wordpress header image not showing on all pages

'Posts > Add New' link in WordPress dashboard Insert any content you want for the blog post. To edit featured images in WordPress, open a post and scroll to the Featured Images section in the Post Settings panel. Many of them provide tools for seeing previews of what shows up on Facebook and other social networks. Test out the fields for the Number of Items and Columns to ensure your featured images are both presentable and appealing when they get published on the homepage. This is a frustrating one because its a simple setting in the dashboard that tells WordPress to either show the Featured Image section or not. Lazy loading is preventing your featured image from showing. Type in the new dimensions and click the Scale button. To begin, install and activate the OG plugin on your WordPress site. First, the plugin opens up the default limit that WordPress sets of having one featured image per post. Deleted all plugins. Did we miss anything important? Follow these rules to ensure your featured images are legal: Its one thing to ensure all featured images are relevant to the posts theyre attached to. The image is showing on pages that use a different header. If youre going with this route, we recommend an image compression plugin that automatically shrinks and optimizes all images uploaded to WordPress, such as Optimole or Imagify. You have to call the header too. Getting back to the featured images, its not set by default to show featured images from blog posts when you put the Latest Posts block into a page. I later deactivated the plugin, but that hasn't made a difference. Visuals can be decisive in your content marketing plan. I always prefer the classic editor. You can upload a featured image to every post and page. Our last option for turning on the Open Graph protocol to reveal featured images is called the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin. Simply having a header.php in your theme's folder will not output your header to the browser. Still, WordPress provides simple editing features which may prove easier for some users, or for those who want to edit featured images that have already been uploaded to WordPress. Hit the Enter key to activate the crop and see the result in the preview. It should have a Front Page label next to it. After each reinstallation, you should check to see if the featured images are still functioning and showing up properly. Instead, it detects the posts that lack featured images and sets a default featured image for them. But what if the featured images arent showing on the blog page? This column reveals the thumbnail version of that featured post to give you a quick idea of what will appear on the frontend of your site. The Pexels collection isnt much different from your Media Library, except you have the luxury of finding beautiful photos without having to take them yourself. Besides, the featured images for each post should be shown above the post title and link. Creating a website with stunning content to find that featured images dont show is both frustrating and potentially harmful to your brand. However, if you use any other hosting provider, it may prove useful. The Crop tool reveals a square within the preview thumbnail, asking you to click and drag the crop box so that it gets to the exact dimensions you desire. This article shows you how you can fix WordPress featured images not showing properly on your website. You should avoid stuffing keywords just because you want to. The first is OG, which comes in handy for adding the Open Graph protocol to turn any webpage into rich objects for social media. Now, go to Settings > Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags. Furthermore, theres an option in the Edit Image panel that lets you revert to the original dimensions whenever you want. An alternative is to install and activate a plugin like Export All URLs. A first page header\footer. The first few settings dont have anything to do with the featured image, but they can affect how the posts show up in the block and make your featured images look strange. However, you also want to stick to a consistent theme. Its more common to see something with specifics, like a message that tells you an image or video Exceeds the Maximum Upload Size For This Site.. This should get you closer to the optimal featured image size for your theme. Reinstalled GP plug in. The most common ones are: Incorrect home and site URL. This could lead to a photo owner reaching out and asking you to remove many of your featured images, or worse, threatening legal action. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. Its also a good idea to make adjustments to child themes instead of the core WordPress files. Fix the HTTP Error When Uploading a Featured Image 2. Another simple yet common mistake made by WordPress users is to implement a cover image for a post or page and assume it works like a featured image. This section is outputting a style with a .site-header background image with a relative url; and is overwriting whatever it outputed before with the conditional is_page() codes. The plugin is lightweight and doesnt offer any other features, making it ideal for those not interested in anything besides fixing the Open Graph issue. Think about using a default featured image plugin to fill in the blanks and list temporary or permanent featured images when you forget to do so. As an alternative, its often a better idea to leave the Crop Thumbnail box unchecked, so the Thumbnail dimensions are used as more of a guideline. One of the more frustrating problems with WordPress featured images not showing involves the dashboard settings. These are excellent tools for replacing poorly designed featured images or fixing problems when certain featured images dont show up in the first place. The next step is to Add a Filter, which essentially asks you to choose the images you want to replace. Youre better off editing a photo to meet those suggested dimensions before uploading it to WordPress. The following block of code is what you can insert (or look for) in the functions.php file: Lazy Loading serves as one of the many methods used for optimizing images to improve site performance. Another concern is that a certain page or post in your WordPress files isnt accessible because of user permissions. With the OG plugin activated, you should now see the post information and the featured image in the preview. Here, enable the Display featured image option. Check out how this strategy can help get your blog get more traffic. Click on the Select Default Featured Image button. One way to complete this task is by opening up your Facebook account and pretending youre about to share a status update. Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. After you select an image, click the Set Default Featured Image button. Upload the image here and click the Save button. You may see a simple list of links, along with descriptions from those posts. As you can see, the image we inserted into the post content is shown second since the featured image gets prioritized. After that, youre able to insert the new version of that image into a post, page, as a featured image, or wherever you want it to show on your site. Another way to see your featured image is to create Recent Post galleries or feeds to your blog, usually elsewhere on your website. Overall, its best to opt for a plugin that optimizes your images on a third-party server. It greatly benefits the website by turning what could very well be a dull website into something beautiful. Unfortunately, an image with malware or a virus is already compromised. This allows you to type in new dimensions, both the width and height, so that the already uploaded featured image shrinks. Your theme layout does not support featured images. Regardless of whether setting a proper alt text for images helps with SEO, you should do it anyway for accessibility reasons. Its a must-read to speed up your WordPress site. You probably have the Different First Page box checked in the Options section of the Header & Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon. Yet, leaving your larger, high-resolution photos in their original formats will surely cause loading problems. Under there, youll find a field called Featured Image. Another way to use featured images is by listing a feed of your blog posts on your sites homepage (or any other page). The plugin works with posts and pages, including custom posts and WooCommerce products. To adjust the location of a featured image, go to the page or post template being used. We also recommend looking at the Image Dimensions. Lets take a look at the basic differences between cover and featured images. February 22, 2022 at 2:36 am #300302. Click on the page specified as the Front Page. Now I just need to fix everything else on my website that I had turned off and messed around with while going slowly insane trying to trouble shoot a problem that was nothing to do with WordPress, themes or plugins GRRRRRRRR. Once thats all said and done, click on the Debug button to process all URLs in the list and make it so that the featured images, and all other relevant post data, appear when shared on Facebook. There should be no image at the beginning of the post nowjust an image thumbnail preview in the Featured Image module. Hello! To begin, go to your WordPress dashboard. Feel free to go back and choose more images if you missed any. You may find that the theme coding doesnt support a featured image. A column called Featured Image is supposed to appear after the Post Date. Overall, the plugin has a field to paste in a URL from an image and insert that image into the featured image slot. However, keep in mind that an image uploaded to your blog posts content area doesnt have anything to do with the featured image, even if its the first photo you upload to that article. Check out our guide here to learn more about the Facebook Debug Tool. Incorrect permalink setup. This means you must make a page and assign it as the Homepage in the WordPress Reading settings. WordPress Featured Image Not Showing Properly (Or Not At All), WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? Fix the Plugins or Themes 3. Therefore, it could help with issues you may see with upload size restrictions or even if your permissions arent set properly. This isnt a rule, but its also common to see issues with featured images when some plugins have access to your media library or alter all images functionality. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. For example, you might complete an action with multiple pages. Below well cover every problem we know of when it comes to featured images and outline the steps you can take to fix them. The Screen Options section has a long list of fields to check off and sets what you want in your WordPress dashboard. After all, its difficult to shrink, resize, and crop every image manually you plan to upload. Both can be accessed and implemented by going to the Posts or Pages menus and creating a new item or visiting an old page or post. Youll typically see this happens on post lists or at the top of a page or post, resulting in two of the same photos stacked on top of each other. Make sure the area that says Your homepage displays is set to A Static page. Again, the images from Pexels are free, but you must give a linked credit to the photographer, which is automatically inserted when using Pexels through WordPress. This is the only section of the dashboard that gets changed by the Default Featured Image plugin. The Large Size often dictates the featured image dimensions when shown at the top of a post or page. A WordPress featured image functions as a visual welcome card, a cue to visitors to come on in and enjoy whats behind a link. The Link Preview area shows you exactly what your post will look like if you, or someone else, shares it on Facebook. You can upload an image to be your cover by clicking