We are going to edit this file to add in the SparkFun libraries as well as remove the deprecated libraries and libraries that SparkFun doesn't use. An update here would be great though, as I've always found Sparkfun's tutorials to be EXCELLENT. The Design Rules appear to have changed since the tutorial was written. From the schematic, click on the 'Generate netlist' button. Back in KiCad, navigate to where you placed the sparkfun library that you downloaded and open the sparkfun library (.lib). Feel free to dig around but to quickly find what we need type 'cap' into the field Filter:. Navigate to the directory where you stored the SparkFun_SchematicComponents.lib file and click 'Open'. I find myself hitting escape twice a lot just to be sure I'm back in default state. This is a decoupling cap so let's put it next to the 0.1uF cap that is already there. Double click on this footprint to open it up in the editor. That was a big tutorial and you made it through. Highlight the C:\Users\Nathan... entry from the list and click on the 'Remove' button. C2 should now be assigned a footprint. Let's take a moment to talk trace width, trace spacing, and vias. If you've found a bug or have other constructive feedback for our tutorial authors, please send us your feedback! This will help reduce solder bridging between pins. Once the file is in place, re-open KiCad, open the PCB footprint editor, and finally the Footprint Libraries Manager. Start by pressing 'x' and clicking on the start of the capacitor's air wire for GND again. There are a handful of things wrong with this example. Open KiCad's project manager and then click on the PCB footprint editor button. Click on the ladybug with the green check mark on it to open the Design Rule Check (DRC) window. You should see a long list of libraries including the new SparkFun libraries. I added a call out box that will hopefully point others to the comment section as well. This is KiCad's way of telling you it's going to create the default table of libraries that link to KiCad's extensive GitHub repos. These are found at the link https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/6/6/0/SparkFun_SchematicComponents.lib. In general, you should set your DRC rules and stick to them. Pad 1 doesn't line up with the other pads. One of the many benefits of KiCad is the ability to auto-annotate a schematic. Lets switch Canvas to OpenGL for now. However, the speed and efficiency of KiCad really shines when muscle memory kicks in so start memorizing. This will lock the CvPcb window on one side. KiCad is missing the link to the devices within this schematic. What's going on? Press 'n' to go to the next grid size. Note the title bar of the editor window has changed. Mon-Fri, 9am to 12pm and Perhaps not. And with this power, comes an overwhelming number of options. Time to export the gerber files. This is just KiCad's polite way of letting you know that you can't access your library until you link to it. This process is similar to how we started a custom footprint library. In a later section, we'll go over how to edit the 'STAND-OFF' footprint to use a regular PTH hole. I prefer the following layer colors: Pressing '+' and '-' will switch between top and bottom copper layers. However, it is rare. It's nowhere, sorry. The video linked below is just after Digi-Key guides you through KiCad and we begin to apply our skills to create the badge. I prefer OpenGL. ** *.pro** - Main project file to keep track of the file structure. KiCad is powerful. Press enter again to run the DRC with the default settings. symbols. If I ever do need an RF shield for a design, it will most likely be a custom part or a part that is not in the library. The bottom silkscreen is missing the GND indicator. You could zip all the files in the directory and send them off to your fab house but I don't recommend it. Once you've added the SparkFun schematic components library file, you should see it added to the list. This is a handy tool for perusing the available footprints. Please see all COVID-19 updates here as some shipments may be delayed due to CDC safety and staffing guidelines. Let's get started! The 'fp-lib-table' tells KiCad where to find all the various libraries and what types of libraries they are (KiCad, github, EAGLE, etc). The active library is now LEDs and it is read only. Hey Guys, We're going to assume you've already been through the previous sections of this tutorial; you should have KiCad downloaded and installed. Everyone seems to get stuck on loading the component symbols from the library. We use OSHStencils for our proto stencils. For now just click 'Drill File' or press enter to generate the drill file. The 'standard' libraries contain internal part numbers for ease of design. Check out the auto part numbering and renumbering and free & open source I felt the squeeze of eagles board size and schematic sheet limitations after a fue video tutorials and a quick start I am hooked. Click Properties -> Edit Properties (or you can click the symbol and type "E"). This will cause it to create the footprint table with the KiCad defaults. To correct this go back to the PCB layout, click on the Plotter, click 'Generate Drill File' and select the box that says 'Merge PTH and NPTH holes into one file'. SparkFun Libraries downloaded on Feb 2, 2016, and ran through lachlanA's Eagle library to Kicad conversion ULP (You probably want to disable