The Meridian Police Department ruled Christian Andreacchio's death a suicide. Updated on: September 2, 2021 / 11:48 AM According to a police report, Swearingen said Andreacchio threatened to shoot himself, telling Goodman to tell him that she loved him, before Swearingen intervened and took the gun from him. Arden believes Andreacchio's body was moved after he was killed. by Kate Royals, Mississippi Today March 17, 2017, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. A Meridian city councilman attempted to remove the salary of the city's chief administrativ, Meridian Mayor Percy Bland said Tuesday that he has reprimanded Chief Administrative Officer Richie McAlister over language in an audio recor. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. But he was outgoing, full of fun, you didnt have a dull moment around him.. Tonight in Meridian, the non-profit organization "Magnolia Son" created to honor Christian Andreacchio, who lost his life in February of 2014, has announced the winner of their annual scholarship. MERIDIAN, Miss. Andreacchio has 1 job listed on their profile. Results from Whitley's GSR test are returned. Both his girlfriend and one of Christians friends were at his apartment that day. Emails show the family had reached out to Sorenson Forensics. Plaintiffscontend that, contrary to the official conclusion,their son wasmurdered . The report continues to clarify that the 'indicative particles' do not possess the mixture of characteristics and composition which is necessary to identify them as gunshot residue, due to other potential environmental sources. After the situation with Christian and Goodman calmed down, Swearingen said he told them he was leaving to get food and asked if they wanted anything. Long Creek Rd, Meridian MS street index. . Several officers arrive in the following 10 minutes and begin their investigation. Christian's neighbor, Mike, would later report to police that he noticed a gold Chevrolet or GMC truck parked next to Whitley's silver BMW at Christian's apartment at approximately 4:15 pm. On November 14, 2018, District Attorney Kassie Coleman spoke with Todd Andreacchio by telephone. Before leaving the apartment to go to a local Best Buy, an event which has been confirmed, with plans to look at their speakers, Dylan returns the gun to Christian, informing him of the reasoning behind his actions of hiding the gun. The grand jury indicted the pair, citing insufficient evidence at that point that they would require to convict and charge them for Christian's murder. Only 21 years old when he died, Andreacchio had worked for three years on a tug boat in the Mississippi Rivercalled the Magnolia Marine. View Andreacchio Rae's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. following organizations: Whoops! Menu Log In Sign Up There are currently no cases that match the selected filters. Editorial cartoons and photo essays are not included under the Creative Commons license and therefore do not have the "Republish This Story" button option. "None of this lines up for him to have shot himself in the position where he was found," says Arden. During the grand jury trial, the jury determined that there is not enough evidence to indict anyone for Christian's death. How could they possibly have ruled this a suicide? in the supreme court of mississippi no. Andreacchio's parents Rae and Todd maintain Goodman and Swearingen were involved in their son's . For 15 episodes, Culpable, the newest true crime podcast from Black Mountain Media and Tenderfoot TV, has investigated the death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio, the suspicious circumstances. We do not sell or share your information with anyone. They question why certain people werent interviewed, why police never looked into the fact that Christians vehicle was moved in his work parking lot in Vicksburg the day he died in Meridianand why there has been a lack of communication between the department and the family. Dylan was unable to pull any money out of Christian's account at this time. Dylan leaves to pick up Christian between 3:45 am and 4:00 am. You have permission to edit this article. In the years since Christian's death, Goodman has struggled to hold a job and changed her appearance to avoid the glare of social media, according to her mother. Her explanation, according to police reports, is she and three friends had shot a gun in the early morning hours near Hayes Road in Meridian. Now that the case had been handed off to the state Attorney Generals office, Christians family is hopeful they finally will get some answers. 3776 Lake Shore Dr, Lauderdale. Law enforcement authorities and crime scene re-constructionistslater concluded that certainaspects of the crime scene did not add up: If Christian, who is right-handed, shot himself in his right temple, how did the pistol end up between his left leg and the outside of the bathtub? Cynthia Speetjens, the attorney for the Andreacchios and a former prosecutor for the state, expressed the familys point of view: They have a staged scene and a financial motive and obvious lies. We need to get married, she tells him. Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. x]n0@{m0TUJI#mj!:~n)Ac{^/C?Nb[+vT)Qoxs>NvN.8Yte[o=a8bH Correspondent Peter Van Sant was not present at the filming and Goodman would not take questions, but said of the poem, "It just came to me, like, out of nowhere. Dylan had hidden Christian's gun previously because of an incident where Christian had reportedly held the gun up to his head.While Dylan is out of the apartment, everything seems to take a turn for the worst. Justin would later explain in an episode of the Culpable podcast that within a few minutes of Christian's call, as he was preparing to leave his home to pick him up, Christian called him back and told him that he had someone else coming to pick him up. When he returns from Best Buy, Dylan looks for Christian around the apartment before reportedly finding him in the bathroom, slumped over the bathtub with a gunshot wound to the head. then called 911 and directed them to the apartment and the police arrived and then took control of the scene and asked us to sit in the living room". A second juror was excused from the Christopher Henderson capital murder trial Friday morning. 0:00. In January of 2017, warrants are issued for Whitley Goodman and Dylan Swearingen for the murder of Christian Andreacchio. But it didn't take long before she caused a lot . His death was judged to be a suicide by the department following a 45-minute investigation and autopsy. Christian Andreacchio - Part 2, Conversations: Aaron fr. Dylan had Christian's card at this time, so this places Dylan at the Chick-Fil-A at this time. Reportedly, Whitley Goodman is a woman from Meridian, Mississippi, who used to be the girlfriend of Christian Andreacchio before his demise on February 26, 2014. Chalise Wilson, then-forensic accounts manager for Sorenson,wrote to Christians mother after examination of the crime lab report that the kit used by the lab was old and their company would be able to use a newer one. Christian Andreacchio was a 21-year-old man on track to being one of the youngest towboat captains on the Mississippi River when he died of a single gunshot to the head. He attended Northeast School and Lamar School. Todd Andreacchio is listed as a Member with Del-Rae Services, LLC in Mississippi. According to Dylan, Whitley told Christian that she spent the previous night at another man's house, Matt Miller, who Christian had mentioned in previous conversations with Dylan. Christian was employed with Magnolia Marine in Vicksburg.He was a loyal and loving brother to his brothers and sister and a treasured son to his parents. endstream
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Listen | Culpable Podcast. The family would later decide not to pursue this lawsuit, and it would be dropped. When Swearingen returned to the apartment later that afternoon, apparently after also making a trip to Best Buy, he saw Goodman asleep on the couch. "It's a staged scene.". His parents say he was. However, on the night of the 25th, according to a statement from Cheryl Stanley, a friend and coworker on the boat, Christian began receiving phone calls from a male telling him he had seen Christians girlfriend riding around with a dope dealer in Christians BMW and that he needed to come home. From then until about 5 p.m. that day, the only two people around Christian were Swearingen and Goodman. Christian Andreacchio, left at age 20, and family member Shelton MERIDIAN A misstep by the Meridian Police Department the day 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio died set the tone for the criminal investigation that has stretched into three years. According to Christian's cell phone records, three calls were placed from his phone between 4:48 pm and 4:55 pm. I hope theres some resolution and well know what happens.. The Meridian City Council passed a resolution last month requesting the U.S. Department of Justice open an investigation into the Andreacchio case. Stacy Andreacchio. Uncovered is where the most passionate true crime enthusiasts can learn from and teach others. The Plaintiffs, Todd and Rae Andreacchio ("Plaintiffs"), are the parents of. According to Christian's cell phone records, Dylan places a call to Christian at 12:40 pm. She says she did recall hearing the name Dylan repeatedly during Christians phone conversation. Four GSR collection kits were submitted and sent to be tested, one from Christian, one from Dylan, one from Whitley, and another from Whitley's coat. We're dedicated to keeping Mississippians informed with our thorough reporting. Lauderdale, MS. View Address. However, on the night of the 25. Dylan SwearingenFriend / Acquaintance of Victim, Whitley GoodmanFormer