pfs investments pyramid scheme

In another spot on their website, they suggest that part-time agents may expect to earn about $500/mo (which is also $6000/yr). Still, barely any information given. Got a call back today, saying my interview stood out, and to come for a brief information session. She stated the name of the company, Primerica and stated they deal in financial services . Yes. I received a call today for just such an interview in West Chester, Ohio tomorrow. *, "How to Find A Financial Advisor if You're . Im 21 and just recieved a called from them while at work stepping away from the front desk i answered to a guy who gave brief detail about everything your reading above smh not going! He asked us over 50 questions, where do you want to move? We talk for a second longer, she makes a point of showing me her expensive car and vanity plates (I realize now how often she was trying to make displays of wealth from the moment I met her). Which is why a I didnt go down that path. Some of my friends work for Primerica and do VERY well! He proceeded to tell me that he called his partner about me and said I am great with people and would love for me to join their team if I was open to opportunities. But Ive been coming up with excuses why i cant meet back up with him because things just didnt seem right after i left that 1st meeting. She said my educational background would be beneficial for helping middle class people., I was really confused about what she was calling about. Im still researching the fact, yet still smell pyramid. He gave me the address and phone number and told me to dress up (why wouldnt I, its an interview for crying out loud). They have to recruit their own people. I hope this helps anyone considering Primerica or any MLM company for a career but dont let desperation drive you to a poor career decision. I then started doing research and stumbled across tons and tons of negatives about Primerica. So i said maybe on a follow up meeting i will do the paper work. I got an email from Mark that hed like to set up an interview. Like Im not with all the talk and I need proof. She told us that most people in the company are able to make 6-figure incomes, but thats a good thing, since they help people get out of debt and become financially independent. It is really not an insurance company, it is a distribution company that relies on a pyramid to fund the upper class there. I was wearing a ring on my fourth finger (its the only finger it fits) and she asked if my husband had a job, so I went along with it and said yes. Average salary is 6K per year less than McDonalds. Well, all insurance agencies and brokerages have the pyramid payment style. I work full-time and train in martial arts. Well, no touchdown today for you, Primerica! Is that where you have a head honcho at the top and workers at the bottom, like, I dont know, Walmart? You can say all you want about how great the company is, but when a top RVP in a MAJOR metropolitan area of 30 years is sucking it, something is very wrong. In essence, 95% of their force starves while making the top 5% rich. Furthermore, in order to get into a hedge fund, one has to invest more than a million dollars out of pocket. Mr. John A. Addison Jr., Co-Chief Executive Officer. So me and my friend were at the store when a guy randomly came up to us to talk about his wifes company. I got a phone call today for an interview and reading all this is really got me thinking twice, PLEASE READ, HOPE YOU SEE THIS! He agreed, however, I had a bad feeling about him and the conversation we had had and decided not to call him back. It went from $53 per month to $197!! Coincidentally, that same company has had the worst passing rates, by far, of all insurance trainers in the entire country, for the last 10+ years; This deceptive practices should be reported. I sign some kind of agreement that she mysteriously summarizes for me instead of letting me read. I didnt have time to listen to the whole message at first and wanted to Google the company before I returned his 1 and a half minute message. I didnt follow those steps due to a time constraint but thanks to your comments I know I will be making better use of my time! The wife was still skeptical of the entire thing but being a good wife she was supporting her husband. Generally in my experience, anything that seems too good to be true usually is. But still a very nice person . If I had a little more information I wouldve researched the company, but there wasnt even a specific name, Im not sure why I didnt consider it a scam at the time. 99 for the background check, 25 for the POL, and 50 for the deposit on life insurance. Not once did they mention anything about a job until an hour into this interview of them talking about prices for my family. They are masters of manipulation, hyping you up to be a crusader for the middle class. Mary wants to extend the visit. I hope she doesnt see this thread because she will get defensive about this company. 