harry styles astrology predictions

To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. ( Randomly, Welbys latest comment is CofE donating 100 million to address effects on communities of TransAtlantic slave trade from which Cof E benefitted financially at that time. ) Also as you reminded us, Mercury is retrograde. The wedding itself probably deserves its own astrology feature! Among the artists reported to have turned down the coronation are Adele and Harry Styles, both of whom reportedly also turned down HM the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Would he be happy detailing his Montecito house layout for all to read? I had no reason to recall her image. Our readers pointed out that Harrys actual uniform at the wedding is a standart frock coat of the Blues and Royals, which looks almost identical to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards uniform worn by Nicholas II. Given that the whole mess has been running like an episode of Upstairs, Downstairs or Downton Abbey (but with the wardrobe department of The Crown) I guess you would be looking at soap opera, opera or tragedy. that after a 5 year consultation Church of England bishops have decided NOT to change Anglican churchs stance on same sex marriage. Thank you again. The wedding was a shambles, possibly because the creators of this reality show just got it wrong. English singer, songwriter, and actor. Astrology data: 1154' 1108 Asc. Once people wake up to the deceit, they become defiant about the truth, and the games over. When I started reading your Harry blog I could hardly believe that there could possibly be sinister manoeuvrings behind H & M. Over the last few days, every now and then, I have been pondering or found things coming into my head. Much love Princess Eugenie wore the Kokoshnik tiara. He saw that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were in the car. (See my reply to Janie Bee with a list of Leo eclipses). Its also very convenient for anyone who wants to fake a terrorist threat! Yes, Harrys chart shows a stellium in Virgo and we know he suffers from anxiety, so has seen a therapist experienced in dealing with trauma. That is what this is. I anticipate more will become clear with the release of the full text on Tuesday, although I do wish someone, anyone, would initiate legal action to prevent distribution, given the rising threats to British soldiers and the Royal family as a result of his insensitive Taliban related comments. So what is the coverup and what is the truth? Come back later. There have been so many gross manipulations: Trevor Rees Jones who recovers memory but not about the accident. Happy New Year! You can see it here. The battle royal that is coming will be about same-sex Holy Matrimony and what a valid wedding is. I worry that when everything falls apart around him and he realises he has been exploited massively, that he will harm himself. And thank you for the compliment. The look on her face is heartbreaking. About the racism claims for the the first part of the Netflix series Meghan said that before meeting Harry she never thought about race issues and never had a problem with it. As a Sun Cancer myself I know that in life family brings the greatest joy but also can bring the deepest emotional pain. Really interesting article Jessica as always. Especially if it comes from a St. Petersburg IP address, where the farms are. I have hesitated to mention the following, as I realise it is not evidence, but possibly it is grist to your psychic mill. As for the Harry and Meghan meeting story, yes it changed. Anyway, I think that there is some hope that he will be welcomed back into the fold, if/when Meghan gives him the shove. There is already a split among Anglicans with some arguing that the likes of Sandi Toksvig and her petition against the bishops is not relevant to the church anyway; Christianity has always been out of step with the culture, since the time of Jesus. I know Bradbys a friend but even he looked puzzled by some of Harrys statements. That photo has surfaced on Twitter, and she is indeed in it, along with her friends and a young girl described as Epsteins girlfriend. I agree the versions of the meeting has changed. Harry and Meghan bought California home from billionaire Russian oligarch. Charles III is boxing clever here. Belt off. Or will the plot be exposed and UK-US ties get back on even keel along with the position of the monarchy in Britain? Once home to Christine Keeler and a Russian spy scandal. Thanks for reminding me about Mother Natures actions in America this week! How to. It all feels like antics. The event itself does not seem Covid safe; lots of people in a hotel, no mention of HEPA filters, UVC light or anything else. I forgot to say that Claire Thomas also mentioned that Harry wasnt Charless son. Scorpio is about dangerous marriages and dangerous sexual relationships. Ive just had five more questions in the last five minutes so I will continue to update this feature. Questions remain about why she was found without a seat belt when dozens of photographs show her habitually wearing one. Eclipses have always surrounded the monarchy. In the distant future Princess Charlotte could become Queen but Prince George will be fine if this does occur. (Of course it is being pumped out online at. Is it just me or is the following a very surprising public comment from an Archbishop of Canterbury its from The Daily Mail. Truth. Yes, the Pluto-Pluto square will repeat, so this will be a sustained control and power struggle about the money and property, the business, charity and possessions (Scorpio) involving Meghan but also the family (Eighth House) against a very new, quite powerful group. Mars will resume correct motion and then leave Gemini. I have been doing some research on Harry, Meghan, Russia and the astrological charts, ahead of a podcast with Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail and an interview in the Daily Express. Oh, thats interesting. When she mocked the curtsey to our late Queen she was performing, but why? Kanga had been a long time girlfriend and acquaintance of the then Prince Charles. Remind you of anyone? I dont think either of them showed any consideration for Dianas feelings and while it is certainly not the first time two people have had an affair and also hurt the third person in the situation greatly, they can never truly be an example to the world in the way Queen Elizabeth II was. His grandmother QE2 had an intruder arrested after he got into her bedroom. In the category of truth sometimes being stranger than fiction, comes the information that Catherine, Princess of Wales cousin & apparently her favourite cousin, Lucy Middleton, is a lawyer at Harrys publishing house. Does the astrology predict that? We are now on the top of a mountain. Hi Jessica, Janie Bee. She was delivering a somber speech, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt hear what she was saying. Date was legally sealed so only a court order could access it. This may actually be just astrology of course which works even when you dont believe in it. 1BN-RADIO. Thank you. It is always about extreme system change for royalty. Thank you so much Janie Bee. I was sad to see a subscriber leave because of the discussions here and I am sure you (sadly) get much more abusive comments that you dont post. She may also have given birth to his son. Thanks for your hard work. Having been both an author and editor in the world of Penguin Random House and Transworld in my time, I can tell you that the hardback comes first, the mass-market paperback comes second, and even though the former has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records, the biggest profits come from the latter. Was it Russia befriending China as USAs enemy? Leo, ha! These transits are a perfect storm in the ancient chart for the Church of England (its birth chart) but also Charles III. If Ghislaine Maxwell is in the story that is really interesting. Youd think a photographer would have been there. I wonder if their charts overlaid for Canada at the time would give any clues? Love Matters Horoscope. Thank you. Those early kings I mentioned had lots of sibling issues too, but surprisingly there were also some very close and loving siblings who supported one another when the chips were absolutely down- The Empress Matilda and her brother Robert of Gloucester immediately come to mind. Facebook. I feel the same way about Harrys current book. A security guard? Do you see Charlotte ever becoming Queen? The following quotation is from a painstaking translation of the Septuagint, the earliest known (circa 250 B.C.) Thanks Julie. Do not walk into a Pluto problem, even though it would be short-lived (Pluto is obviously gone from Capricorn in March and can only retrograde). I expect that once it was found out that Bertie, George v and Queen Mary were determined to make her a Royal bride, her parents made sure that she didnt elope with James Stuart. Allegedly they were legally married in a secret civil ceremony on 16th August in Los Angeles. The more fracturing of the old world order, the better, for ambitious nations like China and Russia, who have shown their true colours by the vicious war on Ukraine. Someone else is seeing what we are seeing. We were told about his fathers Dior products, but not about the name of the controversial tiara. William Marshal ruled England for 9 year old Henry iii. Another kind of shift?. I am fascinated by this story in The Hill. Janie Bee, much as I would love to be as industrious as Baroness Thatcher, this website is set up by Asporea, not me, and so the time zones are very much in their hands I am not working through the night! Thanks for this insight. Im not religious and I believe people should be able to marry whoever they love, so makes no difference to me. Too many Henrys, spoils the broth. Donald Trump and Mike Pence attempted to do it by claiming victory when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had won a landslide. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. I shall someday soon be writing a book about the long-kept secret that history has lied in saying that Anne suffered a miscarriage in prison, where she was placed by Henry to await her execution. (Obviously there are other faiths who would agree/disagree also) One thing confuses me though if Harrys marriage was a way of removing him from the Royal Family ( which I think it was) and Andrews plight was to discredit him, how does that destabilise the Monarchy. She must have been interested in the House of Windsor even then, so the ignorance about the family is hard to believe. Brothers, eh? Janie Bee, Too funny. I watched the UK interview last night with Harry and Tom Bradby and to be honest, Harry came across to me as someone with MH issues and was quite incoherent. (Claude, un assumed name, is a high-powered French businessman I am close to in real life and with whom I have had many extraordinary and revealing conversations of both a mystical and future-orientated nature.) I am exhausted by it all at times. A symptom of depression is a total lack of motivation or extreme tiredness, so one of the easiest things to do is try free hypnosis from Glenn Harrold or Dr. Paul McKenna online and just fall asleep to it. I had a very fleeting, naive fantasy that mainstream media would pick these up at least, & even investigate. Oh, so the Archbishop of Canterbury had a secret father. Not great for a royal. The wedding itself, is textbook. Lots of interesting comments and food for thought. Astrology is fascinating! This is something very new. They apparently caused her death but thats just a silly excuse. It was triggered by the South Node in Sagittarius