Significant Other Of Victim, Matt MillerPerson With Information / Witness, Jett MillerPerson With Information / Witness, Justin BurnsFriend / Acquaintance of Victim, Mike SimsPerson With Information / Witness, Hayes MitchellPerson With Information / Witness, 5:00am:Christian boards his tugboat for work. The reasoning behind Christian's decision to leave the boat depends on who you ask. Before Dylan leaves, he retrieves Christian's gun from a hiding spot behind a curtain and returns it to him, reportedly telling Christian to "unload it and please don't touch it." Defendant has argued publicly in favor of the Meridian Police Departments conclusion. Peter Van Sant asked Dylan's mother, Pam Swearingen. The lawsuit . Christian's Boat Docks (Approx. Property Number Properties Residents; 1-1499: 44: 179: 1500-1899: 40: 159: 1900+ 44: 114: Long Creek Rd, Meridian MS address records. Watch this episode of 48 Hours to learn more about Christian and his case. Wagner said the state of Mississippi has its own discretion to release the files and photos. Rae, laments the time lost with her son as their 4 year struggle for justice continues. When told of the discovery, prosecutor Kassie Coleman said she was willing to reconvene a grand jury to present the new information. With your help, we've gotten a lot done but we're not finished yet! His death was "prematurely" ruled a. Manner of Death: Suicide. At 21, Christian Andreacchio was making quite the living for himself working on a tugboat in Meridian, Mississippi. Christian set out for a 30-day hitch on Feb. 22, 2014. Christian had great ambitions, as explained by his mother in several interviews. martin guitar service center; white stuff in bottom of canned green beans We have been met with dishonesty and pushback from all agencies. Mr. Andreacchio, 21, of Dalewood died Wednesday, February 26, 2014, in Meridian. Both individuals at the scene had a financial motive to kill Christian, Speetjens said. Still no answer so I walked downstairs and walked into a room that Whitley was sleeping in. Plaintiffs appeal. 1328 Carl Harper Rd, Meridian. be ruled a suicide. Purdue University: Research credit to Forensic Science Students. We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline. To learn more about Christian's case, listen to the Culpable podcast, which is dedicated to sharing Christian's story. It wouldn't take long until Christian would move on to his next big goal, to become the youngest tugboat captain ever at the company he was working for, a goal that he was set to achieve. The following is included in Whitley's statement to police: "At this point, there has been further investigation by multiple agencies that have determined it to be a suicide," says Lauderdale County District Attorney Kassie Coleman, who was not part of the case at the time of the death. Christian boards the tugboat to start his next 30-day hitch at 5:00 in the morning on February 22, 2022. Details. The photographs were public records released by the Mississippi Attorney Generals Office. Afternoon:Dylan returns to the apartment. Swearingen told police Andreacchio was acting erratically before he died. Just because somebodys dead doesnt mean somebody needs to go to jail.. Russell W Andreacchio Jr, Age 68 aka Sean Butler, Sonny Andreacchio, William R Andreacchio, Jr R Andreacchio Current Address: LWRQ Highway 19 S, Meridian, MS Past Addresses: Lauderdale MS, Cuba AL +9 more Phone Number: (601) 604- MXAC +4 phones Email Address: m PSVH +4 emails UNLOCK PROFILE Phone & Email (10) All Addresses (12) POS. According to the release, Andreacchio's. Christians friend Dylan Swearingen called the Meridian police, but investigators who arrived to assess the scene reported were interrupted by an order from then-police chief James Lee to stop investigating and rule the death a suicide. After Whitley, Christian, and Dylan spend some time at the apartment and watch a movie, Dylan offers to go pick up food, to which Christian agrees, and asks him to run a couple of errands while he's out. Dylan later explains the following events that unfolded after returning to the apartment, in a later interview with police: If the death was definitively a suicide, why did the coroner rule it as undetermined?. According to Dylan's statement to police, due to a past experience in which Christian held his gun up to his head, Dylan previously hid Christian's gun behind a curtain in the apartment. Phone records from early January 2014 show Goodman texted Christian about the possibility of being pregnant, the family says. All evidences point to homicide and the truth would have come out years ago if this was handled properly. Christian Andreacchio, son of Todd and Rae Andreacchio (Plaintiffs), died in Meridian, Mississippi. According to his brother, Christian was planning on returning home and ending things once and for all with Whitley and had plans to kick her out of his