4.praying primerica is what it is for good, help me with these to open up my next store FOR GOODfor all you i dont believe a business can be good and their only out for my money. I received a call and was told someone left my name and number on his desk. The only thing that bothers me about Primerica is being captive and not having the flexibility to sell other products. Primerica Compensation Plan How Much Does It Cost to Get Started on Primerica? here is to you. Think Enron, Bernie Madoffs investment scheme, etc. In addition they needed close contacts, many may know as the warm market. Contrary to rumors out there, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. I was looking for work on Craigslist and came across a post for motivated self-starters needed for an up-and-coming financial firm. What would that income really be after all expenses, office rents, etc, were deducted? Im scared after reading all this that i fell for this scam and now he has all my info. Ugh. No, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. They guy even scratched his back while slumped into his chair. I must have looked confused because he said as he dialed, people are more likely to answer an unknown number than if they see the name. I was shocked I thought we werent doing anything wrong? I ask for the companys name and he said Primamerica. I have a job, but looking for a change, I feel bad for people who are out of work and are honestly looking for a job! He did have an office, yes, but that doesnt necessarily mean he made the money to keep it afloat. When you write a resume, youre looking for a job, not an opportunity. Action Affect! In fact, the only thing I remember from that call was his saying Citi weird. Im looking for a job, and someone who lives near me tried to recruit me to this. I told her I will be but next month and gave me a choked faces and asked WHY, told her I dont have the money to pay for it. Then I asked about the $99 asked of you when you interview and he laughed and said are you on Google? I set up the interview, on memorial day, not knowing the name of the company. After reading the warm market info in the above posts, am kind of leary. But upon going there I saw a completely different picture. Just my two cents worth. He said we were guaranteed to get them to buy with that trick. MLM is not a company, but a form of generating income. If you have been invited to an interview, I can tell you that someone cared about you. Its dead quiet, and a woman Ill call Mary comes in, telling me she is waiting for someone she had met there the night before. Finally they called me in the most boring, plain, unprofessional office ever. It is a pyramid scheme. I mustve been approached bc I look like a mark. To proceed it was a lot of paper work, like basic info, bank info and contacts. Ive never seen the number before and I typically do not answer unknown numbers but I still did to see who it was. I think the biggest tell tale sign that you are getting involved with an ethically questionable company if you have to ask who they work for or grill them on their business model. My Primerica Regional Vice President (RVP) well call John offered to teach me how to call them, to build my team. I tell her I would like to do more of it. My contact and I talked a bit, and she escorted me to the door, and I went on my way to run some errands that I had intended to do earlier that day. OMG This is soooo true. Lever term is obtainable from top rated companies for far less money. Even if this is a legit company, the financing industry was never my thing. The man called the following day (just as he had said he would do). I was going to an interview tomorrow and now I know its just some bologna. (Formerly pre-paid Legas Services, membership I have had for 16 years. My advice would be to at lease go in for the fake interview, gather informatican about the company for yourself, then decide if its for you or not. I know hedge funds can guarantee growth percentages, but never can they guarantee one that high. Primerica is a very old company that for over 40 years has been selling insurance and financial products by way of the network marketing model. I may have broken his fingers and I shook his hand He started his presentation about the company, asking us how much wed like to make. I had an interview yesterday, and went, mainly because I was contacted about a trainer position, not a sales agent position. Those are games we leave for the devil. People keep saying Primerica is MLM because it IS an MLM. Apparently she works at the bar we are sitting in, but is not in that day. Hmmm thats odd considering there wasnt a website. id number? NOT the other person. Well he cleared my somewhat strict prerequisites and I accepted his request. I answered and then asked what company he was calling from, something like Frontier Financial Industry and then he mentioned it was owned by Primerica and I immediately let him know that I was not interested. You wouldn't want to associate yourself with them, especially when fully aware. SHe is paying double for the same thing. * Also, if someone wasnt college material, and all they were qualified for is a $10-15/hr job, but they really loved their family and wanted to do more to provide for them, to where, other than another MLM type jobs, could they go? this woman I met about two years ago at my job . Then she talked about the opportunity to make money, but it was NEVER presented to me by her; or any of the other Primerica reps that it was any kind of a job interview. So, after leaving them I channeled all of that energy 110% into my own venture. Thanks for all these helpful comments and posts. Im an accounting student and will be taking finance courses in the near future so I didnt mind