
LindaI am a non-litigating, special education attorney involved in education advocacy for over thirty years.  I represent parents of children with various exceptionalities in early intervention, school districts and post high school venues, working in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, and have now extended my practice into South Florida and Virginia.  My practice includes children with autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, social, emotional, and behavioral issues, and giftedness.  Some of the students I serve are dually or triply identified.  Some need more discrete accommodations such as extended time for tests, and some require more extensive or comprehensive remediation.

Nationally recognized as a speaker and advocate for children with special needs, I am admitted to the Bar in Pennsylvania and New York. My Bachelor of Arts degree is from Goucher College and Juris Doctor degree from Suffolk University Law School.  You can see more detailed information on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/linda-heller/4/99a/9a8.

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