apartment, where she had been living at the time. Rae Andreacchio, Christian's mother, requests that members of the city council look into "the unauthorized information" that is being posted on an anonymous Facebook page, which she believes "is an obvious attempt to hurt my family". He was in a good mood, Stanley told Mississippi Today about Christians demeanor that night. Mr. Andreacchio advised District Attorney Kassie Coleman that his family wanted the case reopened. Please reload the page and try again. The parents of Christian Andreacchio filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Meridian's chief administrative officer accusing him of publically displaying their son's autopsy photos. In 2017, a Lauderdale County grand jury decided not to indict two people in connection withAndreacchio'sdeath. v. JOSEPH HAMILTON, ET AL. 8534 Lakewood Cir, Lauderdale. 2018), they . In May of 2017, the Andreacchio family files a wrongful death lawsuit. Dr. John C. Halbrook is a Oncologist in Meridian, MS. Find Dr. Halbrook's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. She won awards for her investigative work, including stories about the states campaign finance laws and prison system. The filing status is listed as Dissolved. Mr. Andreacchio, 21, of Dalewood died Wednesday, February 26, 2014, in Meridian. My son was murdered February 26, 2014. According to Christian's cell phone records, there are an additional 3 calls placed to Dylan between 1:37 am and 8:00 am. This request stems from the public release of several documents, which were obtained by the city of Meridian, through this anonymous Facebook account. Low 46F. Pallbearers will be Taylor Dial, Jacob Golden, Chris Thompson, Kellen Smith, Paul Smith and John Flanagan. He had suffered a gunshot wound to the head. Swearingen says Christian gave Swearingen his debit card and told him to pick up the food. Whitley didn't have a strong support system at home, so the Andreacchio's took her in. Reached by phone Wednesday, Wagner denied uploading the photos online, but said he had shared the file with friends. ", Afternoon:Christian is found dead in the bathroom, The following includes the following events from Dylan's police statements: ", After reading the poem, Goodman, whom the Andreacchio family says has not answered key questions about her involvement in Christian's death, said, "I was so confused whenever I started being blamed. Christian Andreacchio Autopsy Result - How Was He Murdered? Visitation will be held Sunday from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the funeral home. He now works as assistant police chief in Durant. I learned about this case last night on crime watch daily and I gotta say, shame on your PD! ", First published on January 8, 2021 / 8:46 AM. When asked why Tabb wasnt contacted until recently given the conflicting reports, Dubose said he could not recall Jettsstatement. He had been promoted twice during his time on the boat and had a goal of being the youngest employee to become captain. I knocked and said 'are you alright?' There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Stacy Andreacchio is 55 years old and was born on 05/18/1967.Stacy Andreacchio lives in Lauderdale, MS; previous city include Meridian MS. Stacy also answers to Stacy R Andreacchio, Stacy Thompson, S R Andreacchio, Rea Andreacchio and Rae Todd Andreacchio, and perhaps a couple of other names.We know that Stacy is married at this point. Whitley was 17 years of age at. There is currently a total of $100,000 being offered as a reward, gathered by the Culpable podcast, which is dedicated to Christian's case. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. Whats in the dark will come to the light. . Rae and Todd Andreacchio also filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Frankie Wagner, a resident of Hattiesburg. Christian and Dylan share multiple phone calls during this time. (AP) Parents of a late 21-year-old Mississippi man are suing a city official they say invited the public to view autopsy photos of their son and discuss the case. You can only publish select stories individually not as a collection. His mother explains that Christian knew since day one that he wanted to work on a tugboat, a dream that he would achieve as soon as he turned 18. Originally, Christian asked his friend Justin to give him a ride back to his apartment, however, Christian would find someone else to pick him up. Afternoon:Christian asks Dylan to run a few errands. Todd Andreacchio. That's when, unexpectedly, Goodman pulled out a poem she wrote about Christian's death. And then, of course, from there there'll be a trial. According to Dylan, Christian had asked him to run by the bank to withdraw all of his money from his account. Its too obvious to everyone I would hope that this definitely wasnt a suicide. The report continues to clarify that the 'indicative particles' do not possess the mixture of characteristics and composition which is necessary to identify them as gunshot residue, due to other potential environmental sources. Authorities. Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. If you'd like to learn more about Christian and his case, join the Justice for Christian Facebook group. Burial will be in Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery. As he sits in his car, he watches the truck pull out of the parking spot, turn around in the street, and leave the complex. ", Goodman said, reciting verses that she says reflect her life after Andreacchio's death, "I miss who I was, the person I once was allowed to be, before the anxiety, the pain and the notoriety. In addition, she said she believes the alleged discussion of a life insurance policy between Christian and Goodman is enough to qualify as a potential motive. The residential address for Todd is 2602 43rd Avnue, Meridian, MS 39307-4269. Who are the residents at 2602 43rd Avenue Meridian, in addition to Todd Andreacchio? I coached Christian in soccer. The Meridian Police Departments ongoing investigation has been lackluster, the Andreacchio family says. Lee, when reached by Mississippi Today, said he couldnt recall the case and therefore couldnt comment. Todd Andreacchio Self - Christian's Father Jonathan Arden Self - Forensic Pathologist (as Dr. Jonathan Arden) Kiera Bergman Self (archive footage) Braydee Bragg Self - Kiera's Sister Chris Bragg Self - Kiera's Father Kiersten Bragg Self - Kiera's Mother Kassie Coleman Self - Disttrict Attorney, 10th Circuit Court Taylor Dial Help keep the momentum going by rejoining our member community today. MERIDIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Christian and Whitley begin to argue shortly after their arrival back at his apartment, about where Whitley was the previous night because both Christian and Whitley had tracking apps on their cell phones at the time. Todd R Andreacchio is a resident of MS. Lookup the home address and phone 6016329339 and other contact details for this person. Goodman's mother, Christie Chatterton, said, "I just want them to know that she did not kill him. Christian, who had been working 30-day hitches out on a tugboat, receives permission from the boat's captain to leave the boat late in the evening of February 25, 2014. "As I walked in I noticed he wasn't on the couch and I walked around the apartment calling him and got no answer. s$EF~|h^^4(/h|1{w?>s3i=VN0z6a[~l;SU=ElG8#C^ k!$
Rae said she and her husband never heard anything further regarding the DNA testing. I feel they (law enforcement) have been thorough and fair as far as I know, he continued. In February 2014, Christian asked his father, Todd Andreacchio, about taking out a life insurance policy. . He was preceded in death by his great-grandfather, Woody Thompson and grandmother, Glenda Thompson. Why isnt internal affairs and FBI all over them right now? I mean, me and him always made joking comments like, If something ever happens to me, I didnt do it, she said, laughing. Results from Whitley's gunshot residue tests concluded that "particles indicative of gunshot residue were observed to be present on the samples in Submissions 004A(Back of Right Hand), 004B(Right Palm), 004C(Back of Left Hand), and 004D(Left Palm). A resident of Meridian addresses the city council. He came on board after former chief Lee was fired following allegations of sexual harassment and what Mayor Percy Bland referred to as a loss of confidence in Lees ability to lead the department. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with Mississippi Today. Although arrest warrants for murder have been issued for Goodman and Swearingen, they have not been arrested. Once the sky turns dark, everyone moves outside. Share your thoughts and memories of Christian. Detective Jerry Bratu with the Meridian Police Department told the family via email on May 24, 2016, he was waiting for the DA to give me a go ahead for the crime lab to release the DNA sample to Sorenson. ", Early Evening:Christian's phone is used to call matt. She was a news producer at MassLive in Springfield, Mass., after graduating from Louisiana State Universitys Manship School of Mass Communications with a masters degree in communications. Last updated: December 17, 2022 Meridian, MS February 26, 2014 Contribute to Christian's Case Overview Timeline Sources Questions Post Question sue Mississippi official over shared autopsy photosABC NEWS News Outlet. There was also an incoming call to Christian's phone from Dylan's mother. Meridian city council approves the request for a Department of Justice investigation. RIP Christian, I pray someday the truth will come out & your killers will be punished. Mr. . View More. Keep this news free and accessible to all by becoming a member and giving a recurring donation of any amount today.
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