working with a finance company. Last week I was approached at my job by two people. Everyone was extremely nice. It was nice how they fooled some people but I was ready to go after 5 minutes, it reminded me too much of cutco knives sales pitch. John breezed through the door and introduced himself then instructed the man to sit down for a few moments; hed be right with him. Its not bad advice. Thats an MLM just you stay broke. Watch out especially for Melissa Allen- highly unprofessional, rude- and will say anything to get someone to an interview. The one thing that did get me, however, is on Google Maps, the place did not have a name. DIV Rep, 60%.wait there is only 50% left over, okay then what does math tell get it yet..they only get 50%, (PYRAMID ENDS). Primerica is secretive because thats what all MLMs do. I checked my watch. Reported to Primerica Legal. Information provided on Forbes Advisor is for educational purposes only. I get to work on my own hours without having to report to ANYBODY. She asked for my number that way her trainer would contact me to set up an interview. The rep is a West Point grad, and seems like a good guy. To the last comment, the most draining 2 months?? His wife starts asking questions, social security number? Many years ago, I got a call at work from a Primerica recruiter. Suddenly she whips out a sheet and starts asking me questions and taking notes. I should have listened to my gut in the beginning. So upset. @Tracy Coenen take a look at your life seriously baby girl because youve been mislead all your life and its time to wake up for real. I specially remember the leader telling us nave teens (and adults) we were to sell these cutting tools and in order to get a sell (trick people out their money), we had to do the penny trick. I still like her, she seems nice. You are followers, not leaders, and Primerica is looking for leaders. I was actively looking for a job two years ago for Customer Service position. Its a job application, I dont have to accept even if I get an interview. I gave him my actual SOC. Well! He texted me his contact info after my ride and I noticed it said Primerica Inc. on it so I googled it to find out just exactly I was getting myself into. Peace and blessings to you., Anyone who can defend the morality of the scum who works and represents this company is just as bad. No, I am not very angry with the company. I do, however, believe it is very important to inform people about the truth behind multi-level marketing. I was in college when they reached out to me about coming there to work. She is candid, very kind, open. If this company is a scam how is it we just ran the closing bell at the NYSE? When I walked into the office with them, there were a ton of chairs positioned around this little stage, with some type of intermission-like video showing and loud remixed music playing. - The Anti-MLM Coalition. He kept asking me weird questions and giving even weirder examples. He ask me if I know this name. I think that phone call was probably someone in the office calling him to tell him that he was at an hour and that he could go ahead and wrap it up. The annuities and mutual funds are sold via a licensed dealer and broker called PFS Investments. None of them could answer my question(s) without talking themselves in a circle. My father passed away in May. As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. I am glad that I followed my instincts and didnt end up wasting my time. Some are a couple miles down the road and some are across the country or across the ocean to the most fantastic scenery or landmarks you've ever seen. Anyone? He asked if I had heard of Primerica. I started to feel a bit angry as I realized that John wasnt really interested in teaching me, he just wanted to get any recruits in that he could. This guy has spent 30+ years of his life working for a company that promises VERY SIZABLE returns but delivers very little. They use the classic BAIT and SWITCH for everything they do. It was a negative environment, no formal training, and they took all my leads. Currently have a few positions available. A lot of people on here say Good thing I found this website. Anyone who lasts with them is a masochist. A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products.As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal. It is a legit MLM business opportunity that has been around for more than 40 years, and it's possible to make real money if done right. thats why Im not going back they called me 3 time to reschedule but I did not pick up the phone. Ok then why do you work at a retaurant as a sous chef then? She submitted her story to Pink Truth, a website I run about Mary Kay Cosmetics and other multi-level marketing companies. I walk around the corner and watch her drive off, then quickly whip out my phone and Google PRIMERICA. Some will say yes, not to be recruited, but to take control of their finances. Wow i got a callcfrom Primerica and the guy jhon who called made it soumd legit. Jorge Exactly what is false and untrue in this article? they said a position in the company. This is the same for any insurance or investment company. Thats just the first of many. He actually asked my associates, first, if I was a good manager, and then introduced himself to me. Ever since I graduated my undergrad Ive gotten random phone calls from shady looking