when most of this global culture war was being manufactured. The only thing I could come up with prior to this was that it could have been a power trip by all of them. Even with their smiles while they do their duties, I see it in their eyes. This line of thought (not the specifics, but the possibility of two witnesses) was suggested by an Anglican official who advised another Archbishop of Canterbury. We may have another viewpoint on tiaragate among other things, whenever Angela Kellys book comes out. Hello Jessica, thank you for your replies to so many comments this blog is more informative and wide ranging than the press. Given that Peter was a key figure in the second dream and that we were by the sea, I wondered if there was an echo of the time of Christ here. Thank you once again for keeping this thread going and updating the initial post. Thank you. Please check this link from todays Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11646107/Prince-Harry-slammed-giving-ammunition-Iranian-regimes-propaganda-machine.html. This is beginning to look like batten down the hatches and also umbrellas up for the younger Royals The Royal family manage their inheritance because they produce the heirs and spares who rule Britain and the Commonwealth. William will inherit the throne albeit in a somewhat revamped and less privileged form. Its very much on, she says. On some early coins the Queen was also shown wearing a laurel headband rather than a crown. Diana of course suffered from mental health issues herself and while it is plain to see that Charles and Camilla love each other very much, in many ways that love was built on Dianas suffering. I completely agree with you about Harrys therapist why would you encourage a man who suffers with anxiety to put himself through the pressure of this global book release and media controversy? My friend Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail thinks so. It is a competitive game to them. Fleet Street has always been tough on the wives of the Monarchs second sons, probably to make the wives of the heirs look good as in the case of Diana and Catherine. Its an action-packed time of year isnt it! So are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, political pawns in a big game of chess? August 11th 2018 Sun 18 Leo Moon 18 Leo Best, Happy New Year. Lambeth Palace. The only other certainty for nominations in all three of those categories is Harry Styles, who can't be completely counted out as an ultimate winner, should the voting members decide they don't even want to have to decide between all that big diva energy again. Anne divorced. Yet, that is not his job. We are nearly at 300 comments for this feature now so lets keep going. Hi Jessica, thank you again for another fascinating article on the royal family! It looks like there is now an uprising against Anglican bishops holding their power in the House of Lords, so the plot thickens. It seems likely. Its interesting you drew the Knight of Cups for both William and Harry. It may well be the lure of payment that gives Harrys publicists what they need from a member of the public, or a royal insider, to crash the front pages and sell the paperback. Anger? Craft quotes the magazine "Harry Styles Fanbook" (2019), pg. I must find that photograph of Princess Catherine resembling The High Priestess. Julie. What are the universal themes for us to learn about processing pain versus expressing pain, compassionate communication , true understanding rather than truths, rupture and repair? Literally, a married couple with gas fittings which are interfered with. I cant comment on that, but having finally read Spare, its a vague autobiography. We have to ask why. I agree with you that what we are seeing is a puzzle, with a purpose. Big thanks for your generous astrology answers. Perhaps, the importance of Mercury in the Oscars' chart, the planet of communication, gave a nod towards Read more Interesting question: what if William is succeeded by George, who is then gay, and has a boyfriend? What we have here is a man who is strongly Sagittarian, with Uranus, Mars and Neptune in that sign a stellium. If she was in charge shed certainly have put a stop to the Harry and Meghan shenanigans a long time ago. We are all richer and more knowledgeable for that. Its interesting March 2023 has already come up for you in a meeting. Interestingly I have noticed on online forums their biggest and most vociferous defenders are Republicans who want to do away with the RF altogether. Her Choices seem very calculated, and these colours are the exact ones the Queens jockeys wear. To seek clarification and truth is not anger. Do you think the relationship with his family will be repaired (I cant see it, maybe with his father but not with his brother) but what does astrology say? They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips.. This is in keeping with the problems with the dresses, her father and Prince Charles stepping in to give her away, the press coverage issues etc. That could be really interesting. You were married to a man who had family problems and kept pushing for unity. They may know something we dont. Do I believe Welbys nightmare? That is when we will realise just how important wedding and marriage rules really are. Now, it may be that the axe will finally fall on the monarchy and England will become a republic in 2008 when Pluto enters Capricorn, the sign of the Establishment, and both Saturn and Uranus will pick all-important degree areas on the 1649 execution chart. I have replied to you elsewhere, but on the subject of mothers and stepmothers, family ties and so on, you have a stellium in Cancer, which rules mothers of course, and are only now just starting to come out of the long Pluto in Capricorn opposition to Cancer, which began in 2008.

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