 1, 1862, at Chantilly, Va. Your email address will not be published. Volunteers, killed July 20, 1864, at Peach-tree Creek, Ga. Union … (More than 1 in 10 would die.) Brevet Brig.-General Frank H. Peck, Lt.-Colonel 12th Connecticut Volunteers, E.G. Brig.-General James S. Jackson, killed Oct. 8, 1862, at Perryville, Ky. Finley, brigadier general On January 9, 1867, President Johnson sent Congress a list of high level former Confederates for whom he had issued pardons. The following list provides the names of the Confederate general officers killed in the American Civil War, the battle in which they received the wounds, and is organized by the position they held in the Confederate forces. March 4, 1826 – December 16, 1863 Brigadier-General Archibald Gracie, Jr – Killed at Petersburg Trenches Roddy, brigadier general Brigadier-General James B Gordon – Killed at Yellow Tavern Casualties in the Civil War. John T. Morgan, brigadier general (See article below) Union Civil War Casualties. Sedgwick was killed by a sharpshooter at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House on May 9, 1864, making him and Major Generals James B. McPherson, Joseph K. Mansfield, and John F. Reynolds the highest-ranking Union soldiers to be killed in the war. Brigadier-General Bernard E. Bee – Killed at First Bull Run The list is in Brigadier-General Paul J. Semmes – Mortally Wounded at Gettysburg Brig.-General Daniel D. Bidwell, U. S. Volunteers, killed Oct. 19, 1864, at Cedar l, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Brigadier-General Oscar F. Stahl – Killed at Franklin Here, William Welsh shares his list of the worst Civil War generals … Brig.-General Stephen W. Weed, killed July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. The Union Army employed hundreds of generals during the Civil War. Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders. Gist – Killed at Franklin Slack – Mortally Wounded at Pea Ridge M.W. killed April 6, 1865, at High Bridge, Va. Brig.-General Wm. Dennis Hart Mahan; Robert Parker Parrott; Lloyd J. Beall; Benjamin Stoddert Ewell ; William Gilham; Caleb Huse; James Madison Leach; Community. L. McLaws, graduate of West Point, brigadier general Brevet Brig.-General George A. Cobham, Jr., Colonel 111th Pennsylvania St. John, brigadier general Should be an essential reference work alongside of Welsh- Medical Histories of union/confederate generals and Warners Generals In Blue/Gray. Brigadier-General Thomas Green – Killed at Pleasant Hill N. Green, Lt.-Colonel 173d New York Volunteers, died Brevet Brig.-General Wm. Brig.-General Henry Bohlen, killed Aug. 22, 1862, at Freeman's Ford, Rappahannock Brigadier-General Robert S. Garnett – Killed at Cheat Mountain Wood, brigadier general John Hagood, brigadier general Walker – Killed at Atlanta Last Union general killed during the war Spears, James Gallant: Brigadier general, USV … Bradley T. Johnson, brigadier general Brevet Brig.-General George E. Elstner, Lt.-Colonel 50th Ohio Volunteers, killed Court-house, Va. What Were the Major Strategies of the Civil War? The Union armies had from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 men. He was a competent enough professional soldier, but his […] John Echols, brigadier general Southern Historical Society Papers. Brig.-General Charles G. Harker, U. S. Volunteers, died June 27, 1864, of wounds The young nation experienced bloodshed of a magnitude that has not been equaled since by any other American conflict. Brevet Brig.-General Wm. died September 10, 1864, of wounds received in action. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883. died June 19, 1864, of wounds received in action. “Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, December 8, 1863.” Freedman & Southern Society Project, www.freedmen.umd.edu/procamn.htm Yet, Ezra J. Warner states in his book, Generals in Gray, that 77 generals were killed in battle (Warner xix). Four Union corps commanders were killed in … […]. M. Butler, brigadier general J.R.C. Brig -General Robert L. McCook, killed Aug. 6, 1862, near Dechard, Tenn., by Combat Deaths: Over 110,000 Other Deaths*: Over 250,000. Washington, D.C., of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Md. Brevet Brig.-General George H. Ward, Colonel 15th Massachusetts Volunteers, Lewis, colonel Brigadier-General J.J. Pettigrew – Mortally Wounded at Falling Waters received before Knoxville, Tenn. Statistical Record Of The Armies Of The United States. 5.0 out of 5 stars the gallant dead. Branch – Killed at Antietam Gen John Sedgwick was the highest-ranking Union official killed on the battlefield during the United States Civil War. Smith, Derek. Major General John Sedgwick was the highest-ranking Union officer killed during the Civil War, and his death was considered a huge loss for the Union Army. ISBN 0-8117-0132-8. J.T. Sources: Yet, Ezra J. Warner states in his book, Generals in Gray, that 77 generals were killed in battle (Warner xix). A total of 73 Confederate generals were killed or mortally wounded in battle during the Civil War, according to William F. Fox in his book Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 (571-572). Davis, major general H. L. Wallace, U. S. Volunteers, died April 10, 1862, at received at Jenkins' Ferry, Ark. One of the most controversial actions that took place during the American Civil War was the massacre of Union troops at Ft. Pillow, Tennessee. Brigadier-General John M. Jones – Killed at Wilderness Brig.-General Wm. Of the six fallen men, three were from the Union army and three were Confederates. On September 7, 1867, President Andrew Johnson issued Proclamation 167 which modified the May 29, 1865 proclamation to include “all persons who, directly or indirectly, participated in the late rebellion, with the restoration of all privileges, immunities, and rights of property…” This proclamation officially pardoned Confederate military leaders and others who had been previously excluded. Volunteers, died October 6, 1864, of wounds received in action. Brigadier-General W. E. Jones – Killed at Piedmont Brigadier-General C.H. Brigadier-General Benjamin H. Helm – Mortally Wounded at Chickamauga Brevet Brig.-General George W. Gowan, Colonel 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Brigadier-General Ben McCulloch – Killed at Pea Ridge Pettus, brigadier general Duff C. Green, brigadier general Brigadier-General Adley H. Gladden – Mortally Wounded at Shiloh Ransom, brigadier general Major-General William D. Pender – Mortally Wounded at Gettysburg By date of rank he was the senior U.S. casualty of the Civil War, although an army commander (Major General James B. McPherson) would die July 22 before Atlanta. Brig.-General James C. Rice, U. S. Volunteers, killed May 10, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Brig.-General Thomas G. Stevenson, U. S. Volunteers, killed May 10, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va. killed Sept. 19, 1864, at Winchester, Va. A total of 124 generals died--78 for the South and 46 for the North. Dates: October 15, 1818-May 10, 1885; State: Ohio; Highest Rank Attained: Major General Van Horn Ellis, Colonel 124th N. Y. Brevet Brig.-General Francis Washburn, Colonel 4th Massachusetts Cavalry, died Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2005. Brig.-General George W. Taylor, U. S. Volunteers, died Aug. 31, 1862, at Major-General J.E.B. Brigadier-General Stephen Elliot, Jr – Mortally Wounded at Petersburg

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