prefix lib-name to footprint mod, it just confuses the new KiCAD) If your pointer is over multiple items (as shown in the image below with the cursor over both the trace and capacitor), KiCad will pop up a menu to clarify your selection. The error message will show up in the window as an error indicating: "Via near track." The photocell is just as common as it gets. As most of Member #1569238's comment does relate to using version 5, could you clarify what specifically you found useful so that we can put it under advisement? Have you already downloaded the library file and added the proper path as mentioned in this section of the tutorial? In the image below, you can see I've set the 'SFE_LOCAL' variable to a local path of 'C:\Users\nathan.seidle\Dropbox\Projects\SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries\'. Send Email. In the "Choose Symbol" panel, type a few characters from the "Library Reference:" field in the Filter box. I have completed the basic tutorials of kicad and I want to learn more about this software and practice so that I can use it for professional purposes. KiCad is trying to tell us the pads on this solder jumper are too close together. KiCad will ask you if you're sure, simply press return or click 'OK' again. If you have an order or shipping question please refer to our Customer Support page.For technical questions please check out our Forums.Thank you for your continued support. You should see the new capacitor near the board. Now reducing the DRC clearances in order to get your board to pass DRC is not an ideal solution. Next to the 'Component library files,' click 'Add'. When you add the footprint libraries, your path must match the existing footprint paths if you want it to relink the symbols to the footprints in the tutorial. Of all the differences between EAGLE and KiCad it was the look within PCB layout that threw me off the most. Be sure to check KiCad's KiCad Library Convention once you get comfortable creating components. I had a "Via drill too small" error after running the DRC for the last time. However...trying to view any SparkX part and the SparkFun_Sensors:ZOPT220x footprint, an error dialog pops up saying fp-lib-table files contain no library with nickname "SparkX"/"SparkFun_Sensors". That being said, I am not sure how familiar they will be with KiCad. Left click to place the capacitor. Check out SparkFun's Enginursday and project blog posts about KiCad. Are pin 1 indicators clear? While plated through holes (PTH) are common and cheap, NPTH requires an extra step in the PCB fabrication process and will often cost extra. Yep, it's built right in. Return to the main KiCad project window and open up GerbView by clicking on the button. Hover over the bits of traces that you want to remove and press 'Delete'. This section will show you how to create your own local custom footprints so that you can use them and connect them to schematic components using CvPcb. We added a component to the schematic, we modified the PCB layout, and we checked for errors. It's not a bad thing, just different. Make sense? Start by hovering over the new cap and press 'm' for move. Obviously KiCad wants to control their libraries; not just anyone can save to their repos. Note that there is a box in the lower left corner that says "Symbol". That stated, we are seeing many PCB fab houses charge low prices for 7mil trace/space and 12mil vias. 1pm to 5pm U.S. Mountain Time: We welcome your comments and suggestions below. It will fail and then search the relative path of "** ..\SparkFun-KiCad-Libraries**" and find the files. Use this version to follow along.). The board should look similar to the image below. In the KiCad design, I have a pad on the main sensor that looks like it's slightly mis-placed. When generating the drill file for this design two files where generated: Non-plated through holes are holes on your PCB that do not have copper covering the vertical walls of the hole. You can also find this in the menu options under "Grid: 0.0635mm (2.5mils).". Click on 'Save current component to new library' button. Your job is to double click on the footprint on the right that goes with the component in the middle. Next, click File -> Load EXCELLON Drill File. Once you've removed most of the offending traces, you can begin routing by pressing 'x'. SparkFun libraries converted for use in KiCAD! If you ever delete something wrong press 'ctrl+z'. I store our Eagle libraries in a DropBox folder so both my desktop and laptop can access the same set of files. I know they have a lot of other projects that do have a higher priority, but we will do our best to update this resource when we get a chance. Click 'Plot' to generate the gerber files for the layers and then click 'Close'. hi Sparkfun moderators... it might be a good idea to either update this tutorial or put a note at the top that it's for an old version - it still rates VERY highly on many searches for Kicad. Take note of the "Library Reference:" field. 