companies that I never applied to. I would certainly warn anyone who might be roped into this to DO YOUR RESEARCH!! now she has been pursuing me saying she has another office and she needs someone to run it . Lies and time wasting leading to a quick fumble at your wallet. Then she proceeded to ask if I had a Facebook and dont I have friends on there and I told her I dont want to ambush anyone with this and she said they may thank you, I told her no and she said what about in your phone, you dont have anyone. The whole conversation was geared towards selling me on deceptively common-sense information about what I assume to be much more complex financial decisions I have a friend who works for an insurance company, and given how much time hes spent studying for his degrees the claim that, in a few months and for $99, I could sell my friends and family (and then random strangers after that) on insurance was certainly too good to be true. I told her I was looking for a salary based job opportunity and if she couldnt offer that, then I was cancelling the interview because her job offer didnt fit my current needs or interest. Its all a scam. Expectations low (as I am VERY cautious) I agreed to meet with him. I usually check into these things before setting up appointment or returning calls. So I booked an interview with him. (Of course, I would also counsel any folks I recruited to the effect that starting with Primerica part-time is the route to avoid disappointment.). A page comes up that seems to refer to that but it quickly goes away and the main Primerica website comes up. The people who give up on this business dont understand the potential of having your own business and life. 5. opening up a store or a chain of stores with their very own factory. I went to all of the trainings thereafter, but it was the most painful thing to do. Hey, thanks for who ever made this page! Financial investments 6. This morning I received a message saying he was looking for 7-10 people to fill various roles in his office and wanted me to let him know of candidates. All of his uncles work for Primericaeven Uncle Doug!! I was not familiar with them, so I went in for the so-called interview. wth. They are in the business of selling real estate. Dont listen to the nonsense check out Primerica yourself! They were in my home for almost 3 hours, 10 minutes before they left (which was an hour ago btw!!) I asked her DO I NEED TO PAY ANYTHING TODAY, she said yes $140. Now, I did not get asked to pay anything and was told that Primerica would pay to have me licensed, but I was also told to come back for an open house to learn more about the company. One of those analysis of Primerica showed how that it is nothing more than a game where you dont really make any money, and its all about recruiting and selling over priced term life insurance. you need your own clients to start off like family or friends. Fraudsters frequently use social media, Internet advertising, company websites, group presentations, conference calls . Then she laid it on the table: I needed to go out and start recruiting. I do work very very hard. Report pyramid or Ponzi schemes to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You need to have a 1) calculator and 2) common sense to realize only the top percentile will make any livable income, in your head you think youre going to get enough sales to make six figures youre not. At that point, I hung up and laughed. Anyone quoting pink truth (aka themselves) like this attempted sub-feeder blog and the gm one, I agree! There are bad people in ever field of work, the financial industry is no different, which is why they have strict rules in place. I studied and passed and was prepared for take the NASD Series 6 exam. He responded saying he was looking to mainly fill 2 roles one of which was a representative and the other being someone he could train into a management role. The subject turns to travel. Joe get Sally a $800 annual premium, (depending on your team members rank)(entries are REPs 25%) Joe will earn 25% of 800 =200(ONLY ONE TIME,THIS ONE TIME), (PYRAMID TIME) the remaining flows up the tunnel 75% (depending my rank) REP 25%, $200. Its about finding suckers who can be talked into signing up for the MLM. Blah blahI knew it was bs only because I have had encounters with companies like this when I was younger. I immediately searched the company and came across this page. With all the information on the internet available to everyone, it is crazy to me that people do not at least look up the people and businesses they are considering getting involved in. Instead my thoughts were screaming through my mind.. really, what was John doing in there?! im gonna go here them out this Saturday and let them waste their breathe. A couple of days ago, I posted the following on Craigslist: Hello, Ive excellent command of MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-PowerPoint. She then insisted on calling me on Wednesday to remind me of the appointment and said I was lucky because the vice president would be there on Wednesday -_-. What might those be? Then I felt a bit ashamed for thinking badly as I remember Johns words to me, that he would always act in my best interest as an expert in building a business. The business of Primerica Reps is recruiting other reps.

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