how to heal wounded masculine energy in a female

First coined by famous psychiatrist Carl Jung, the terms "Anima" and "Animus" refer to the indwelling masculine and feminine energies that we all possess. If you find yourself living with these spaces, find a way to remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible! I've recently come to some profound realizations around my father wound, inner masculine, and my money story. The Wounded Feminine, will show itself in your life also as the impatient one that wants to cut-off (or prevent) women/men from being clear (in communication) as this trait is in so many people at this time. When you are unwilling to make mistakes, you stagnate and the divine masculine energy within you becomes suppressed. Feminine energy is soft, fluid, allowing, and nurturing. I didn't own a blow dryer or eyeliner and I was more excited over a new personal record at the gym then any designer handbag. Wounded masculine energy is shown through manipulation, being overly aggressive, trying to get your way at all costs, throwing a tantrum or bullying. Consciousness, power, assertiveness. Learning to heal your masculine energy if you are a woman will free up your own life force energy. For people of all genders, both feminine energy and masculine energy are necessary to embody in order to feel like a complete person. It is logical and practical. For example, a man might become controlling instead of simply protective, or becoming aggressive and domineering, as opposed to embodying a more conscious strength. The female energy is comprised of electrons and the male energy of protons. The twin flame male energy is said to undergo a healing process. The Chakras and Gender - Masculine/Feminine Energy Feminine energy is rooted. Surrendering To The Masculine Energy | Dating ... The typical traits of a balanced masculine energy, sometimes referred to as the sacred masculine, are: • Strong and protective. He is stoic, uncommunicative, overpowering, physically aggressive . Transcending the Wounded Masculine and Feminine | elephant ... Masculine energy is goal-oriented, logical and linear in its thinking process, and is disciplined in its approach. MenWeb: Men's Issues. Wounded Masculinity It is receptive, it is intuitive, it is instinctual and emotional. . Healing The Masculine Wound. ⭐ I welcome the masculine energy of money into my life to support me in my feminine. However, when it gets distorted it can turn into domination, perversion, and aggression. The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender, and both male and female can tap into both essences. This is why it's so crucial for women to heal the Mother Wound: Your personal healing and re-connection to the heart of life, by way of the feminine, affects the whole and supports our collective evolution. It is sturdy and allows us to give. The unconscious pursuit of the hero's journey in our culture can be understood as an expression of the wounded masculine. Learn the Difference between Masculine and Feminine energy ... In "Healing the Masculine and Feminine" we will use the Azul Spiral to take steps in understanding how these energies manifest in us and to tend to the core healing that allows us to . If we heal the wounded feminine, we can change what they call the "dream of the Western world", a dream that has turned wrong and ignored the principles of life. Men's Voices magazine Thus, it is important for men and women, to tend to their male aspects and harness their fierce passions through grounded strength. In this segment on healing the wounded masculine within to attract the exalted masculine into your life, you will learn: Why the relationship between your inner masculine and feminine serves as the template for. The female body was designed for pleasure. It's the TOTAL opposite. Feminine energy is naturally "softer, more sensuous, more fluid, and expands . Divine Mother / Divine Feminine, Emotional Body Healing, Energy Updates With Jelelle Awen, Fifth Dimension Ascension (5D . Masculine energy, by its nature, is more arrow-like in contrast to feminine energy; it's "harder" energy. There are many reasons why a woman can have an unbalanced or wounded feminine energy. The strong, healthy masculine energy is something that I love so much. • Decisive and direct. Masculine energy is destructive energy, while feminine energy is a creative energy. 1. This is a trait that is in both women and men as we have both feminine and masculine energy as needed for our balance. Pioneering and discovering. My masculine energy was dominant. We call it "Greater Yin.". Typically, one of these energies is dominant. That is why it is of such great importance that the energies of the first and third chakra are healed. As the wounded masculine continues to transmute and transform into a higher vibrational frequency of sacred masculinity, the possibilities for balance and union between the masculine and feminine become revealed to us. The Divine Masculine In The Twin Flame Union. The problem has been that masculine energy has gotten so easily distorted over the centuries. This episode gets super juicy and experiential! I talked like them, I dressed like them, I ate, slept and f*** like them. Going through a process of embodying your masculine and feminine energies, Jake takes you through a journey of connecting back with your inner child. Society has separated the two for thousands of years without discussion on how a female should approach her masculine side or a male should approach his feminine side. Healing our Wounded Inner Masculine. He constructs emotional walls and withdraws when feeling threatened or challenged. The direction in which the energy of a chakra rotates is also different in physical males and females. Men are usually encouraged to identify more with masculine energy, but there's great . You can identify as a male but reside more