1pm to 5pm U.S. Mountain Time: If you're like me and you've decided to take the plunge from EAGLE PCB to KiCad it can be really jarring. However, one of our customers has graciously provided various workarounds for v5 that may be of interest to others who are pursuing the same route. When adding libraries, you can multi-select. Single click on the pad that has the gray air-wire and drag it to the pad that it needs to connect to. This tutorial is made using KiCAD 4.0 The latest version has a change. For example, let's say that you wanted to remove an extra capacitor or resistor from a design. In our example, we want to set silabs as the active library. Notice the title bar in the Footprint Editor still states the active library is LEDs and is read only. What to do? For this tutorial, please create a local folder called 'C:\KiCadLibs\' (or your platform's equivalent). We're becoming very familiar with the default KiCad libraries and using their footprints wherever it makes sense. I resolved this by deleting the issue via and placing a new via. It's not perfect but Lachlan has done a tremendous amount of groundwork. Click on 'Next >' a few times. I generally do not change the layer colors unless I have to. They should be in the same directory. So as you migrate to KiCad remember to take breaks and breathe (and say 'Key-CAD' in your head). SparkFun DFM specifics. If you are an EAGLE guru starting to get your feet wet with KiCad, be sure to checkout Lachlan's Eagle to KiCad converter for converting your Eagle PCB layouts to KiCad. We have two air-wires left. Let's change the value from C_Small to 4.7uF. Currently it's a variable called SFE_LOCAL. Additionally from the Render menu, turn off the Grid and DCodes. Weekly product releases, special offers, and more. We don't need NPTH for this design, so what happened? You must add the symbol libraries as well as the footprint libraries. Frequently Asked Questions. This file contains all the schematic components. Again, click on the 'Select working library' button but this time either scroll to your custom list or type 'Custom' to find the 'CustomComponents' library. The footprint libraries table file (on Windows 10) is located in the AppData folder similar to: 'C:\Users\Nathan\AppData\Roaming\kicad\fp-lib-table'. You've just wired up your first schematic component. If you're still stuck, then reply to this comment and I'll try to respond with help. Even if the KiCad libraries contain the part, you'll want to check it against the datasheet very closely and do a one to one test print. The top paste layer is not needed to fabricate a PCB. link... but the Feedback form does not work. Your donation helps to build the KiCad community and ensures future feature development, supports bug fixes, community engagement and the growth of KiCad as the premier Open Source EDA solution. The approach we are taking at SparkFun is to link to a local copy of all our classic Eagle Librarie Anytime we need one of the Eagle footprints, we copy and paste it into a modern KiCad library. Press 'b' to update the polygons. Let's add it! Now to get started, be sure that KiCad is closed. Turn on F.Paste in the Plot window to generate the top paste layer. The 'Save current library to disk' button will become enabled and you can save this component to your custom library. I encourage you to experiment with your best guess as to what is different. We will need the SparkFun_SchematicComponents.lib file. That's ok, just click through it. You should have already opened the PCB Footprint Editor at least once by now. Now click on File->Save Footprint in New Library. We've got a great tutorial on the different layers of a PCB so be sure to read up if all this is new to you. SparkFun's KiCad Libraries. Congrats! The last step is to tell KiCad the local path to the SparkFun libraries. This is the last chance to catch any errors before paying real money. Start by setting the active library to the one that contains the part you want to copy by clicking on the 'Select working library' button. Click 'OK' and then 'Yes' to delete the component from the library. The footprint libraries table file (on Windows 10) is located in your AppData. Before we can set our new footprint directory as active, we need to make KiCad aware of it. This will open the component window. If you don't, then go back through the tutorial. And to the users, if you haven't upgraded to Kicad 5 yet, give it a go. Since then EAGLE has become a second language to me and I've forgotten all the hard bits. The parts I had difficulty with were linking the sparkfun library, getting the schematic symbols to update and viewing the selected footprint when adding a footprint using CvPcb (this causes a crash for me every time). A main navigation window will display where you will be able to open all the periphery programs like schematic capture and PCB layout. As you progress through your layout, I recommend focusing on the 'Unconnected' count at the bottom of the screen (circled in pink). I was just trying to ascertain if users may have missed the call out banner in the beginning of the tutorial or if we should provide additional information like... that users will experience difficulties when using a more up to date version of the software. Note that capitalization is important. KiCad will ask you where you want to save the netlist as a ** *.net** file with the default location being the project folder. It's very important that you check for airwires before ordering your PCBs. Let's create a local directory to keep all our local footprints. The KiCad project window looks quite empty and sad. From this view, turn off all the layers but the Top Copper (layer 5). To verify it's now in the library click on the 'Load component to edit from the current library' button. I was using Orcad before, and switching