on the Select Media or Upload buttons. You can now go to Posts > All Posts in your dashboard to view the posts in a list and make sure the featured images truly got replaced in the posts. Locate the section titled Actions with a single image. I installed the plugin: "Options for Twenty Seventeen" and made some changes to my site. The screenshot below tells us that our featured image is showing up just fine. Yet, we should all take our time when deciding on a featured image, seeing as how its the book cover of the post thatll get people to pick it up and read. This usually means that theres something wrong with the image itself, or you need to allow larger uploads to your WordPress site. Although it may be a temporary fix, this can also prove useful for setting permanent featured images on pages and general blog posts. To find and upload a featured image, move your attention to the post Settings panel on the right-hand side. Were most interested in the bulk editing tool for this tutorial. This field is available on all WordPress posts and pages by going to the Post Settings panel on the right side of the article or page. Theres also an Image Alignment setting to indicate if the images should slide to the right, center, or left. Note the exact issue, like if the image isnt uploading. Thats the main reason you would take advantage of this plugin. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. It looks like only two of the images selected are actually stored as featured images in our posts. Editing inside WordPress is also an option, but that doesnt typically resolve to get the WordPress image to begin with. It helps with cleaning out those posts where you forgot to add a featured image or, at some point, removed it due to the original featured image not holding up to your standards. Along with activating the Open Graph for all social networking sites, this plugin has the added advantage of including Twitter tags to improve your Twitter sharing results. Page header meta box says it's using my featured image. After all, a theme or plugin could be causing the problem. Click the Choose Image button to proceed. You may have a lot of old posts that dont generate featured images when shared on Facebook. Again, Kinsta bans many Open Graph plugins, including this one. Scaling a photo up is a big no-no. it's not working. There, below the disable section title, you can check all the boxes of the sections that you would like to remove. Theyre vital to help your post or page move up the rankings. It promises to make the featured image upload process a little easier for website owners. But what if those thumbnail images are nowhere to be found? A Cover block, in contrast, is housed in the Gutenberg Block Library, which is accessible by clicking on an Add Block button in the editor. Lets start with the simplest of solutions, making sure youre uploading your featured images properly. The image src is the full file path. The function get_header is used for calling a new header file. The first problem arises when you cant see the featured image thumbnails in your list of pages or posts. Choose the Facebook option and scroll down to locate the field to Enable Open Graph Markup. Make sure thats checked off to reveal the Featured Image option in your posts and pages. Besides, any image you use on your site, including featured images, shouldnt be that large, to begin with. All other image editing tools are located above the featured image preview. We covered the Open Graph essentials in the section above. Although not all featured image correction plugins complete the same tasks, there are a few that we recommend looking into before trying any drastic changes with your website. Click the Homepage dropdown field to reveal the list of pages you currently have active on your website. Here, youll see a Progress Bar at the top of the page. The featured images for all blog posts in that feed appear as smaller thumbnails, providing a more visual experience for those looking for content. Once everything looks good and youve decided that those old featured images are ready to be replaced, click the Apply button to finish the bulk edit. For instance, if your article has tips on using Instagram, the featured image better have elements that reference Instagram (legal ones, of course), along with creative items that make the article look appealing. It uses a widget and shortcode, both of which ask which of the featured images youd like to display whenever implementing one of the tools. That means you cant simply take any photo and expect it to look great as a featured image. For instance, the Image Size field tells your website how large to make those featured images in the list or gallery. However, you still may see a vague error, as the following HTTP error. message. This tool scrapes any URL you want and tells you whether any errors occur with Facebook accessing the information. We suggest running a test to see if the featured images actually show on Facebook or not. Featured images look much better when the width is longer than the heightoften around a 2:1 ratio. This turns on the featured images for all the latest posts being pulled. Its important to test out how the Default Featured Image works on your site. This helps speed up your featured image creation process while also helping your brand. Again, check to see if the featured images are showing up after all plugins are deactivated. It is working fine for mobile and tablet. Make sure its on the Block settings tab. The featured image has its own section for uploading, away from the content editor. Note: Sometimes newer websites have trouble with Facebook and other social sites because Facebook hasnt crawled the site already. You would select those images later and swap every single one of them out in place of the new one. To begin the process of bulk editing featured images, scroll down on the page.

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wordpress header image not showing on all pages