in the feminine energy or you can identify as a female and reside in more of the masculine energy. As the wounded masculine continues to transmute and transform into a higher vibrational frequency of sacred masculinity, the possibilities for balance and union between the masculine and feminine become revealed to us. Methodical thought. August 16, 2013 grantmays Articles, . Masculine energy is solid, consistent, and unwavering. . The world around us is a heated, hurtful place that can keep us . Women who lead with their wounded masculine energy often . The Divine Masculine was once a very foreign and confusing energy to me, unfamiliar with what the essence of this was. Women are gathering in ceremonial settings to sit together and heal these ancient wounds that lie deep within us. I had only men in my life. The idea behind surrendering to masculine energy is no longer fearing it and needing to stand up to it or fight it. The twin flame male energy is said to undergo a healing process. / Healing the Manipulated Masculine and Wounded Feminine. Rumble — In this lesson, I talk about polarity and introduce the difference between male and female energy. Having direction and forward focus. Energy is not finite - it is a continuum. The Impotent Protector becomes the Inner Judge, in both little boys and little girls. They know that the Feminine energy must shine again and is the major key to create the new world we are dreaming of. I explain how masculine and feminine energy (personified in mother and father) form the foundation for everyone's life. being submissive and manipulative need to control, deep mistrust and anger at masculine energy (men, money, and really anything that is meant to support the feminine energy and creativity) afraid. The shadow side of the feminine energy. Tool: Think of a row boat - in order to keep it "balanced" the couple needs to be sitting on their own sides. It's set in the present moment. Please remember, masculine and feminine energies are not gender specific and we all have both. To shake things up in your routine you can paint, create a poem, write a song, or make a delicious meal for yourself and others. The wounded masculine has a distinct air of righteousness. Full surrender of the feminine requires full presence of the masculine. This usually comes from some need to control the environment because of a need for a specific . On April 17, Chiron, the mystic wounded healer and teacher, enters the sign Aries. Both masculine and feminine energies have an unhealthy, wounded aspect and a healthy, divine aspect. Another way to look at the masculine energy is as knowledge whereas the feminine is knowing. The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender, and both male and female can tap into both essences. When the feminine energy is in balance, there is a natural beauty that arises. Masculine energy, by its nature, is more arrow-like in contrast to feminine energy; it's "harder" energy. How overusing masculine energy and disrespecting feminine energy can lead to mental and physical dis-ease. The masculine energy is said to be derived of "protons", while the feminine . It is the container that takes action to bring a creation into the world. This wounding is evident in both genders. That said, the words "feminine" and "masculine" can still be helpful in describing two different and opposing ways of being. Society has separated the two for thousands of years without discussion on how a female should approach her masculine side or a male should approach his feminine side. A few years ago, in my first session with an Ayurveda Consultant, an illuminating moment occurred when she was looking at my health history and asked if I had noticed that nearly all my physical injuries (and . The Divine Masculine was once a very foreign and confusing energy to me, unfamiliar with what the essence of this was. This energy transitions from false depiction of manhood to its divine form. • Assertive. But rather, to trust it, let it protect you and to actually let it have its own role in your life. Masculine Energy, Feminine Energy. The chakra in a male body rotates clockwise, while in a female body rotates anti-clockwise. 614. Wounded masculine energy is making us all feel like we don't have enough, don't do enough, and are surely going to die in the next generation. Each and every one of us have masculine and feminine energy that resides in us. This time, Mary Magdalene will address the shadow side of the . Empowered feminine energy is the willingness to be "seen" and to express your needs and desires - it's the receiving and allowing energy. A big part of moving forward is the willingness to take risks and learn how to turn mistakes into beneficial lessons to propel you forward even faster. This energy transitions from false depiction of manhood to its divine form. Heal the wounds. Together they are in a battle for their emotional survival. Meditation is a great way to practice living in the present moment. We also practice a ritual to support deep healing. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus. Once again the female energy is incomplete. For the masculine, sit your ass down and get quiet, practice grounding yourself, breathe deeply from your belly, practice making clear decisions, deepen your eye gaze and figure out your core purpose for being here! Feminine energy is yin and masculine energy is yang. Healing the Manipulated Masculine and Wounded Feminine * by Sofiya Mariya . The healing of the wounded masculine comes through the activation of your inner feminine emotional body to feel and heal the pain. Healing the Masculine and Feminine Within - Episode 38. In today's episode, we'll talk about how the wounded masculine energy can manifest and what you can do to transmute that energy back into healthy sacred / divine masculine energy. The aim of many forms of healing is to bring the feminine and masculine qualities into balance. If you think you have to struggle so much in relationship to get what you need/want, that is the VERY reason why you always struggle -and . In this way, the Mother Wound is actually an opportunity and an initiation into the divine feminine. It is energetically and physically evident that the Divine Feminine has come roaring back to life in our world. Male, female, or non-binary, one of the first steps to awakening the divine masculine energy is to heal wounds from the past. Typically, you are taught that you are either male or female with little to zero discussion on the fact that everyone has both aspects in their physical and spiritual makeup. Use the crystals below to tap into this feminine energy that resides within you. Your masculine energy is wounded, if you experience any of these signs: Pushy, cold-hearted or dominating, Relationships are transactional and logic based, Low self-esteem and lack of confidence, Scared, feeling unsafe in the world, aloof, Confused, all over the place, lacking clarity, Procrastinating, afraid to take action. It has the ability to go with the flow. In this instance, to examine our relationships with the men who had a hand in our formative years, our fathers, brothers, and others. The female energy is the carrier of the New Age but it needs a balanced male energy to truly manifest itself and grow roots into material reality. . Men, for you to have a women totally surrender to you, you must fully embody your masculine. Specifically, the anima is thought to be the feminine part of a man's soul, and the animus refers to the masculine part of a female's soul.Both the anima and animus are ancient archetypes (or raw forms of energy) that every being . Qualities of Masculine Energy Drive, focus, assertiveness, and confidence tend to be seen as more masculine traits that set one up for success in business and the corporate world. As we move towards union it is necessary to heal the wounded masculine and feminine energies in us that manifest in our relationship with self and other. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and darkness and always leads to pain. In The Forbidden Female Speaks, Mary Magdalene talks about the deep collective wound inside the feminine energy, which expresses itself in women as a lack of self-worth, difficulties maintaining clear boundaries and a tendency to lose themselves, give too much or 'merge' in relationships. Learn your core energy I think my friend Dean is right. On the fusion of twin flames, the twin flame is likely to have a lot of emotional clashes that need to . It is energetically and physically evident that the Divine Feminine has come roaring back to life in our world. Each of these energies have wounded and healed traits so depending on your healing, these energies can be shown in different ways. Giving yourself a voice now as an adult will also heal your wounded feminine. Feminine energy is the energy of being, of self-love, compassion, intuition, and flow. your intimate relationships. The masculine energy is stable and more predictable. It wasn't . I went through this journey and it takes full surrender to the divine feminine to be cleansed of your pain. Women are gathering in ceremonial settings to sit together and heal these ancient wounds that lie deep within us. Divine Mother / Divine Feminine, Emotional Body Healing, Energy Updates With Jelelle Awen, Fifth Dimension Ascension (5D . February 21, 2018. Learn masculine skills, (e.g., fixing car problems, learning to use a drill, fix broken appliances, etc.) Healing The Masculine Wound. In this fiery episode, we explore the masculine and feminine in society and within. Not understanding the differences between men and women causes misunderstanding and unnecessary conflicts in relationships. If a woman is mostly in her wounded feminine, she can heal that energy within herself if her masculine energy steps up and re-balances the energy exchange. It helps to slow your thoughts down, gives you a greater awareness and insight, and allows you to release worries and anxiety. Releasing the guilt and shame and standing up for yourself in a loving and truthful way heals your wounded feminine. Gain more emotional balance by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and self-exploration, etc. The main aspects of this process are time and privacy. Feminine energy is receptive therefore empathetic and flexible. In it's pure, aligned form the divine masculine is clear, wilful, passionate, protective, committed and focussed. Yin refers to the feminine energies in life, and yang refers to the masculine energies in life. Find a historical male figure (or female with a strong Animus) who you admire and use them as a role model (see my archetypes article for more . He is the masculine, wounded by his domestication, and fighting to protect the inner feminine the best way he knows how. The masculine energy drives the game and the feminine energy begins to get frustrated and angry, and maybe even resentful. Masculine energy is direct and earthy. To feel feminine energy, take a walk by the water and pay attention to how it ebbs and flows or take a look at the Moon on a night when it is full, and tap in to the strong and radiant . She was getting very creative because that is what feminine energy does. When the masculine is wounded, the energies become unbalanced. Valour and strength. It's extremely uncomfortable and emotionally draining. Unlike the Divine Feminine which is a more passive and receptive force, the Divine Masculine energy has a will to power - it loves action, and it will do everything it can to find spiritual guidance and its true life path! A book review from MenWeb: Comprehensive men's issues site: men spirit and soul; mythopoetyc, men's movement, psychology, therapy, healing, men's rights, gender justice. May 23. Feminine energy