away from WinXP had to find something new. Start by clicking on the 'Selecting working library' (i.e. I suggest reading the whole section before making changes. You need to download the Sparkfun library from GitHub for this step: Top Copper (F.Cu)+ Soldermask (F.Mask) + Silkscreen (F.SilkS), Bottom Copper (B.Cu) + Soldermask (B.Mask) + Silkscreen (B.SilkS). I recommend you store this *.lib file in the same 'C:\KiCadLibs\' directory we stored the footprint library within. KiCad may throw an error because the 'LEDs' nickname is used twice. You've made it through design rule checking! SparkFun has used this footprint for years and is comfortable with the design so let's change the Netclass clearance constraint. It's a problem that needs to be fixed, but the error won't kill the board. hi Sparkfun moderators... it might be a good idea to either update this tutorial or put a note at the top that it's for an old version - it still rates VERY highly on many searches for Kicad. I've hit the same roadblock... No 'Component Libraries' option. The final step? Simply click 'Cancel' in the manager window and the library manager will close without saving changes. Why is there a file to define which footprints go with which schematic components? Does anyone have a series of steps to fix this? https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun-KiCad-Libraries, same version of KiCad as mentioned in the tutorial, Creating a Custom KiCad Footprint Library, Creating Custom KiCad Schematic Components. Load your drill files by selecting the all the drill files shown and click 'Open'. If you've got a complex board with tight layout challenges, it's better use the smaller trace/space and vias. Don't fear! Aha! Click the 'Current library to disk' button and 'Yes' to save. Press enter and your modifications will be saved. What's wrong with my board? To change the layer colors, on the right side menu use your mouse wheel to click on the green square next to B.Cu (bottom copper layer). Click on 'Close' in the 'Drill Files Generation' window. You're looking for irregularities and things that look out of place. Order your boards! More importantly, the soldermask on the Eagle design has gaps between the pins on the connector and the sensor IC. ** *.cmp** - Defines which footprints go with which schematic components. This way you are able to benefit the best characteristics of the two design tools and easily migrate from one tool to the other. Single click to place the via and KiCad will automatically start routing on the bottom layer. Save yourself the layout time and rely on the PCB fab house to correctly fabricate your board. Well done. If you're stuck, then read through this comment fully. For now, you should continue with the tutorial. Here is an example footprint in LEDs library. But what about the C? KiCad will create the new 'LEDs.pretty' directory with a file 'C:\KiCadLibs\LEDs.pretty\LED_CREE-XHP50_12V.kicad_mod'. From this example project, you can delete or add devices as you need rather than starting from a blank canvas. I called my lib file 'CustomComponents.lib' so that I know these are mine. Videos by Chris Gammell at Contextual Electronics (7 parts ~2.5 hours). Change C_Small in the Text field by typing 4.7uF. It should work fine. Does the customer care about the ***.gtp** file or is that just extra? Reid discusses the updates and new features of KiCad 5. We'll show you how to create your own schematic symbols in a bit. If you mess this up like I did, you might Google and find a bunch of OLD information about Kicad on the Mac... which if you follow, you will end up down a rabbit hole...). ZOPT220x UV Sensor Breakout KiCad Files (ZIP) - Example KiCad Files used in this tutorial. In the future, you may want to revisit this if you use KiCad across multiple computers. Many designers live and die by these values, so use as needed. Let's poke around these libraries. Take a moment and return to the PCB layout window to edit the make these corrections. So let's do that. Again, press enter or click 'Save' to confirm. In time, perhaps I'll figure out why this via is different than the others and why placing a new via has different dimensions. Once KiCad's GerbView is open, click on File -> Load Gerber File. I tried to report my constructive comment via your "send us your feedback!" Lucky for us, we are just scratching the surface so we don't need to fiddle with any of these options. Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or questions please ask them in the comments section. Perhaps. Aren't we here to add a 4.7uF cap to the board? Power and ground are now connected to our capacitor. He is the best! Weird. I guess there was an update to KiCad. Press 'ctrl+s' to save your work. The vias marked with red arrows are too close to the traces near by. Did you catch it? Check out the comments section for more info. Press return or click 'OK ' to confirm stuck on loading the kicad tutorial sparkfun from the of. Footprint to use terms such as 'schematic components ' and ' x ' ) any traces weird. The 'View selected footprint '' it successfully finds the SparkFun-Capacitors:0603 footprint options under Grid... For 7mil trace/space and 12mil vias about where it should look for `` component libraries manager middle is local... Are now connected to our local footprints you through a KiCad design with a PCB local! 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