is naturally "softer, more sensuous, more fluid, and expands . In our current society, we are experiencing an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies; our world (especially the western world) has leaned too far in the direction of the masculine energy, and without enough feminine energy to balance it out, a great deal of the Wounded Masculine is playing out on the world stage, responsible for conflict, violence, and unhealthy competition in . It's focused outward. Healing the wounded "masculine" is not about healing wounded "males." It is about healing the systemic imbalance of the psyche within both men and women that exists because of the imbalance between . Typically, you are taught that you are either male or female with little to zero discussion on the fact that everyone has both aspects in their physical and spiritual makeup. A lot of men do use their masculine energy in a very bad way (rape, sexual mental or emotional abuse). The Divine Masculine In The Twin Flame Union. We dive deep into sacred marriage, body image, and sexuality. Do you welcome the depths of your feminine energy? Next, we really need to look at society as a whole. Themes concerning the right way of dealing with anger as a core energy and the expression of our life force have to be addressed during the coming years. The Female is often . It is the personal and collective imbalance that comes from only valuing the masculine. The wounded masculine aspect in our culture and world is evidenced in an abuse of power. On the fusion of twin flames, the twin flame is likely to have a lot of emotional clashes that need to . It wasn't . Download the free app in the Apple app or Google Play store. The Divine Masculine is an active force, one that is given to seeking truth, freedom, and self-sovereignty. It's also the expression of the "wounded" side of the core attributes of masculine energy. Giving is an action of our divine masculine, and receiving is an action of our divine feminine, and a balance of both energies is when we feel harmonious within. It's simple, yet oddly challenging to achieve. If you are a male then first and foremost you need to focus on developing the male energies in a positive way. / Healing the Manipulated Masculine and Wounded Feminine. He trusts the masculine and regardless of whether that energy shows up in a male or female body, it's required by his total feminine surrender. Masculine energy thinks into the future, plans, and sets intention. Female or feminine energy is the energy of support, being and creation. . So please, ladies. . 11. And most of all the feminine energy is healing because it is expressed through the subtle realm. Answer (1 of 9): I would think seriously of the ways in which you yourself have been wounded and are trying to heal yourself by attaching to someone you relate to who is also wounded. It really doesn't take masculine force to make a guy want to give you everything you want. It's focused inward. Taking action. No more hiding from fears. This is what many women who are still struggling in their masculine energy fail to comprehend so they can't have the relationship they want. If they find they're depressed and don't have the energy left over to enjoy their lives or that they're angry a lot, or tend to have boundary issues where they're crossing too far over into someone . drugs, sex, or work, these are barometers. It is sensual and emotional. Read the 8 signs below if you are carrying wounded masculine energy. He is competitive, sexually aggressive and promiscuous. When you clear the shame it makes way for you to feel pleasure. Typically, one of these energies is dominant. Feminine and Masculine Energy. It is not exclusively female, as all people on earth are made up of both masculine and feminine energy, however it is an important aspect of being a woman. The wounded masculine energy is insensitive, shaming, controlling and immature. Shift your energy, and the collective energy of the world will begin to shift, too. When our masculine energy is in balance, it shows up as the action-taker, the part of us that gets things done in a structured and logical fashion. That's what it's there for. Imagine the radical revolution if more people moved from this space. Wounded feminine energy can also come from being in toxic situations or around toxic people. Stagnation is the opposite of masculine energy. Male or masculine energy is the energy of action, doing and forward movement. It is the male aspect that feels it is not strong enough and so it overcompensates by being aggressive, filled with bravado, and disrespectful of the viewpoint and boundaries of others (think Clinton/Lewinsky). I want to share with you the primary qualities associated with both masculine energy and feminine energy to explain these strengths. The song/poem/meal doesn't even necessarily need to be "good"… it just needs to be created. Healing the Manipulated Masculine and Wounded Feminine * by Sofiya Mariya . The feminine creativity is being dampened because she was very excited about the beach house. The masculine energy likes to create structures and rules, so it knows how to apply the logic correctly. books, poems, on-line book store, men's resources. The Wounded Masculine. How to Use Crystals to Bring Out Divine . You struggle to sit still. Chiron's 8-year transit through this sign will mark changes in the healing paradigm. Some masculine energy traits are ambitious, purposeful, directive . Articles, men's stories, book reviews. As in the last blog post 'Healing the Wounded Masculine' there is also great wounding to the feminine, regardless of gender or biological sex. The main aspects of this process are time and privacy. Href= '' https: // '' > is your feminine energy is naturally & quot ; softer, fluid... 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how to heal wounded masculine energy in a female